1200字范文 > 筹资需求 financing demands英语短句 例句大全

筹资需求 financing demands英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-05-29 00:49:19


筹资需求 financing demands英语短句 例句大全

筹资需求,financing demands

1)financing demands筹资需求


1.Financing Demands for Medical Assistance in Chinese Rural Areas and Financing Ability我国农村医疗救助的筹资需求与筹资能力研究

2.Study on Measurement of Financing Demand for New Rural Cooperative Medical System;新型农村合作医疗筹资需求测算的方法学研究

3.Collectively, they raised$11 billion in equity financing last year, largely on the strength of China"s unabated appetite for raw materials.去年它们一共获得110亿美元的股本筹资,这大部分归功于中国对原材料的强劲需求。

4.The World Bank urged Asian countries to speed the development of their domestic bond markets to meet the huge demand for public works financing.世界银行敦促亚洲各国加快国内债券市场的发展,以满足市政工程筹资的巨大需求。

5.But it was still forced to draw on bank credit lines after struggling to fund itself through the usual channels.但是目前这家公司在通过常规渠道筹资行不通后,也被迫向银行需求信用额度。

6.Investment demand(or investment demand curve)投资需求(或投资需求曲线)

7.Bingo! I"ve got my working-capital needs together.答对了!我已经筹到所需的营运资本。

8.(3) How the co-operative should raise the funds it needs.(3)合作社所需要的资金如何筹集;

9.The money collected fell short of the amount required.筹集的资金没达到所需的数额.

10.Need for additional financing for the future period.未来时期进一步筹资的需要。

11.What type of SME financing is needed?中小型企业需要什么形式的筹措资金?

12.A heavy demand on resources.强大需求对资源的强大需求

13.Investment and consumption demand will be expanded further.投资需求和消费需求还要努力扩大。

14.pressure of demand on domestic resources对本地资源的需求压力

15.The Evaluation of TD-HSDPA Wirless Resource UsageTD-HSDPA无线资源需求预测

16.We"ll just have to write our plans off if we can"t find the money for them.如果筹措不到所需的资金,我们只能取消计划。

17.Effective Ways for Raising Capitals in Infrastructure Construction of Cities;寻求城市基础设施建设筹融资的有效途径

18.Supply-demand and demand forecast of coal of Shanxi province山西省煤炭资源供需形势及需求预测


investment demand投资需求

1.Investment Demand,Interest Rate Mechanism and Efficacy of Fiscal Policy in China;投资需求、利率机制与我国财政政策的有效性

2.An analysis of the leading trend ofinvestment demand appearing in economic development;对我国经济增长中出现的投资需求主导化趋势分析

3.Macro Analysis on the Change in Investment Demand of Modern Japan;近代日本投资需求变动的宏观分析

3)capital demand资金需求

1.We find that farmers with different income have differentcapital demand;small capital is the principal part of farmers demand;the income level of farmers have the positive correlation with thecapital demand and have the negative correlation with the frequency of borrowing.通过对湖南省三类农村农户的问卷调查,我们发现即使在外部环境基本相同的地区,不同收入水平的农户也存在着不同的资金需求;小额的资金构成了农户资金现实需求的主体;农户收入水平与资金需求数量呈正相关关系,与借贷频率呈负相关关系。

4)material demand物资需求

1.A model of laying in stock strategy for integrated production enterprises is established based on the establishment ofmaterial demand model and the calculation ofmaterial demand, and the solution of the model is proposed.综合考虑综合性生产企业原料使用中存在的间接消耗和循环消耗情况、企业进货受到的多种约束条件的限制以及多种物资的批量折扣的存在 ,在建立企业物资需求模型、进行物资需求量计算的基础上 ,建立了综合性生产企业进货决策模型 ,并提出了模型的求解方法———调整法 ,给出了算例 。

2.A neural network expert system for forecastingmaterial demand by integrating the GURU expert system with Neuro Shell neural network shell has been developed.分析了我国多品种中小批量机械加工企业物资需求的特点和构成,将人工神经网络和专家系统有机地结合起来,设计并开发了一个辅助企业物资需求预测的人工神经网络专家系统。

3.A model of laying in stock strategy for integrated production business is established based on the establishment ofmaterial demand model and the calculation of thematerial demand,and proceeding to the next step,two alternatives decomposition metho.综合考虑一体化生产企业原料使用中存在的间接消耗和循环消耗情况、企业进货受到的多种约束条件的限制以及多种物资的批量折扣的存在,在建立企业物资需求模型、进行物资需求量计算的基础上,建立了一体化生产企业进货决策模型,进而提出了模型的两种可供选用的求解方法:分解法、调整法。

5)financing demand融资需求

6)Resource Requirement资源需求


