1200字范文 > 思路与经验 Thoughts and experience英语短句 例句大全

思路与经验 Thoughts and experience英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-01 20:36:41


思路与经验 Thoughts and experience英语短句 例句大全

思路与经验,Thoughts and experience

1)Thoughts and experience思路与经验

2)thought and way思路与途经

1.These fruits involve such problems as proposing that the socialist core value system leads the social thoughts,necessity and possibility of leading and thethought and ways etc.这些研究成果涉及社会主义核心价值体系引领社会思潮命题的提出、引领的必要性与可能性、引领的思路与途经等问题。

3)empirical thought经验之思

1.In the course of reconstruction,empirical thought and metaphysical thought make up of the content of reconstruction and play an important role in modernizing ethos in the contemporary era.在这一过程中,近代知识分子一方面将西方的自由、民主、科学等经验之思提升为形上之思以应对双重危机。


1.Empirical Thought and Metaphysical Thought in Reconstructing National Ethos in Modern China;近代中国民族精神重构中的经验之思与形上之思

2.Listen to the voice of experience, but also make use of your brain.--Aesop要听经验之读,也要自己思考。——伊索

3.Our views on the basic experience of Marxism Chinatization;马克思主义中国化的基本经验之我谈

4.HONG Rengan s Experience of Visiting Hong Kong and His Ideas of Urban Modernization;洪仁玕游历香港之经验与其城市现代化思想

5.Thinking about the Limit Wittgenstein on the Subject Beyond Empirical Subject;界限之思——维特根斯坦对于经验主体的超越

6.Cultural Tradition and Urban Experience --A Rethink on Shanghai Cultural Studies;文化传统与都市经验——上海文化研究之反思

7.A Comparison between Dewey"s Concept of Experience and Marx"s Concept of Practice杜威“经验”概念与马克思“实践”概念之比较

8.The Late Zhang Kewei s Educational Mentality and Experience-- Reminiscences of the late veteran president on the occasion of celebrating the 50th anniversary of thefounding of Shenyang Agricultural University;张克威的教育思想和办学经验——在50周年校庆之际对老院长的追思

9.On Experience Thinking;论经验思维——自然语言基本思维方式系列研究之一

10.Experience is the child of thought, and thought is the child of action. We cannot learn men from books. (Benjamin Disraeli, British statesman)经验是思想之子,思想是行动之子,了解他人不可以书本为据。(英国政治家迪斯雷利.)

11.of or characteristic of a system of philosophy emphasizing the intuitive and spiritual about the empirical and material.属于或具有超越思想和经验,以直觉为基础的哲学体系之特征。

12.Reflecting the History of the Rise of Soviet Union in the 20th Century不能承受的大国之重——对20世纪苏联崛起历史经验与教训的思考

13.Legitimate Expectation in Administrative Guidance: Investigation of and Thoughts on the Experiences of Quan Zhou Industrial and Commercial Management Bureau;行政指导之中的合法预期——对泉州工商局实践经验的考察与思考

14.Hanging Between Theory and Experience--Status Quo of Theoretical Research on Science of National Security Defense and Its Reflections;悬挂于理论与经验之间——国内安全保卫学的理论研究现状及其反思

15.On the Spirit of Rational Criticism above the Personal Experience --the ideological value of Jottings on Dreamless House;个体经验之上的理性批判精神——《无梦楼随笔》的思想价值

16.Some Considerations on City Management of Beijing--Learning Something From the Concepts and Experiences of American City Management;对北京城市管理的几点思考——美国城市公共管理理念及经验之借鉴

17.Study of Geiger s Aesthetics: Experience and Subject;审美经验与审美对象——莫里茨·盖格尔美学思想研究之

18.Lessons from the Thought Reconstruction after the Serious Natural Disasters人类历史上特大自然灾害灾后思想重建之经验借鉴


thought and way思路与途经

1.These fruits involve such problems as proposing that the socialist core value system leads the social thoughts,necessity and possibility of leading and thethought and ways etc.这些研究成果涉及社会主义核心价值体系引领社会思潮命题的提出、引领的必要性与可能性、引领的思路与途经等问题。

3)empirical thought经验之思

1.In the course of reconstruction,empirical thought and metaphysical thought make up of the content of reconstruction and play an important role in modernizing ethos in the contemporary era.在这一过程中,近代知识分子一方面将西方的自由、民主、科学等经验之思提升为形上之思以应对双重危机。

4)experience thinking经验思维

1.Experience thinking refers to extension and expanding of experience.经验思维是指经验认识的延伸和拓展,是一种从实际经验出发思考和解决问题的、比较初级的思维类型,中医理论的建构常立足于日常生活经验,借助于生活经验常识、农业生产经验以及天文现象观察经验等,推导出相应的认知路径,并得出结论。

5)Yang Si Experience洋思经验

bination and Application of "Completed Teaching Process andYang Si Experience" in History Teaching in Senior Middle School;“过程完整化”模式和“洋思经验”在高中历史教学中的整合运用

6)empirical thinking经验思维

1.A judge’s thinking should be multi-dimensional, which is the unification of meticulous logic andempirical thinking as well as the unification of value judgment and abstract philosophy.经验思维,是直接与客观存在相接触,没有任何中间环节,它可以有效避免因非直接接触而产生的失误;由此,经验思维便可能使自己与客观存在保持尽可能的同一。

2.Since the late 1970s, there have emerged in Chinese novels three thinking modes- empiricalthinking, superempirical thinking and sensual thinking-because of dissimilarities in the logical starting-point, logical path and logical destination of thinking.20世纪70年代末期以来的中国小说,因思维的逻辑起点、逻辑路径、逻辑指归等差异,形成经验思维、超验思维和感觉思维三种思维方式,并大体历时流变。


