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肺胃郁热 lungs and stomach heat retention pattern英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-27 06:25:11


肺胃郁热 lungs and stomach heat retention pattern英语短句 例句大全

肺胃郁热,lungs and stomach heat retention pattern

1)lungs and stomach heat retention pattern肺胃郁热

1.Objective:To observe the effect and safety of Fu-Fang-Xi-Gua-Shuang gutta in treating asthenopia syndrome (lungs and stomach heat retention pattern),to provide scientific support for the exploitation of Fu-Fang-Xi-Gua-Shuang gutta.目的:初步评价复方西瓜霜滴眼液治疗肺胃郁热型视疲劳的有效性和安全性。


1.Clinical Research on the Effect and Safety of Fu-Fang-Xi-Gua-Shuang Gutta in Treating Asthenopia Syndrome (Lungs and Stomach Heat Retention Pattern)复方西瓜霜滴眼液治疗肺胃郁热型视疲劳有效性和安全性的临床研究

2.The Clinical Study of Zuojinjiawei Decoction on Treating Gastric Ulcer of Liver and Stomach Heat Stagnation Type;左金加味汤治疗肝胃郁热型胃溃疡的临床研究

3.Treatment for children pneumonia based on the theory of fever,gloom,phlegm and blood stasis小儿肺炎从热、郁、痰、瘀论治研究

4.Clinical and Experimental Study on Shuganheweifang in Treating Bile Reflux Gastritis of Stagnated Heat in Liver and Stomach Type;疏肝和胃方治疗肝胃郁热型胆汁反流性胃炎的临床与实验研究

5.The Clinical Report on the Effect of Xiaoyaoqingwei Decoction Combined with Pantoprazole Sodium for Injection Given in Chronic Gastralgia of Stagnation-heat in Liver and Stomach逍遥清胃汤配合抑酸剂治疗肝胃郁热型胃脘痛临床报道

6.The Clinical Observation on Purging Lung and Dredge Decoction in Treating Acute Exacerbation of Chronic Obstructive Patients with Heat-Phlegm Obstructing Lung清肺通腑汤治疗AECOPD中医肺胀痰热郁肺型的临床观察

7.Study on the Clinical Efficiency and Inflammatory Mechanism of Ultra-podwer Wuji Pill on Patients with Gastric Ulcer in Syndrome of Stomach and Liver Stagnation-hot超微戊己丸治疗肝胃郁热型胃溃疡的临床效应及其炎症机理研究

8.Treatment of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease with "Zhishi Xianxiong Decoction" plus Electroacupuncture in 78 Patients枳实陷胸方合电针治疗肝胃郁热型胃食管反流病78例

9.Clinical Study on Qingre Hewei Jiangni Decoction in Treating Liver-Stomach Disharmonyc Syndrome of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease清热和胃降逆方治疗胃食管反流病肝胃郁热证临床疗效观察与机理探讨

10.The theories research of differenting and treating children viral pneumonia from fever,gloom,phlegm and blood stasis从热郁痰瘀论治小儿病毒性肺炎的理论研究

11.The Curative Effect Observation of Modified Qing-hua Xuan-fei Decoction on Chronic Bronchitis in Acute Episode清化宣肺汤治疗痰热郁肺型慢性支气管炎疗效观察

12.The Observation of QingWeiQuShi Fang"s Curative Effect in Treating Spleen-Stomach Damp-heat and Stagnation of Liver-qi Syndromes of Chronic Superficial Gastritis清胃祛湿方治疗脾胃湿热兼肝郁气滞证慢性浅表性胃炎临床疗效观察

13.Clincal Observation on Treatment of Acne about Accumulation of Heat in Lung and Stomach with Acupuncture and Massage;针推结合治疗肺胃积热型痤疮的临床观察

14.The Clinical Observation of Pingcuofang on Treating Acne Vulgaris (The Type of Feiwei Resheng)平痤方治疗寻常痤疮(肺胃热盛型)的临床观察

15.Clinical Study on the Treatment of Peptic Ulcer of Liver and Stomach Gloomy Heat Type with Jiaweiwubeisan;加味乌贝散治疗肝胃郁热型消化性溃疡的临床研究

16.Clinical Research on Jiaolong Capsule in Treating Function-Dyspepsia(Zheng of Hepatogastric Yure)艽龙胶囊治疗功能性消化不良(肝胃郁热证)的临床研究

17.The Treatment of 40 Cases of Chronic Superficial Gastritis Due to Stagnation of Liver Qi and Damp-heat With Chaihu Shugan San and Huanglian Wendan Tang柴胡疏肝散合黄连温胆汤加减治疗肝郁湿热型胃痛证40例

18.The pent-up air burst hotly from Rainsford"s lungs.一股强烈的抑郁之气猛地从瑞福德的肺腑里炽热地冲了出来。


Stagnation-heat in Liver and Stomach肝胃郁热

1.The Clinical Report on the Effect of Xiaoyaoqingwei Decoction Combined with Pantoprazole Sodium for Injection Given in Chronic Gastralgia ofStagnation-heat in Liver and Stomach逍遥清胃汤配合抑酸剂治疗肝胃郁热型胃脘痛临床报道

3)stagger heat of Spleen and Stomach脾胃郁热

4)liver depression and lung-heat肝郁肺热

5)The Stagnated Heat Syndrome in the Liver and Stomach肝胃郁热证

1.Recognition ofThe Stagnated Heat Syndrome in the Liver and Stomach in the Treatment of Diabetes;肝胃郁热证在消渴病治疗中的辨识

6)Bile Reflux Gastritis肝胃郁热型

1.Clinical and Experimental Study on Shuganheweifang in TreatingBile Reflux Gastritis of Stagnated Heat in Liver and Stomach Type;疏肝和胃方治疗肝胃郁热型胆汁反流性胃炎的临床与实验研究


脾胃郁脾胃郁 脾胃郁 病证名。郁证之一。林佩琴谓:“脾胃郁,气郁哕呃。《金匮》麦门冬汤加竹茹、丁香。”参见五脏郁证条。
