1200字范文 > STT根焊 STT root welding英语短句 例句大全

STT根焊 STT root welding英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-24 16:39:03


STT根焊 STT root welding英语短句 例句大全

STT根焊,STT root welding

1)STT root weldingSTT根焊

1.Application ofSTT root welding in the second WEPP(West-East Pipeline Project)STT根焊在西气东输二线管道焊接工程中的应用


1.Application of STT root welding in the second WEPP(West-East Pipeline Project)STT根焊在西气东输二线管道焊接工程中的应用

2.STT Root Welding Process was Successfully Applied in East Siberia-Pacific Ocean Pipeline ProjectSTT根焊技术在东西伯利亚—太平洋管道工程中的成功应用

3.A Study of STT Wave-control CO_2 Welding Based on DSP基于DSP的CO_2气保焊STT波形控制的研究

4.Application of STT Welding Technology in Russian East Siberia-Pacific Oil Pipeline ProjectSTT焊接技术在俄罗斯远东管道中的应用

5.STT Wave Control of the Welding Power on Gauss Function and Fuzzy Control;基于高斯函数择优和模糊控制的电焊电源STT波控法

6.Research of root welding technology and welding procedure with back-up shoes pipeline girth welding带衬垫的管道环焊缝根焊技术及焊接工艺

7.Research on pipeline girth welding joint with copper infiltration and copper back-up shoes root welding管道环焊缝采用铜衬垫根焊及焊缝渗铜研究

8.Swing Welding Technology of TIG Root Welding on Heavy Thickness Pipe厚壁管TIG根焊摇摆手法焊接技术

9.GMAW short-arc tack welds shall not be incorporated into the root pass.熔化极气体保护焊-短弧点焊焊缝不能与根部焊道合成一体。

10.Root welding process of low hydrogen electrode in the Second West-East Gas Transmission Pipeline Project西气东输二线工程中的低氢焊条根焊技术

11.Three lead wires are soldered to the anchor terminals.在固定接线端子上焊有三根导线。

12.Safety,health and environment protection--basic requirement of modern welding production安全、健康与环保——现代焊接生产的根本

13.Occurrence and Prevention of Gas Pores in RMD Root WeldingRMD根焊技术中气孔的产生与预防

14.Missile Variable Structure Controller Design with Hybrid BTT/STT Logic导弹混合BTT/STT变结构控制器设计与仿真

15.Study and application of metal powder-cored wire and RMD technology in all-position root welding of pipeline金属粉芯焊丝+RMD技术在管道全位置根焊中的研究及应用

16.Study on Wear Resistance of Tillage Stubble Machine Chopper with Flame Powder Spraying and Welding;根茬还田刀具火焰喷焊耐磨性强化研究

17.Gas Pocket Generation Mechanism and Control Measures During PWT Automatic Outside Root WeldingPWT全自动外根焊气孔产生的机理及控制措施

18.Quantitative Calculation for Depth of Welding Root Defect Tested by Radiographic Method管道射线检测时焊缝根部缺陷深度的定量计算


STT semiautomatic root welding半自动STT根焊

1.This paper mainly discusses the technical characteristic of some important root welding technology, such asSTT semiautomatic root welding, inner automatic root welding and external automatic root welding.文章主要论述了长输管道根焊中的纤维素焊条手工根焊、半自动STT根焊、自动内焊机根焊和自动外焊机根焊等先进根焊技术的工艺特点和应用前景。

3)STT type CO2 weldingSTT型CO2焊

4)STT welding power supplySTT焊接电源

5)STT welding technologySTT焊接技术

1.In the light of the construction environment of Russian East Siberia-Pacific Oil Pipeline which passes through high-latitude and severe cold areas,the paper introduces in detail the process characteristics ofSTT welding technology,describes emphatically the regulation way for welding parameters.针对俄罗斯东西伯利亚-远东太平洋管道通过高纬度、严寒地区的特点,详细介绍了管道STT焊接技术的工艺特点,重点阐述了焊接参数的调节方式,通过试验并结合现场实践经验,得出了适合低温环境下STT根焊的工艺参数。

6)surface tension transfer welding (STT)STT表面涨力焊


ST 分子式C9H9N3O2S2,分子量259.19。简名ST,商品名消治龙。白色晶体或结晶粉末。在空气中稳定,遇光变色。熔点200~204℃。难溶于水,溶于丙酮、稀盐酸、氨水和碱溶液。主要用于治溶血性链球菌、脑膜炎球菌、肺炎球菌等感染性疾病。可由2-氨基噻唑与氯化对硝基苯磺酰缩合,再经还原而制得。
