1200字范文 > 石油资源型城市 cities of oil resource英语短句 例句大全

石油资源型城市 cities of oil resource英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-02 22:06:08


石油资源型城市 cities of oil resource英语短句 例句大全

石油资源型城市,cities of oil resource

1)cities of oil resource石油资源型城市

1.There are many restrictions in the sustainable development ofcities of oil resource.石油资源型城市的可持续发展受到多重因素的制约,单一的产业结构使城市的可持续发展受到极大的影响。


1.Economy Restructuring Measures Study of China"s Petroleum Resource-based Cities我国石油资源型城市经济转型的对策研究

2.Problems and Treatment in the Sustainable Development of China s Cities of Oil Resource;我国石油资源型城市持续发展中存在的问题及对策

3.Experience and Inspiration of Vicissitude of Petroleum Resource Cities in the World;世界石油资源城市兴衰的经验及启示

4.Game model research on the industrial transformation in oil and gas resource-based cities;油气资源型城市产业转型的博弈模型

5.Evaluation of Sustainable Development Policy of Resource-based City:With Huangshi City as the Study Case资源型城市可持续发展政策评价——以黄石市为例

6.Choice of Industrial Development Orientation in Resource-exhausted City Shizuishan资源枯竭型城市石嘴山市产业发展方向选择

7.The experiences,lessons and important enlightenment of the world petroleum resource cities;世界石油资源城市兴衰成败的经验教训及重要启示

8.The Research of Industry Transition in the Oil-based Region Where the Oil Resource Gradually Exhausts;石油资源渐趋枯竭油区产业转型研究

9.The countermeasure about construction to harmonious society in the resoureces city;论资源型城市构建和谐社会的对策——以黄石市为例

10.Study on optimization of sustainable development of coal mineral type city taking Shizuishan city in Ningxia as an example;煤炭资源型城市可持续发展优化研究——以宁夏石嘴山市为例

11.Policy Suggestions of Promoting Resource-exhausted City Shizuishan to Support the Sustainable Development促进资源枯竭型城市石嘴山市可持续发展的若干扶持政策建议

12.The transform of the resource city in china-A case study of Shi Zuishan eco-city in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region我国资源型城市转型典型案例研究——以宁夏石嘴山生态城市建设模式为例

13.Research on Urban Management and Resource-Based Cities Sustainable Development;论城市经营与资源型城市可持续发展

14.Discussion On the Urban Public Security and Emergency Management of Petroleum and Gas Resource-Intensive City油气资源型城市公共安全与应急管理问题的探讨

15.Research on the Optimization Model of Systematical Economic Structure about Petroleum Cities;石油城市系统经济结构优化模型研究

16.Construction of SD Model of oil Resource and Social Economic System;石油资源-社会经济系统SD模型的建立


18.An Analysis on the Conflict Between Land and Mineral Resource in Resource Based City;资源型城市土地资源与矿产资源冲突问题分析


petroleum resource cities石油资源城市

1.The experiences,lessons and important enlightenment of the worldpetroleum resource cities;世界石油资源城市兴衰成败的经验教训及重要启示

3)petroleum and gas resource-intensive city油气资源型城市

4)resources-based cities资源型城市

1.Conditions analysis and mode choice of sustainable development of Heilongjiang province’sresources-based cities黑龙江省资源型城市可持续发展条件分析与模式选择

2.Study on the transformation strategy ofresources-based cities based on the urbanization performance基于城镇化绩效的资源型城市转型战略

3.A large number ofresources-based cities in China now are facing severe environmental problems after long-term excessive exploiting,slowing down the sustainable development of the economy and society.我国资源型城市数量众多,长期的掠夺式开发造成了严重的矿区环境破坏,制约了这些城市经济和社会的可持续发展。

5)resource-based city资源型城市

1.Atlas analysis of land use/cover change process in aresource-based city.;资源型城市土地利用/土地覆被变化过程的图谱研究

2.A study on theresource-based city——A case of Leiyang City Hunan Provine;资源型城市可持续发展研究——以湖南耒阳市为例

3.Research on the function and development countermeasure of small and medium-sized enterprises inresource-based city;资源型城市中小企业作用与发展对策研究

6)resources-based city资源型城市

1.Analysis of ecological footprints ofresources-based city;资源型城市生态足迹分析

2.The empirical study on the tourism resource development ofresources-based city:taking Linfin as an example;资源型城市旅游资源开发的实证研究——以山西临汾为例

3.Taking Anshan city,a typicalresources-based city as a case,the research analyzes the dynamic characteristics of industrial structure and environmental quality from evolution viewpoint,and explores the interaction between industrial structure and environmental quality by using the canonical correlation analysis.产业结构是经济活动与生态环境相互作用的重要纽带,资源型城市产业结构演变的环境影响具有独特的研究价值。


