1200字范文 > 合作教育计划 programs of cooperative education英语短句 例句大全

合作教育计划 programs of cooperative education英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-07 02:47:48


合作教育计划 programs of cooperative education英语短句 例句大全

合作教育计划,programs of cooperative education

1)programs of cooperative education合作教育计划

1.According to the actual situation of the higher teacher training education in our country, it is necessary and workable to carry out theprograms of cooperative education.合作教育计划是美国大学生混合资助体系中的一种有效的自助性资助方式。

2)integrated educational plan综合教育计划

1.According to the reform in training mode of qualified college students, the paper suggests that student activities may be quantized into theintegrated educational plan, and then brought into line with the overall training plan of qualified people, assisted by management operating system ofintegrated educational plan, thereby to accomplish modernization of management work for college student针对高等教育人才培养模式的改革,将学生活动量化为综合教育计划,纳入人才培养的总计划中统一进行管理,并配以综合教育计划管理信息系统,实现学生工作管理的现代化。


1.Formulating Integrated Educational Plan Building Management Operating System--An approach to accomplishing modernization of management work for college student;制定综合教育计划,建立管理信息系统——实现学生管理工作科学化的一条途径

2.A New Model for Quality-Oriented Education of College Students: Integrating Comprehensive Test and Evaluation with the Quality Development Plan;大学生新素质教育模式初探综合测评与素质拓展计划的相结合

3.Integrated Project on Family Planning, Nutrition and Parasite Control计划生育、营养和寄生虫防治综合项目(综合项目)

4.Development Mode Research of China s Synthesized Planned Birth Insurance~1 in China;我国计划生育综合保险发展模式研究

5.The Research of Henan Province Population and Family Planning Synthesis Reform;河南省人口和计划生育综合改革研究

6.Experiences, Problems and Countermeasures of the Comprehensive Reform of Family Planning;计划生育综合改革的经验、问题与对策

7.The AMS also participated in the Youth Pre-employment Training Programme co-ordinated by the Education and Manpower Bureau.医疗辅助队亦参加了由教育统筹局统筹的青年职前综合培训计划(“展翅计划”)。

8.Summaries of IIEP s Efforts on"Ethnical and Corruption in Education"Project;联合国国际教育规划研究所“教育伦理和教育腐败”专题研究综述

9.Projects that relate to basic research of population and family planning, publicity and education, and comprehensive services will be given priority.在人口与计划生育的基础研究、宣传教育、综合服务等方面的项目优先发展。

10.The Managing Ideology Based on Humanism and the Synthetical Reform of Family Planning;以人为本的管理思想与计划生育综合改革

11.Probing into the Population and Family Planning Comprehensive Reform in Yandu County;盐都县人口与计划生育综合改革问题探讨

12.Opinions on the Acceleration of Setting up FP Multiple-Service Counties;加快创建计划生育综合服务县的几点认识

13.Intervention Research of Improving Quality of Family Planning Service on Currently Used Contraception改善流动人口计划生育服务的综合干预研究

14.Probing in All-around Quality Education in the Specialty of Arts Designing in Higher Vocational Institutes;高职艺术设计专业综合素质教育初探

15.On Construction of Information System of Education s General Statistics in High er Learning Institutions;高校教育综合统计信息系统建设刍议

16.Plan of Action for the United Nations Decade for Human Rights Education, 1995- 1995-联合国人权教育十年行动计划

17.Palestinian European Academic Cooperation in Education巴勒斯坦欧洲教育学术合作计划

18.Steering Group on Pilot Project on Integration of Children with Special Needs in Ordinary Schools融合教育先导计划督导小组


integrated educational plan综合教育计划

1.According to the reform in training mode of qualified college students, the paper suggests that student activities may be quantized into theintegrated educational plan, and then brought into line with the overall training plan of qualified people, assisted by management operating system ofintegrated educational plan, thereby to accomplish modernization of management work for college student针对高等教育人才培养模式的改革,将学生活动量化为综合教育计划,纳入人才培养的总计划中统一进行管理,并配以综合教育计划管理信息系统,实现学生工作管理的现代化。

3)Family Planning Propagating and educational work计划生育宣传教育工作

4)planned education计划教育

1.Through an analysis of the advantages and disadvantages ofplanned education and market- oriented education,the essay advocates the development of an education market.在阐述“市场教育”与“计划教育”两者间的利弊关系的基础上 ,提出了开拓建设和发展规范“教育市场”的主张 ,同时指出发展人才市场对发展“教育市场”的促进作

5)education program教育计划

1.But,to some extent,unconscious and limited rationality can mislead our behavior options,which finally brings out such situation that aim rationality ineducation program and habitual way of thinking in program will obstruct the limitation in programs.人永远都是一个既不能被箱格化也不能被重新制造的整体,教育计划的制定只有时刻保持对事实的清晰认识以及对不可计划力量的充分意识,将人从依赖单纯的计划选择自身道路回归到充分体现了教育精神价值的自由人的本源上来,才能从本真意义上规避并消解教育计划的桎梏。

6)Pilot Project on Integration of Children With Special Needs in Ordinary Schools融合教育先导计划


拉丁美洲合作采集计划美国通过商业渠道采集拉丁美洲出版物的计划,是法明顿计划的延伸。20世纪60年代前,美国对拉丁美洲出版物的收集方面存在不少问题。为此,美洲国家组织、美国国会图书馆和美国研究图书馆协会都作出许多努力,如改进书目报道工作和开展合作采集,以获取更多的拉丁美洲出版物。1960年,国际书商斯特彻特-哈夫纳公司(主持者)、美国国会图书馆、得克萨斯大学图书馆、纽约公共图书馆等共同开创了一项试验性的商业性合作,即实施拉丁美洲合作采集计划。开始时只有4个成员馆,以后逐年增加,1964年22个,1966年35个,1972年达43个,前后共有72个馆参加 (有些由于大学教学计划改变或经费不足等原因而中途退出)。该计划的办事处设在纽约, 雇用代理人出差拉丁美洲各国,为成员馆进行一揽子采购。代理人在当地根据各种书目资料提出预订图书清单 (采购范围只包括拉丁美洲著者的最新专著、新出版期刊的创刊号和一些政府出版物、大学出版物),遍访各国出版商,提取图书,并标出所需份数,要求书商按数包装寄到纽约办事处。复本数是代理人根据成员馆的藏书特点 (如按某国家的多学科范围全面收藏,或按某学科的多国范围全面收藏)确定的。办事处收书后先进行核对,注上 LACAP编号、定价,然后分别将图书集中寄出。各馆收到书后按正常商业程序付款。办事处还负责编制《拉丁美洲新书:最近根据LACAP收到的新书目录》,并负责退回确实不属本馆收藏范围的图书。由于经费不足、销售量减少、退书率逐年增加,以及真正熟悉此计划的负责人辞职等原因,该计划于1972年底终止执行。该计划办事处在1969年和结束前的两次调查都表明,大多数图书馆认为曾从此计划中受益。
