1200字范文 > 劈裂破坏 splitting failure英语短句 例句大全

劈裂破坏 splitting failure英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-09 09:43:51


劈裂破坏 splitting failure英语短句 例句大全

劈裂破坏,splitting failure

1)splitting failure劈裂破坏

1.It is of great significance to study the coalescence mechanism ofsplitting failure of rock masses with intermittent joints under compression.利用脆断区长度和荷载之间的关系,从理论上分析了断续节理产生劈裂破坏的贯通机理,并且确定了断续节理岩体发生劈裂破坏的强度。

2.From the perforation mechanism of splitting cracks,the criterion ofsplitting failure is established based on analysis of stress intensity factor of .首先从劈裂裂纹的贯通机制出发,在断裂力学应力强度因子分析的基础上,根据劈裂裂纹的扩展过程确定围岩发生劈裂破坏的判据,然后通过该判据判断围岩的应力状态,确定劈裂范围,并将劈裂围岩视为薄板模型。

3.Thesplitting failure mechanism and anchorage effect are systematically studied from both microcosmic and macroscopic aspect.本文采用理论分析、数值模拟和实验验证相结合的方法,从微观和宏观两个方面系统研究了高地应力条件下围岩劈裂破坏机理及其锚固效应,并将理论分析与工程实践紧密结合,主要完成了以下几个方面的工作:(1)从断裂力学的角度,系统研究了地下工程围岩中的裂纹在各种受力条件下(包括拉剪、压剪两种情况)的起裂、扩展及贯通以致最终形成劈裂裂缝的各个阶段的特征和破坏判据。


1.Study on Mechanical Mechanism and Energy Analysis Model of Splitting Failure in High Geostress高地应力条件下围岩劈裂破坏的力学机理及其能量分析模型研究

2.Novel numerical approach to jointed rock mass simulation: element partition method一种模拟节理岩体破坏的新方法:单元劈裂法

3.Destroy energy dissipation characteristics of cement-tailings backfill under splitting tensile condition水泥尾砂充填体劈裂拉伸破坏的能量耗散特征

4.Quarrying Granite with Water Split by Detonating Fuse Blasting导爆索水压劈裂爆破开采花岗岩石材

5.Rock Splitting Mechanism Numerical Simulating Analysis of the Rock Drill-splitter;钻孔劈裂器破岩机理的数值模拟研究

6.failure envelope破坏包络线断裂点轨迹

7.The act of splitting or cleaving.劈开劈开或撕裂的动作

8.Relating to, causing, or produced by disruption.破裂的,分裂的与分裂有关的;引起混乱的;或由分裂或破坏造成的

9.The Research of Technology of Reinforced Concrete-supporting Beam by Hydraulic Splitter钢筋混凝土内支撑梁液压劈裂破除施工技术研究

10.the remains of something that has been destroyed or broken up.被毁坏或破裂的东西剩下的残余物。

11.The earth is broken up, the earth is split asunder, the earth is thoroughly shaken.地全然破坏,尽都崩裂,大大地震动了。

12.Separatist forces in Taiwan are bent on violating the One-China Principle.台湾分裂势力蓄意破坏一个中国原则。

13.bone fracture associated with lacerated soft tissue or an open wound.骨头断裂软组织受到破坏。

14.To destroy the coherence or connections of.使分裂,使解体破坏…的连贯和关系

15.the collapse of negotiations, sb"s health, law and order谈判破裂、 身体垮掉、 法治败坏

16.Crack Failure Study of Carbon-fiber Composite Reinforced Concrete Beams;碳纤维加固混凝土试件断裂破坏研究

17.The Principle and Countermeasure of Temperature Cracks in Masonry Construction;砖砌体结构温差裂缝破坏机理及对策

18.Reinforcing tensile cracks of historical earthen kiln with soil nailing technique土钉技术补强土质古窑受拉破坏裂缝


Splitting failure peak value抗劈裂破坏峰值

3)brittle splitting failure脆性劈裂破坏

4)splitting blast劈裂爆破

1.In order to find out the correlation between holes parameters,explosive loading parameters,medium strength and blasting-startup parameters,the authors have done a lot of a small scalesplitting blast experiments to prove that the method.炉底残铁的清除是高炉大修工程中的一个重要而又特殊的环节,本文结合某高炉炉底残铁清除的需要,提出了定向劈裂爆破法清除高炉底部残铁的概念,并进行了实验室劈裂爆破实验,研究了钻孔参数、炮孔装药参数、介质强度等物理力学特性参数以及炮孔参数之间的相互关系,并初步确定了残铁劈裂爆破作业技术参数的设计方法;通过残铁劈裂爆破小规模工业试验,对残铁劈裂爆破技术参数设计方法进行了验证;并最终为炉底残铁劈裂爆破工作的具体实施奠定了一种更为先进和可靠的技术基础。


6)Fracture (Failure)破坏,破裂


