1200字范文 > 双休日 weekend英语短句 例句大全

双休日 weekend英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-10 00:34:33


双休日 weekend英语短句 例句大全



1.Onweekend physical optional class development and exam innovation in universities;高等学校双休日体育公选课课程资源开发及教考创新

2.Analysis of the present situation of physical training atweekends of the students in shangqiu teachers college;我院学生双休日体育锻炼现状的分析

3.With the documentary inquiry, questionnaire and statistics method, an investigation was done about the current undergraduatesweekend sports activities status in winter in Mudanjiang city.运用文献资料、问卷调查和数据统计等研究方法,对牡丹江普通高校学生双休日闲暇体育现状进行调查。


1.The advantages of two-day weekends are too much to be listed.双休日的好处不胜枚举。


3.The first day of the two days-off, reviewed English in the morning.今天是双休日的第一天,上午复习英语

4.the disadvantages of two-day weekends are also obvious.双休日带来的坏处也不容忽视,

5.Want a week to be not contained normally double cease day just can arrive account.通常要一个星期不含双休日才会到帐.

6.Plan and Management of Sports Activities in the Campus on the Weekend;大学“双休日”体育活动的策划和管理

7.Analysis of the present situation of physical training at weekends of the students in shangqiu teachers college;我院学生双休日体育锻炼现状的分析

8.The Research on Status and Countermeasures of Leisure Behavior of College Students on Two-day Weekends --Taking Colleges and Universities in Hangzhou as Examples;大学生双休日休闲现状与对策研究——以杭州高校为例

9.A Study on the Characteristics of Leisure Tourism Behavior of Urban Residents in Two-Day Weekends--A Case Study of Hefei City;城市居民双休日休闲旅游行为特征分析——以合肥市为例

10.Weekends Fitness Investigation of High-school Students in Hubei National Minority Area;湖北少数民族地区中学生双休日健身状况调查

11.A Survey of Students Weekends Leisure Time in Vocational Colleges and Consideration;关于高职院校学生双休日生活的调查及思考

12.Investigation and Analysis of University Student’s Weekend;大学生双休日活动调查与社会原因分析

13.The Investigation of Current Situation of Two-day Weekend Physical Training of University Students in Yubei Area;豫北地区大学生双休日体育锻炼现状调查

14.The Investigation on Weekend Sports Activities of Nanjing Women College Students;南京市女大学生双休日体育活动情况调查

15.An Investigation and Analysis on the College Students Weekend Sports Activities in Ningbo City;宁波市大学生双休日体育活动情况调查

16.The Construction and Multitiered Management Research to the Project of Two-day Weekend of College Sports对高校体育双休日工程构建及多层次管理研究

17.Taking advantage of the two-day dayoffs,he basked in the spring sunshine with his family.(他和家人一起沐浴在春天的阳光之下,享受双休日所带来的乐趣。)

18.a two-day weekend provides us comparatively more free time to do what we like.双休日还提供给我们相对更你的自由时间去做我们喜欢做的事。


two-day weekend双休日

1.The result indicates the leisure activities ontwo-day weekends play an important role in the daily life of college students with appearance of many problems such as bad quality, unreasonable structure and low level.从杭州5所大学中随机抽取了400名大学生作为研究对象进行了问卷调查,并结合文献资料、现场访问等研究方法,对杭州大学生双休日休闲行为进行了初步研究。

2.investigates and analyses university student′s physical training state oftwo-day weekend of Yubei area,finds from it: the overall current situation of physical training is more satisfactory that university students of YuBei area participate intwo-day weekend.本文运用文献资料法、问卷调查法、数理统计法、对豫北地区大学生双休日体育锻炼状况进行调查分析,结果表明:豫北地区大学生参加双休日体育锻炼的总体现状比较令人满意,女大学生对短时间的体育锻炼兴趣较浓,乒乓球、篮球和羽毛球是大学生双休日体育锻炼的热门项目,场地不足和学习负担重是制约学生参加双休日体育锻炼的主要因素。

3.The implementation oftwo-day weekend system provides the students more spare time and offers them wider space for sports activities.大学“双休日”工时制的实行,使在校学生休息时间增多了,给健身锻炼及校园体育活动开辟了广阔的空间。


1.Brief Discussion on How to Lead the Vocational College Students to Spend theWeekends;谈对职校生合理度过双休日的引导

4)leisure tour in two-day weekends双休日休闲旅游

1.By analyzing the socio-economic background of Hefei′s residents, their behavior characteristics and Recreational Activity Space (RAS) ofleisure tour in two-day weekends,the author makes the practical study on the behavior characteristics ofleisure tour in two-day weekends of urban residents on the basis of on-the-spot investigation.在实地调查基础上,以合肥市为例,对城市居民双休日休闲旅游行为特征进行实证研究,分析了合肥市民休闲旅游行为特征以及双休日市民休闲旅游的RAS(休闲活动空间)。

5)the system of two-day weekend双休日制度

1.The positive effect caused bythe system of two-day weekend has been made, and some new problems arising among the students have also been analysed by investigating the student s activities circumstamce.通过调查我校学生在双休日的学习、生活情况,肯定了双休日制度产生的正面效应,对学生中出现的新问题进行分析研究,提出了应加强高校管理工作的具体措

6)weekends project双休日工程

1.As an important component ofweekends project,PE courses have established platform for students to participate in sports events and show their talents in sports.体育双休日工程作为课外体育活动的重要组成部分为学生提供了参与体育运动、展示自身体育才能的平台。


