1200字范文 > 成就与经验 achievements and experience英语短句 例句大全

成就与经验 achievements and experience英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-02-24 09:45:18


成就与经验 achievements and experience英语短句 例句大全

成就与经验,achievements and experience

1)achievements and experience成就与经验

1.A Survey of the International Symposium on"Achievements and Experience of China"s Thirty Years of Reform and Opening Up"Sponsored by Vietnam越南“中国改革开放30年的成就与经验”国际研讨会综述


1.Exploitation and Summerization of Achievements and Experiences of Development of Mass Sports in Beijing City北京群众体育发展的成就与经验探析

2.Success and Experience of Population Modernization of the Chinese Korean People;中国朝鲜族人口现代化的成就与经验

3.Basic Achievements and Experience of the CCP in the 80 - Year Economic Work;中国共产党八十年经济工作的基本成就与经验

4.Achievements and Lessons in the Construction of Modern Country since the Opening;改革开放以来中国现代国家构建的成就与经验

5.Discussing the Achievement and experience of Practice of the Regional National Autonomy in YUN NAN;论民族区域自治在云南实践的成就与经验

6.The Achievements and Experience of Shaanxi Province′s Introducing, Cnltivating,and Popularizing the High-Quality Seed of Wheat and Cotton in the Era of the Republic of China;民国时期陕西棉麦良种改进的成就与经验

7.Achievements and experiences in the coordination construction between the urban and rural areas and the new rural construction in Zhejiang Province浙江省统筹城乡建设新农村的成就与经验分析

8.On the Achievements and Experiences of Social Education in Henan Countryside during 17 Years after the Founding of the People s Republic of China;试论建国后十七年河南农村社会教育的成就与经验

9.A Survey of the International Symposium on"Achievements and Experience of China"s Thirty Years of Reform and Opening Up"Sponsored by Vietnam越南“中国改革开放30年的成就与经验”国际研讨会综述

10.Shenzhen Special Economic Zone: Development Achievement, Experience Enlightenment and Prospect Forecast;深圳经济特区:发展成就、经验启示与前景展望

11.On the Achievement, Characteristic and Experience of 27 Years Economic Legislation since Our Reform and Opening to the World;论改革开放27年经济立法的成就、特色与经验

12.On the achievements,problems,experience and lessons of Chinese contemporary biography;论中国当代传记文学的成就、问题与经验教训

13.Achievements,Experiences and Issues on the Development of Agricultural Product Quality and Safety in China;我国农产品质量安全发展的成就、经验与问题

14.The Chinese Communist Party Has Been Built Up Which Servesthe Interests of the People, Combats Corrupted Officials and AdvocatesHonest & Clean Government, Thus Winning the Peoples Confidence;中国共产党8O年反腐倡廉的成就、经验与启示

15.Achievem ents and Experiences of Moral Education in Colleges in the New Era;新时期高校德育的历史成就与基本经验

16.The Achievements and Historical Experiences of the Construction of Cultural Management System in New China新中国文化管理体制建设的成就与历史经验

17.The Achievement,Experience and Prospect of Judicial Construction in China中国司法建设三十年的成就、经验与展望

18.The Historical Progress and the Basic Experience of Marxism in China:the Exploration and Achievement in Past 60 Years since the Founding of People"s Republic of China马克思主义中国化的历史进程与基本经验——建国60年的探索与成就


experiences and achievement经验与成果

1.Theexperiences and achievement in applying the lining design construction for the clay subgrade;粘土路基开展设计线法施工的经验与成果

3)effectiveness and experi- ence成效与经验

4)employment history就业经验

5)College student experience就读经验

6)Achievement test成就测验

pared with classical test theory and item response theory,the knowledge engineering based approach could improve the test validity,especially,the knowledge space theory is very useful for the developing of achievement test.与经典测验理论、项目反应理论相比,基于知识工程的方法能够更好地提高测验的效度,特别是知识空间理论对于编制成就测验是非常有用


