1200字范文 > 烟草使用 tobacco use英语短句 例句大全

烟草使用 tobacco use英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-05 02:40:11


烟草使用 tobacco use英语短句 例句大全

烟草使用,tobacco use

1)tobacco use烟草使用


1.The Evaluation of the Health Promotion Project on Tobacco Use Prevention in Schools;中小学校预防烟草使用健康促进干预效果评价

2.Impact Evaluation of Tobacco Use Prevention Program on Middle School Students in Zhejiang;浙江省4所中学学生预防烟草使用项目效果评价

3.In this paper the author puts forwad the following views concerning the prevention of youngsters" smoking:(1)making the pupils and students deeply understand the harm of smoking and the statutes of the tobacco plant through the health education class;中小学生应着重通过健康教育课达到二个深刻了解:吸烟的危害、烟草使用的法规。

4.Honda also will not allow use of smokeless tobacco.本田汽车也不允许使用无烟的烟草。

5.Tobacco used to form the body of a cigar.作烟心的烟草用来构成卷烟体的烟草

6.Prevalence of smoking, drinking and addictive substance use among college students in Shanghai;上海市大学生使用烟草和酒精等成瘾物质状况

7.Prevalence of Smoking, Drinking and Addictive Substance Use Among Middle School Students in Beijing;北京市中学生使用烟草、酒精等成瘾性物质状况

8.The U. S. tobacco program is the oldest system of production quotas still in effect today.美国的烟草方案是最老的生产额制度,至今仍在使用。

9.Objective To study the prevalence of smoking, drinking and addictive drug use among college students in Shanghai.目的了解上海市大学生使用烟草、酒精等成瘾物质的现状。

10.cream-vanilla tobacco flavour香烟用膏状香草香精

11.a cigar made with light-colored tobacco.用淡色烟草制作的雪茄。

12.Although the Chinese government and the international community have made a lot of efforts to control tobacco use, the number of Chinese smokers has continued to rise," the paper said."尽管中国政府和国际社会作出了很大的努力来控制烟草的使用,中国吸烟人数不断上升,"文件说.

13.These cigarettes are a blend of the best tobaccos.这些香烟是用最好的烟草混合制成的。

14.Study on the Adsorptive Properties of Tobacco Additive (Ⅳ);烟用添加剂在烟草上吸附性能研究(Ⅳ)

15.Tobacco Farm:Tobacco can be made into cigars, which pirates enjoy when relaxing.烟草田:烟草可以制成雪茄,供海盗们休息时享用。

16.Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV) Coat Protein Induce Tobacco Against Plant Virus烟草花叶病毒外壳蛋白诱导烟草抗病毒作用

17.small cigar or cigarette wrapped in tobacco instead of paper.小的雪茄烟或者用烟草而不是纸包裹的香烟。

18.Any of various plants of the genus Nicotiana, especially N. tabacum, native to tropical America and widely cultivated for its leaves, which are used primarily for smoking.烟草一种烟草属植物尤指烟草,一种原产于热带美洲,因为其主要用于吸烟的烟叶而被广泛种植


Tobacco use prevention预防烟草使用

1.Effectiveness Evaluation of China/ WHO Health Promoting School with Tobacco Use Prevention as Entry Point in Jiaxing City, Zhejiang Province;嘉兴市学校预防烟草使用项目效果评价

3)tobacco/adverse effects烟草/副作用

4)tobacco-specific fertilizer烟草专用肥

1.Four different application ratio was set,and biological characteristics,yield and intrinsic chemical composition of tobacco were studied to definite the ratio of basic and additionaltobacco-specific fertilizer in Liancheng area.为了确定在连城烟区烟草专用肥合适的基肥和追肥比例,试验设4个不同比例,对烤烟的生物学性状、产量及内在化学成分进行研究。

5)Grassland tenure草原使用权

6)Herbicide application除草剂使用


不合格品预防措施(见预防措施)不合格品预防措施(见预防措施)preventive actions for nonconforming product: see preventive actionsbuh6g6Pi阅YUfong cuoshi不合格品预防措施Co刊rorrni鳍p耐uet)(preventive actions fornon-见预防措施。
