1200字范文 > 阴虚胃热 The deficiency of Yin and heat of stomach英语短句 例句大全

阴虚胃热 The deficiency of Yin and heat of stomach英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-31 04:51:46


阴虚胃热 The deficiency of Yin and heat of stomach英语短句 例句大全

阴虚胃热,The deficiency of Yin and heat of stomach

1)The deficiency of Yin and heat of stomach阴虚胃热

2)yin asthenia of gastropathy阴虚胃病

3)Asthenia of Gastroyin胃阴虚

1.Discuss of the Relations of Asthenic Splenoyin andAsthenia of Gastroyin;浅论脾阴虚与胃阴虚辨证论治特点

2.Objective It aims to evaluate the combining curative effect of Chinese traditional medicine yiwei soup and Western medicine on asthenia of gastroyin.目的观察中药益胃汤结合西药治疗胃阴虚的疗效。


1.The Observation of Chinese and Western Medicine"s Combining Curative Effect on Asthenia of Gastroyin in 76 Cases中西医结合治疗胃阴虚76例疗效观察

2.The Survey of the Relationship between Exfoliated Tongue Coating and Anorexia of the Spleen and Stomach Yin Deficient Type花剥苔与小儿脾胃阴虚型厌食相关性调查

3.The Study of Clinical Efficacy and Mechanism on Jia Jian Yi Wei Tang Ftreating with Yin-Deficiency of Spleen and Stomach Pedo-anorexia加味益胃汤治疗小儿脾胃阴虚型厌食症的临床疗效及作用机理研究

4.Rusults: The syndrome could be divided into3 types: Ganweibuhe, Weiyinkuixu and Piweixuhan.结果:胃炎(脘痛)床证候可分为三类:肝胃不和、阴亏虚、胃虚寒。

5.Clinical Study of Treating Chronic Atrophic Gastritis with Wei-Wei-Kang;胃萎康治疗气阴两虚型慢性萎缩性胃炎的临床研究

6.Clinical Study of Treating Verrucosa Gastritis of Phlegm-stasis Cementation and Deficiency of Yin with Yi-wei-xiao-you-tang益胃消疣汤治疗疣状胃炎(阴虚痰瘀互结型)的临床研究

7.Foreign researches find that date contains some other materials that are particularly effective on inhibiting the cancer cell division and improving human immunity.绿色食品,老少皆宜,长期食用,可补五脏、虚损、心肺、脾胃,滋阴养血。

8.Large dosage can cause headaches, dizziness, vomiting, tremors, gastroenteritis and pathogenic erections.阴虚阳浮﹐满气逆及麻疹已透者忌服。大剂量可能导致头痛﹐晕﹐吐﹐抖﹐胃发炎﹐茎病态勃起。

9.Study on Syndrome of Yin-deficiency from Multi-Models of Yin-deficiency;从多个阴虚病变模型研究阴虚证机理

10.He lounged away the time.他懒散地虚度光阴。

11.You should not loiter your time away.你不应该虚度光阴。

12.He has been dawdling his time away.他中直在虚度光阴。

13.One should not loiter his time away.人们不能虚度光阴。

14.He idles away his time watching television.他看电视虚度光阴。

15.You"re wasting your life.你现在是在虚度光阴。”

16.Don"t trifle away your time, your money.不要虚度光阴、浪费金钱。

17.I"m wasting my time I got nothing to do,我无所适从,虚度光阴。

18.They reveled away the time.他们狂欢作乐虚度光阴。


yin asthenia of gastropathy阴虚胃病

3)Asthenia of Gastroyin胃阴虚

1.Discuss of the Relations of Asthenic Splenoyin andAsthenia of Gastroyin;浅论脾阴虚与胃阴虚辨证论治特点

2.Objective It aims to evaluate the combining curative effect of Chinese traditional medicine yiwei soup and Western medicine on asthenia of gastroyin.目的观察中药益胃汤结合西药治疗胃阴虚的疗效。

4)deficiency of the stomach-yin胃阴亏虚

5)yin deficiency in spleen胃阴虚证

6)Spleen and Stomach Yin deficient脾胃阴虚

1.Objective:To analyze the correlation of exfoliated tongue coating and anorexia of theSpleen and Stomach Yin deficient type, and observe the clinical curative effect of the modified Yi Wei decoction has on anorexia of theSpleen and Stomach Yin deficient type.目的:分析花剥苔与小儿脾胃阴虚型厌食相关性,并观察加味益胃汤治疗小儿脾胃阴虚型厌食的临床疗效。


