1200字范文 > 幅度量化 amplitude quantization英语短句 例句大全

幅度量化 amplitude quantization英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-11-05 22:52:52


幅度量化 amplitude quantization英语短句 例句大全

幅度量化,amplitude quantization

1)amplitude quantization幅度量化

1.The spurious signals of DDS generated by phase truncation,amplitude quantization, (D/A) conversion and reference clock are analyzed.研究利用直接数字合成(DDS)技术产生正弦信号源的方法,对DDS中由相位截断、幅度量化、数模转换和参考时钟引入的杂散信号进行了分析,并用M atlab对相位截断误差和幅度量化误差进行了仿真,仿真结果与理论计算值吻合。

2.The basic operation principle of the multiple-bitamplitude quantization DRFMs was discussed, and then the general technique of Simulink modelling & simulation for multiple-bit DRFMs was proposed.数字射频存储器(DRFM)是相干干扰机的关键部件,主要用作干扰信号源;讨论了幅度量化DRFM的工作原理与流程,给出了幅度量化DRFM的Simulink仿真模型建立与仿真实验研究的一般方法;在此基础上研究了多比特幅度量化DRFM的寄生信号性能与量化电平的关系,建立了多比特幅度量化DRFM的采样量化编码以及恢复的Simulink模型,并对多比特幅度量化DRFM的采样率与量化电平的关系进行了仿真实验,分析了实验结果,给出了结论,分析结果同时也表明了理论研究的正确性。

3.Its characteristics and advantages are discussed on the basis of a comparison of this method with the classical DRFM based onamplitude quantization and phase quantizatio通过将幅相量化DRFM与传统的幅度量化和相位量化DRFM的性能进行比较,分析其特点与优势。


1.This paper studies the influences of phase quantification, amplitude quantification and both of them to side-lobe peak value.研究相位量化和幅度量化对圆阵副瓣峰值的影响及两者同时量化对副瓣峰值的影响。

2.On Evaluation of the Negative Domino Offect from Sentencing Extent and the Proper Stiffening Countermeasures对量刑幅度负效应之评估与适度刚化之对策

3.X-ray quantometerX射线幅射强度测量计

4.In communications, the amplitude variations of an amplitude modulated carrier wave.在通信技术中,调幅载波的幅度变化图。

5.The temperature variations during a year have maxima at the poles, where the annual variation of the inflow of solar energy is also maxtmum.两极地区一年温度变化极大,太阳能入射量的年变幅也极大。

6.Ambient concentrations varied considerably by season.环境浓度随季节而大幅度变化。

7.As the vectors go around, the amplitude of the sum vector gets bigger, and smaller, and the intensity pulsates.在矢量旋转时,合矢量的振幅时而变大,时而变小,因而强度作脉动变化。

8.Do you allow any quantity difference when the goods are loaded on board ship?装船数量上是不是允许有机动幅度。

9.Do we allow any quantity difference when the goods are loaded on board ship?装船数量上是不是容许有机动幅度?

10.Production in the factory was increasing by leaps and bounds.这个工厂的产量在大幅度地增长。

11.allowance in credit amount, quantity and unit price;信用证金额、数量和单价的增减幅度;

12.First, enormous increase in highway mileage.一是公路总量大幅度增长。

13.The number of students in universities has jumped.大学学生的数量已大幅度增加。

14.Measuring Grüneisen Parameter by High Pressure-Jump Method;快速大幅度增压法测量物质的Grüneisen参数

15.Measuring Gr(?)neisen Parameter of NaC1 by Double-Quick and Larger Range Compression;快速大幅度增压法测量NaC1的Gr(?)neisen参数

16.Uncertainty in amplitude measurement of high voltage pulse脉冲高电压幅值测量的不确定度分析

17.Research on Calibration for Error Vector Magnitued of Digital Modulation Signal数字调制信号误差矢量幅度校准研究

18.However,he said small temperature increases could increase crops in most industrialize nations.但是,他说小幅度的温度升高会增长大多数工业化国家的农作物产量。


amplitude quantizing幅度量化

1.A new method of DRFM useing amplitude-phase quantizing is presented, based on classicalamplitude quantizing DRFM and phase quantizing DRFM.在传统的幅度量化DRFM和相位量化DRFM的基础上,提出了一种基于幅相量化的数字储频系统。

3)amplitude quantization error幅度量化误差

1.The spectrum characteristics of the phase truncation error andamplitude quantization error are analyzed by the method of Fourier series.介绍了直接数字频率合成技术以及分析其杂散误差,对相位截断误差和幅度量化误差进行了傅立叶级数分析研究。

4)quantized amplitude weights量化幅度加权

5)amplitude-quantization spur幅度量化杂散

1.The frequency spectra of theamplitude-quantization spurious signals in the absence of phase-accumulator truncation errors are emphatically analyzed by DFT, and several important conclusions are drawn.文中对两类DDS幅度量化杂散信号的特性进行了分析和对比,在此基础上着重对无相位截断杂散时的幅度量化杂散信号进行了DFT分析和波形分析,得到几个关于其频谱特征和功率水平的重要结论,并通过计算机仿真考查了各种DDS参数对信杂比的影响。

6)amplitude quantized cntrol幅度量化控制


