1200字范文 > 膝关节病 Knee joint disease英语短句 例句大全

膝关节病 Knee joint disease英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-17 02:15:08


膝关节病 Knee joint disease英语短句 例句大全

膝关节病,Knee joint disease

1)Knee joint disease膝关节病


1.Treatment of knee arthropathy with rotating-platform knee prosthesis in 62 cases旋转平台膝关节假体置入治疗膝关节病62例

2.Total knee arthroplasty for treatment of severe knee joint diseases in 118 cases人工膝关节置换治疗重症膝关节病118例(英文)

3.The Clinical Observation on Effect of Degeneration Goint Disaese of Knee Treated by Xikang Injecyion;膝康注射液治疗退行性膝关节病的临床观察

4.Clinical Application of Rotating Hinge Knee Arthroplasty in Complex Gonarthrosis;人工旋转铰链膝关节置换术在复杂膝关节病变中的临床应用

5.The Clinical Analysis of the Treatment of Total Knee Replacement to Severe Gonarthritis;人工全膝关节表面置换术治疗重症膝关节病的临床分析

6.Ultrasonic Observation of Knee Joint Pathological Changes Because of Rheumatoid Arthritis(RA)38例类风湿性关节炎膝关节病变的超声观察

7.For knee joint ache: The focus of the knee joint is on the both side of the knee, pointed out by binger in the following pictures.六、膝关节疼痛患者:膝关节疼痛的病灶在膝盖骨的两侧,手指的地方。

8.Total Knee Arthroplasty for Treatment of Severe Degenerative Knee Osteoarthritis人工膝关节置换治疗重度膝关节退行性骨关节病

9.Knee arthroplasty using rotating hinged knee systems for complex knee disease旋转铰链式膝关节假体置换治疗复杂膝关节疾病

10.Good. Do you have any back or knee problems?好。你的背部和膝关节有什么毛病吗

11.The patient underwent a right total knee replacement.病人接受全右膝人工关节置换术。

12.All patients were admitted because of pain. The course of disease was from 1 to 7 years.患者均因膝关节疼痛入院,病程1~7年。

13.Magnetic Resonance Imaging Diagnosis of Traumatic Knee Joint Disorders创伤性膝关节疾病的磁共振成像诊断

14.External Application of Herbal Medicine and TDP in Treatment of 63 Cases of Knee osteoarthritis中药外用配合TDP治疗膝骨关节病63例

15.The Case-Control Study on Risk Factor of Knee Osteoarthritis;膝关节骨性关节炎危险因素的病例对照研究

16.Unicompartmental Knee Arthroplasty for Single Compartmental Knee Osteoarthritis单髁置换治疗膝关节骨性关节炎单间室病变

17.Value of arthroscopic therapy for osteoarthritis with baker"s cyst关节镜微创手术治疗膝骨关节病伴Baker"s囊肿

18.Ho: YAG laser operations under the arthroscope for knee diseases (a report of 37 cases)关节镜下钬激光治疗膝关节疾病(附37例报告)



1.Analysis onGonarthrosis with Arthroscorpe;关节镜诊治膝关节病临床分析

2.A clinical Study of Hyaluronic Acid to TreatGonarthrosis;透明质酸钠治疗膝关节病及临床观察


1.Discuss clinic effect of knee arthroplasty forarthropathy;人工关节置换术治疗膝关节疾病的探讨

4)Knee Osteoarthropathy膝骨关节病

1.Objective To learn about the incidence rate, characteristics and nature of pain, related risk factors of and TCM treatment effect for knee osteoarthropathy(OA), in order to guide the elderly patients with OA in effective treatments.目的了解广州市越秀区老年膝骨关节病(OA)的患病率、疼痛特点及性质、相关危险因素及中医治疗效果,指导老年膝骨关节病患者更有效地进行疾病防治。

5)arthropathy of the knee joint膝关节病变

1.Objective: Comparing the sonography with the images of MRI, we discuss the value of sonography to reveal the normal structure andarthropathy of the knee joint and summarize the characteristics of sonogram to evaluate its diagnostic values.目的:利用超声与MRI检查对照,探讨超声显示膝关节正常结构与病变的能力,总结其声像图特点,探讨超声对膝关节病变的诊断价值。

6)Knee lesion膝关节病损


跟距关节融合和跗中关节离断术跟距关节融合和跗中关节离断术Syme amputation踝部截肢时,胫骨下关节软骨切除、保留软骨下骨质,切除距骨和跟骨,保留跟骨后部骨膜和跟下脂肪垫,将其与胫骨残端骨膜缝合。残端负重性能好,也方便安装假肢。
