1200字范文 > 热塑性酚醛树脂 Novolac英语短句 例句大全

热塑性酚醛树脂 Novolac英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-05-24 02:32:23


热塑性酚醛树脂 Novolac英语短句 例句大全



1.Clean Production ofNovolac;热塑性酚醛树脂的清洁生产

2.Study on environmental-friendly synthesis of novolac;热塑性酚醛树脂环保合成工艺的研究

3.According to the laboratory condition, a primary microwave device suitable for the uninterrupted experiment for novolac was modified based on domestic microwave ovens.首次将微波这种能量形式引入热塑性酚醛树脂的合成反应中,在详细分析了微波辐射下树脂合成特点的基础上,结合基础化学试验室的实际情况,以家用微波炉为基础,设计改装了一套能初步适用于热塑性酚醛树脂连续化试验的微波合成装置。


1.Study on a Novel Technology to Produce Novolac for a Clean Production;热塑性酚醛树脂绿色生产新工艺的研究

2.The Research of Anti-blocking Novolac Resin for Shell Process壳法用抗粘连结块热塑性酚醛树脂的研究

3.Optimization of Synthesis Technology of Thermoplastic Phenolic Resin by Orthogonal Test正交试验优化热塑性酚醛树脂合成工艺

4.Effect of thermoplastic phenolic resin on properties of carbon fibers reinforced resin matrix composites热塑性酚醛树脂对碳纤维环氧树脂基复合材料性能的影响

5.The influence of different synthetic procedures of novolac on gelation speed and softing point was investigated.研究了不同合成工艺对壳法用热塑性酚醛树脂聚合速度和软化点的影响。

6.The results showed that a kind of fast curing novolac for shell process whose softing point is reasonable was easily prepared by compound catalysis.试验表明,采用复合催化法很容易制备聚合速度快且软化点适宜的壳法用热塑性酚醛树脂。

7.Xylene resin modified phenolic molding compound二甲苯树脂改性酚醛压塑粉

8.Study on glutaraldehyde modified phenolic resin and phenolic foam properties戊二醛改性酚醛树脂及对泡沫塑料性能的研究

9.Synthesis and Characterization of Phenolic Resin with High Char Yield高残炭热固性酚醛树脂的合成及表征

10.Non-isothermal Curing Kinetics of Phenolic Resin/Epoxy Resin Composite热固性酚醛树脂固化环氧树脂反应动力学研究

11.Such thermosetting resins as phenolformaldehyde resins, ployester resins, and epoxy resins do not belong under this classification.像酚醛树脂、聚酯树脂和环氧树脂等热固性树脂不属于此类。

12.Study on the Thermal Degradation Kinetics of Cardanol-modified Phenolic Resin Cured by PPA酚醛胺固化腰果酚改性酚醛树脂热降解动力学研究

13.Study on synthesis of thermosetting PF resin with liquefied soybean dregs in phenol豆渣苯酚液化物合成热固性酚醛树脂的研究

14.Research on Thermal Properties and Thermal Decomposition Kinetics of Phenolic Resin Modified by Bismaleimide双马改性酚醛树脂的耐热性及热解动力学分析

15.Study on heat resistance of modified phenolic resin by nano SiO_2纳米SiO_2改性酚醛树脂结合剂耐热性能的研究

16.In this paper, research progress in the heat resistant modification of phenolic resin was introduced.对酚醛树脂的耐热改性研究进行了综述。

17.Effects of nanometer carbon powder on the ablative and heat-protection properties of phenolic resin纳米炭黑对酚醛树脂烧蚀防热性能的影响

18.Preparation and Characterization of Thermosetting Hollow Phenolic Micro-Spheres;热固性酚醛树脂中空微球的制备与表征


Phenol novolac resin热塑性酚醛树脂

1.Large quantities of waste water are generated in the producing of phenol novolac resins.热塑性酚醛树脂在生产时由于苯酚过量会产生大量高浓度含酚废水(苯酚含量高达16000~440000ppm)污染环境,目前虽然有一些含酚废水处理方法,如:生物氧化法、酚醛缩聚法、汽提法等,这些方法也在不同程度上取得了一定的效果,但却造成了原料利用率低(过量苯酚流失)以及生产成本增加(回收处理消耗能源、人力、物力、延长工时)等问题,仍不是根本性的解决方法。


1.Studies on Miscibility of Polyacetal withNovolak;聚甲醛与热塑性酚醛树脂相容性研究

2.In the presence of hydrochloric acid,glucose was obtained by the hydrolysis of starch,5 methylolfurfural was obtained by the dehydration of glucose,novolak was synthesized by 5 methylolfurfural with phenol in one pot.在一个反应器内 ,以盐酸作催化剂 ,先后进行淀粉水解反应生成葡萄糖 ,葡萄糖脱水生成 5-羟甲基糠醛 ,再与苯酚反应生成热塑性酚醛树脂 ,对影响树脂产率及熔点的诸因素进行了考察 ,优化反应条件为 :苯酚与淀粉 (以葡萄糖计 )摩尔比 1 。


1.Based on Client/Server mode,management information system fornovolaks for the shell process is developed by the use of C++ Builder 6 and MS SQL Server 2000 through system design,database design and programming design.基于C/S模式,利用C++Builder 6和MS SQLServer 2000,通过系统设计,数据库设计和程序设计,开发了适用于树脂科研单位的壳法用热塑性酚醛树脂管理信息系统,该系统具有可对树脂合成、检测等各种信息进行维护、查询、计算、统计、报表输出和数据库管理等功能。

5)Thermoplastic Phenolic Resin热塑性酚醛树脂

1.In this paper,high-effective underwater sealing insulating hot melt adhesive(HMA) was prepared by EVA/thermoplastic phenolic resin/PIB composite for corrosion protection,which EVA resin,thermoplastic phenolic resin instead of polymerized rosin and PIB were selected as main resin,tackifier and toughening agent separately.以EVA树脂为主体树脂制备高效水密封防腐绝缘热熔胶,选用热塑性酚醛树脂代替松香作为增粘剂,聚异丁烯为增韧剂,研究了不同EVA树脂、热塑性酚醛树脂及聚异丁烯对热熔胶环球软化点、脆化温度和剪切强度等性能的影响。

6)Phenolic resin,thermoplastic酚醛树脂(热塑性)


