1200字范文 > 信息素养标准 Information Literacy Standards英语短句 例句大全

信息素养标准 Information Literacy Standards英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-04-13 02:09:27


信息素养标准 Information Literacy Standards英语短句 例句大全

信息素养标准,Information Literacy Standards

1)Information Literacy Standards信息素养标准


1.The Analysis on the Alaska Library/Information Literacy Standards阿拉斯加《图书馆/信息素养标准》评析

2.On the evaluation criteria of information literacy of higher vocational student nurses;谈高职护理学生信息素养的评价标准

3.Restudied on the Information Literacy Competency Standardsfor Student in the College and University;高等院校学生信息素养能力标准再探

4.A Study on the Information Literacy Competency Standards for Student in the College and University;高等院校学生信息素养能力标准研究

5.The Research on Information Literacy in Condition of the New Curriculum Standard of Information and Technology;信息技术新课程标准下信息素养的研究

6.Cultivation of Teachers Information Literacy under New Curriculum Standard;新课程标准下一线教师信息素养的培养

7.Research and Design of Information Literacy Assessment Standard for Teachers in Primary and Secondary Schools;中小学教师信息素养评价标准的研究和设计

8.American Information Literacy Competency for Higher Education "and Its Enlightenment;“美国高等教育信息素养能力标准”及其启示

9.Standard Two: The information literate student accesses needed information effectively and efficiently.标准二:有信息素养的学生可以有效地获得需要的信息。

10.Standard One: The information literate student determines the nature and extent of the information needed.标准一:有信息素养的学生有能力决定所需信息的*质和范围。

11.Medical information retrieval and use-curriculum reform based on "USA information literacy competency standards for higher education"基于“美国高等教育信息素养能力标准”的“医学信息检索与利用”课程改革

12.Research on the Evaluation Criteria of Information Literacy Education Curriculum in the Institutions of Higher Learning;高校信息素质教育课程评价标准研究

13.Research on the Information Professional Education Standard in Information Age信息时代情报职业人才培养的教育标准研究

14.The Influence of American Higher Education Information Literacy Standards on the Education of Chinese IL in Universities;美国“高等教育信息素质能力标准”对我国高校信息素质教育的影响

15.The Study on Criteria of Information Literacy Qualificaton-Classification on Making the Criteria;分层次制定专业技术人员信息素质评价标准

16.The Education of University Library Users Information Literacy and Its Evaluation Standards;高校图书馆用户信息素质教育及其评价标准

17.Evaluation of Information Literacy Standards for Higher Education Should Be Divided into Various Levels;分层次制定高等教育信息素质评价标准的研究

18.IT Management;信息技术管理──订单处理的标准化促动因素


information literacy信息素养

1.Enhancing hospital information infrastructure to improve medical studentsinformation literacy;加强医院信息化建设 提高医学实习生信息素养

2.Research on the new way to cultivate university studentsinformation literacy;大学生信息素养培养途径的研究及实践

3.Practice and Investigation of the Training of Information Literacy of Medical Staffs in the Local Hospital;地市级医院医务人员信息素养培养的实践与探索

3)information quality信息素养

1.An investigation and analysis based on polytechnic studentsinformation quality;基于高职高专学生信息素养的调查和分析

2.The Informatization of Government Affairs and the Information Quality of Civil Servants;政务信息化与公务人员信息素养

4)Information accomplishment信息素养

1.Analysis of current situations of information accomplishment of teachers in city and countryside;城乡教师信息素养现状的分析与思考

2.On some problems in the education of information accomplishment of college students;论高校大学生信息素养教育的几个问题

3.Task-driven teaching approach and the cultivation of information accomplishment任务教学法与信息素养的培养

5)information attainments信息素养

1.College library should become the center of th e education ofinformation attainments in network environment.对网络环境及网络环境对图书馆的影响进行分析,提出了网络环境下大学图书馆的发展策略:一是大学图书馆要成为网络环境下的信息服务中心;二是大学图书馆成为网络环境下的信息素养教育中心;三是建立大学图书馆信息服务“柔性”组织。

2.Theinformation attainments of editors have direct relation to the efficiency and quality of edit.编辑作为出版信息的加工、处理、存储、传递、传播工作者,所面临的挑战尤其直接、具体,编辑的信息素养直接关系到编辑效率和编辑工作质量的提高。

3.Inspired by the experiences of developed countries and historic experiences of our country on computer education, the importance and necessity of idea changes from elementary computer education toinformation attainments education is presented and some explorations are given on reform of computer courses in normal university.从我国中小学计算机基础教育发展的得失出发 ,借鉴发达国家的先进经验 ,提出了我国现阶段中小学计算机基础教育向信息素养教育转变的必要性与重要性 ,并对信息素养教育的师资培养问题进行了较为具体的探

6)Information attainment信息素养

1.Current situation and development strategy of information attainments of sports majors in normal universities in Shandong province;山东省体育师范生信息素养现状及培养策略

2.Information Attainment of University P.E.Teachers and Innovation of Teaching;高校体育教师的信息素养与教学创新

3.Cultivation Research on Information Attainment Training for In-service Teacher in the Colleges and Universities;在职高校教师信息素养的培育研究


德国国家标准(见德国标准化学会、德国标准体系)德国国家标准(见德国标准化学会、德国标准体系)National Standards of Germany: see Deutsches Institut für Normung, DIN;standards system of GermanyOeguo Guol心日icozhun德国国家标准(Natio.吐S加Ln山切曲of Gen”旧ny)见德国标准化学会;德国标准体系。
