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实习实训 practice and training英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-05-24 05:39:37


实习实训 practice and training英语短句 例句大全

实习实训,practice and training

1)practice and training实习实训

1.But the building of thepractice and training bases needs a huge fund,and how can we solve the problem? This paper has investigated three methods which make use of social resources mode to establish thepractice and training bases for the students,so as to solve the problem of the huge fund needed to construct the bases.实习实训是培养应用型人才不可或缺的教学环节。

2.According to the capability-oriented teaching concept, the authors, by the method of DACUM, made a scientific analysis on the social sports majors’practice and training so as to decide a diagram of capability.以能力本位教育思想为依据,运用职业技能分析图表(DACUM)方法对社会体育专业实习实训的内容进行科学的分解,确定能力素质图表,并依次为依据,构建出社会体育专业的三节段实习实训方案。

3.This paper maintains that the key of sustaining development of Higher Vocational education is to further the reform of teaching and construct an effective operating mechanism for Higher Vocational College students’practice and training.本文指出保持高等职业教育的可持续发展,关键在于深化教学改革,努力构建高职学生实习实训的有效运行机制,重点提出了三项改革措施,以培养适应21世纪的多层次的技术应用型人才。


1.Practical Training Programming Design Prior to Displacement Practice“顶岗实习”前的实习实训方案设计实践

2.The Construction and Thought of Practical Training Base of Higher Education;高职教育实习实训基地的建设与设想

3.To foster innovative ability of students of higher professional college in practice and training;高职学生实习实训中创新能力的培养

4.A Brief Discuss on the Planning Issues of Developing Traing Bases in Higher Vocational Colleges;浅谈高职高专实习实训基地建设的实施方案

5.Practice Company: A Probe into the Practical Training Model for Students Majoring in Marketing;实习公司——市场营销专业学生实习实训模式的探索

6.pre-rider officer training主任级职前实习训练

7.On Lab Experience,Real Practice and Field Work of Higher Technical and Vocational College;高职院校实验、实训、实习教学初探

8.Practice of Nursing Skills Training Before Internship in Nursing Students护生实习前实施护理操作集训的实践

9.The research and practise for practical base and training through the cooperation between school and enterprise校企共建实训、实习基地的研究与实践

10.One who is being trained.受训者,实习生正在接受训练的人

11.The Teaching Practice of Comprehensive Accentuation Training before Nursing Students Practice;护生实习前综合强化训练的教学实践

12.Research on the function of training practice base of high vocational education colleges;对高职院校实训实习基地功能的探讨

13.To train or serve as an intern.做实习生作为一名实习生而培训或服务

14.Strengthen the skills training of medical students before practice and improve the practice quality强化医学生实习前技能培训 提高实习质量

15.The methods and experience of standardized training before internship for nursing students护理实习生实习前规范化培训的方法及体会

16.Study and Exploration on Enhancing the Practice Teaching Quality of Veterinary Clinical Courses提高兽医临床课程实训实习质量的实践

17.Incorporate English learning as part of our school yearly effectuation.(1)将英语学习纳入年度训练计画实施。

18.Training Underachievers Learning Strategies in Teaching English in Junior High School;初中学困生英语学习策略训练的实施


practical training实习实训

1.This paper focuses on the successful experience of Germany in vocational education based upon the three - monthpractical training in Germany of our college students specializing in marketing.德国在世界上拥有较为完善的职业技术教育,该文着重从广东农工商职业技术学院派出的市场营销专业学生到德国实习实训的经历,探讨德国职业技术教育的成功经验,并就我国在发展职业技术教育中如何培养适应社会需要的各种合格职业技术人才等提出一些现实思考。

3)training and practice实习与实训

4)internship training实习培训

5)Intern Training实习生培训

6)pre-practice training实习前培训

1.Experiences ofpre-practice training to improve the medical students" professional qualities开展实习前培训 提高医学生职业素质的教学实践与体会


