1200字范文 > 城建档案馆 urban construction archives英语短句 例句大全

城建档案馆 urban construction archives英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-22 10:51:04


城建档案馆 urban construction archives英语短句 例句大全

城建档案馆,urban construction archives

1)urban construction archives城建档案馆

1.Human Resources Management of Urban Construction Archives Under the New Situation;新形势下城建档案馆的人力资源管理

2.According to the requirements of information development towards the establishment ofurban construction archives and the situation of building this kind of archives in our country, this paper puts forward the initial concept of building digitizedurban construction archives in our country, and probes into the concrete building strategies and corresponding measures.根据信息化建设对城建档案馆建设的要求和我国城建档案馆建设的现状,提出了建设我国数字化城建档案馆的基本构想,并探讨了具体的建设方略和配套措施。


1.To Disscuss How to Identify the Urban Gonstruction Archives fo Digitalization城建档案馆馆藏档案数字化鉴定工作探讨

2.Thinking on wall reinforcement scheme of one urban construction archives某城建档案馆墙体加固方案引发的思考

3.Study on Design of Small and Medium-sized City"s General Archives in China我国中小型城市综合档案馆建筑设计研究

4.Constructing the City Memory--A Preliminary Exploration of Function Expansion of Archival Research and Codification of City Public Archives建构城市记忆——城市公共档案馆编研功能拓展初探

5.Survey of information construction of archive resourses in Minxi Comprehensive archives and reflection;闽西综合档案馆档案资源信息化建设的思考

6.Discussion on Collaboration and Co-Construction of Archives and Library in Universities and Colleges让高校档案馆“热”起来——对高校档案馆与图书馆协作共建的探讨

7.Archives of the Chinese Council in Batavia and the Actuality of Related Studies吧城华人公馆档案文献及其研究现状

8.Archives of CPC Central Committee(State Archives Bureau)中央档案馆(国家档案局)

9.File Readers Achievements to Promote the Construction of Liberary;建立读者成果档案 为图书馆建设服务

10.The Construction of Harmonious Public Archives in New Period of China;论新时期我国和谐公共档案馆的构建

11.Optimizing the Collected Archives Structure and Building aModel of Open Service;优化馆藏档案结构 创建开放服务模式

12.Construction of the file information service quality evaluation system of the digital archives according to the layer analytical method基于层次分析法的数字档案馆档案信息服务质量评价体系建构

13.Cathedral, Alcazar and Archivo de Indias, in Seville塞维利亚的大教堂、城堡及西印度档案馆

14.Thoughts and Suggestions on Strengthening the Construction of Integrated Archives in the Midwest加强中西部地区综合档案馆建设的思考与建议

15.The Implementation of the Property Law and the Management of Urban Construction Archives;物权法的实施与城市建设档案的管理

16.To Use Archives Culture to Consolidate the Foundation of City Civilization Construction;用档案文化夯实城市文明建设的基础

17.The Feature, Value and Exploitation of Urban Construction Archives;城建档案的特点,价值及其开发利用

18.Public Relations and the Opening Management of Urban Development Archives公共关系与城建档案工作的开放管理


urban construction archives城建档案

1.Some thinking on the information management ofurban construction archives;对城建档案信息化管理的一些思考

2.Management and utilization ofurban construction archives;浅谈城建档案管理及开发利用

3.How to strengthen the basic management work of theurban construction archives;浅谈如何加强城建档案基础管理工作

3)archives of city construction城建档案

4)Archives Construction档案馆建筑

5)construction of digital archives档案馆建设

6)City Public Archives城市公共档案馆

1.Constructing the City Memory——A Preliminary Exploration of Function Expansion of Archival Research and Codification ofCity Public Archives建构城市记忆——城市公共档案馆编研功能拓展初探


