1200字范文 > 风力干法选煤 pneumatic dry separator of coal preparation英语短句 例句大全

风力干法选煤 pneumatic dry separator of coal preparation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-05-23 03:40:05


风力干法选煤 pneumatic dry separator of coal preparation英语短句 例句大全

风力干法选煤,pneumatic dry separator of coal preparation

1)pneumatic dry separator of coal preparation风力干法选煤

2)coal selection by wind power风力选煤

3)dry cleaning干法选煤

1.The research and application ofdry cleaning terhnology are outlined in this paper.对干法选煤技术研究及应用作了综述,认为大力发展高效干法选煤技术是当务之急,并指出了空气重介流化床干法选煤技术的应用前景。


1.Research on Technology of Modular Air-solid Fluid Bed Dry Separation of Coal模块式气固流化床干法选煤技术的研究

2.Study of Structural Parameters of Coal Separator of Dry Beneficiation with Air Dense-medium Fluidized Bed空气重介流化床干法选煤机结构参数的研究

3.Research on High Gradient Permanent Magnetic Separating Desulphurization of Micro-fine Coal by Dry Method before Combustion微粉煤燃前干法永磁高梯度磁选脱硫基础研究

4.Study on experimantal effect of magnetic property and dry permanent high gradient magnetic separation in fine coal微粉煤磁性及其对干法高梯度磁选影响的试验研究

5.Optimization of Picked Refuse System and Improvement on Operation Method in Renlou Coal Preparation Plant任楼煤矿选煤厂选矸系统优化及操作方法改进

6.Conversion of coarse slime system by application of a teetering bed separator粗煤泥系统采用干扰床分选机的改造

7.Applied research on teetered bed separator for coarse slime separationTBS干扰床分选机在粗煤泥分选中的应用研究

8.noncoking coal非焦化煤, 干烧煤

9.Feasibility Study of Dry-Method Recovery of Iron Powder in Fly Ash from Coal Power Station燃煤电厂干法回收粉煤灰铁粉工艺的可行性

10.Determination of moisture in coal--Microwave drying methodGB/T15334-1994煤的水分测定方法微波干燥法

11.Calculation and Selection of Drying Media for Steel Ball Coal Grinder with Dual Ins and Dual Outs双进双出钢球磨煤机干燥介质的计算选取

12.Experimental Study of Magnetic Property and Dry Magnetic Separation of Fine Coal煤粉磁特性及干式磁选脱硫降灰的试验研究

13.Test for carbonization of coal in aluminum retortGB/T480-1987煤的铝甑低温干馏试验方法

14.Gray-king assay for coalGB/T1341-1987煤的葛金低温干馏试验方法

15.Technology Research of Dry Separation on Fly Ash Cenosphere干法分离提取粉煤灰微珠的工艺研究

16.Dry Dedusting System"s Design Characteristic of 210 t-Converter Gas of Qian"an Steel Plant迁钢210t转炉煤气干法除尘设计特点

17.Application of PLC to Density Control System of Heveay-media Coal Separion重介法选煤密度控制系统中PLC的应用

18.The Evaluation Methodology for Selecting of the Coal-bed Methane′s Blocks and Their Benefits煤层气项目选区及效益综合评价方法


coal selection by wind power风力选煤

3)dry cleaning干法选煤

1.The research and application ofdry cleaning terhnology are outlined in this paper.对干法选煤技术研究及应用作了综述,认为大力发展高效干法选煤技术是当务之急,并指出了空气重介流化床干法选煤技术的应用前景。

4)dry coal cleaning干法选煤

1.The paper summarizes some problems found in dust precipitation system of current existingdry coal cleaning processes and some considerations and methods for improving the design are put foreward in the paper.介绍了现有干法选煤除尘系统存在的问题,提出了改进设计的思路和方法。

2.Principle and problems existing in use about 2ZQB2030 medium draining screen,the matching equipment ofdry coal cleaning by use of air-dense medium fluidized bed was introduced.介绍空气重介流化床干法选煤的配套设备2ZQB2030干法脱介筛的工作原理,分析运用中存在的问题,针对存在的问题提出了相应的改进措施。

5)dry coal preparation干法选煤

1.The main merits and demerits of three types ofdry coal preparation facilities is discussed and it is proved that stroke adjustment, wastage of energy,height of machine should be improved.介绍了我国研制或引进的三种干法选煤设备的主要优缺点 ,综合分析认为 ,冲程调节 ,设备高度降低 ,分选效果及生产能力等都与激振器有关 ;提出使用一种同步带传动差动激振器 ,可调节冲程 ,降低设备高度 ,减小动力消耗 ,改进整机性能 ,达到提高生产能力、改善分选效果的目的。

pounddry coal preparation is a new type method.复合式干法选煤是中国独创的一种新型选煤方法。

3.The paper gives a detailed description of the process characteristics and the process flow sheet and the calculating method ofdry coal preparation with air dense medium flui dized bed.详细介绍了空气重介干法选煤的工艺特点、流程结构及工艺流程计算方法。

6)dry cleaning of coal干法选煤

1.A technic and economic evaluation of thetest withdry cleaning of coal in coking coal mine;焦煤矿干法选煤试验的技术经济评估

2.Thedry cleaning of coal with ADMFB is a cleaning technique of coal with great economic value.空气重介流化床干法选煤工艺是一项具有重大经济价值的洁净煤技术。


风力风力wind forcefengli风力(windfo犯e)风的强度。气象上用蒲福风级表示风力大小的等级(见485页表),即对应于一定风速范围的风对地面(或海面)物体影响程度,将风的强度从弱到强依次定出的等级,系英国人F,蒲福于l8()5年所拟定,以后几经修改。自l洲6年以来,修订为18个等级(0~17级)。(朱淑兰)
