1200字范文 > 教师教育课程体系 teacher education curriculum system英语短句 例句大全

教师教育课程体系 teacher education curriculum system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-05-05 11:54:40


教师教育课程体系 teacher education curriculum system英语短句 例句大全

教师教育课程体系,teacher education curriculum system

1)teacher education curriculum system教师教育课程体系


1.Reform of the Training Mode of Teachers Education and the Construction of the Course System;试论师范教育转型与教师教育课程体系的构建

2.Conception of Curriculum-System Reform of Education for Teachers;对我国教师教育课程体系改革的构想

3.Research on the Curriculum System of Teacher Education--Taking the Construction of Teacher Education Curriculum System in the College of Education in Normal Universities as an Example;教师教育课程体系研究——以师范大学教育学院教师教育课程体系建构为例

4.The Establishment of Undergraduate Specialized Course System for Primary Teacher Education in Higher Normal Institutions;高师本科小学教师教育课程体系的构建

5.Establishment of Curriculum System on Pre-service Teacher Education in Local Advanced Normal University地方高师职前教师教育课程体系的构建

6.A survey of curriculum system of PE specialityin Chinese normal university;我国高师体育教育专业课程体系研究

7.The New Curriculums Call for Innovation for Training Primary School Teachers;新课程体系呼唤小学教师教育的创新

8.Explorations in Constructing a New Teaching System of P.E.Pedagogy Curriculum at Teachers Colleges;探索构建高师体育专业教育课程教学新体系

9.Reform on Curriculum System of Continuous Education for Physical Education Teachers of Middle School in Beijing;北京市中学体育教师继续教育课程体系的改革

10.The Position and Function of the System of Public Subject for the Teacher Education in Higher Normal College高师公共课程体系在教师教育中的地位和作用

11.Construction of Normal Chemistry Teacher Education Courses System;高师化学专业教师教育课程群体系建设

12.The Development of Teacher Education and the Reform of Course System the Teachers’ College教师教育发展与高师院校课程体系改革

13.Consideration about educational curriculum reforms in PE specialized educational curriculum system of teachers colleges;高师体育教育专业课程体系中教育类课程改革的思考

14.Research on the System of Vocal Music Curriculum for Music Education in the Normal University;高师音乐教育专业声乐课程体系研究

15.Exploration of Course System for Education Category in Normal Colleges;高等师范院校教育类课程体系的重构

16.Reforming and Refabrication the Curriculum System of Public Education in Higher Teachers Schools;高师公共教育类课程体系改革与重构

17.A New Concept of Curricular Reform of the Music Education Programme in Teachers Colleges;高师音乐教育专业课程改革体系初探

18.Meet the Demand for the Quality Education Reconstruct the Curriculum System of Higher Normal Colleges;按素质教育要求 重构高师课程体系


Curriculum of teacher education教师教育课程

1.The Comparative Research on Curriculum of Teacher Education in China and America;中美两国教师教育课程比较

2.Current condition and tendency of the curriculum of teacher education in USA and European countries have some basic elements, and present some similar characters, because their social background and impetus are very likely.从当前欧美发达国家教师教育课程的现状与发展趋势看,教师教育课程改革的动力与社会背景基本一致,社会环境与教师社会角色的变化促成了课程的变革。

3)teacher education curriculum教师教育课程

1.At last,it presents that it is necessary to accelerate the reform ofteacher education curriculum system.本文从分析"师范教育"和"教师教育"各自的概念内涵及特征入手,阐述了"师范教育"走向"教师教育"所凸显的观念更新,以及推进教师教育课程体系整体变革的迫切性。

2.The pre-serviceteacher education curriculum is a core curriculum in Normal College.职前教师教育课程是高等师范院校的核心课程,对教师的专业化发展具有举足轻重的作用。

3.Teacher education curriculum is a reflection of the education objective of the teacher education institutions, and the quality ofteacher education curriculum has a strong influence on the quality of the prospective teachers.教师教育课程设置则反映了教师教育目标,它的合理与否直接关系到未来教师的素质与水平。

4)education teachers教育类课程教师

1.By investigating the academic papers in various journals nationwide by 200education teachers in Jiangxi Province,this article reflects the present research situation ofeducation teachers.教育类课程教师的科研是培养未来教师师范性能力的重要手段,提高教师业务水平、学术水平的主要途径,也是提高基础教育教学水平,推进改革基础教育改革、全面提高基础教育质量的主要动力。

5)teacher education courses教师教育课程

1.Since the Ministry of Education in the People’s Republic of China (PRC) drafted an action plan for teacher training in the 21st century to upgrade teacher’s professional competence, setting appropriateteacher education courses has been the research focus for the educationists.针对以上问题,本文根据国内外语言教育学家讨论教师专业化最多的四个方面(教师教学观、教师知识结构,教师能力结构以及教师的反思)来整理国内外的文献,发现教师的专业化发展必须注重培养教师的教学观(包括目标与态度和教学观点)外语学科知识结构(包括语言能力和专业教学知识),教学能力(包括英语教学技能以及教学能力)、外语教师发展中不断的反思和学习等几个方面的培养,目前我国师范大学教师教育课程设置能否满足教师专业化发展的需要?因此,本文从我国师范大学教师教育课程设置对英语师范生教师专业化发展的影响这个角度进行实证研究。

2.At present,the system of Britishteacher education courses has become diversified.英国的教师教育课程体系呈现多元化特征。

6)new teachers education curriculum新教师教育课程

1.The research on the implement effects of normal university\"snew teachers education curriculum could help to push ahead the reform of the teachers education curriculum.对师范院校新教师教育课程实施效果的研究,可作为进一步推进和完善教师教育改革的参考和指南。


