1200字范文 > 外墙外保温 exterior wall external insulation英语短句 例句大全

外墙外保温 exterior wall external insulation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-05-01 04:03:11


外墙外保温 exterior wall external insulation英语短句 例句大全

外墙外保温,exterior wall external insulation

1)exterior wall external insulation外墙外保温

1.Talk about theexterior wall external insulation technology of buildings;建筑外墙外保温技术浅谈

mon quality problem and control measures of theexterior wall external insulation;外墙外保温系统常见质量问题及控制措施


1.Research on the Key Technologies of Insulation & Anti-crack Materials Used by External Thermal Insulating Rendering Systems外墙外保温材料保温抗裂技术的研究

2.EIFS PU rigid foam external insulation technology on exterior wall易而富~?硬泡聚氨酯外墙外保温技术

3.The Adhesive Preparation for External Thermal Insulation Systerms Based on EPS;外墙外保温膨胀聚苯板胶粘剂的合成

4.The Construction Technical Research of External Thermal Insulating Rending Systems in Chongqing Buildings;重庆市建筑外墙外保温施工工艺研究

5.The Heat Preservation of the Outside Wall for Stiokon Polystyrene Board s Executve Controlled Essentials;外墙外保温粘贴聚苯板施工控制要点

6.Evaluation and Construction of Dry-fasten Stone Exterior Wall External Insulation System干挂石材外墙外保温系统评价与施工

7.Application of EPS External Thermal Insulation System节能型EPS外墙外保温系统的应用

8.Application Technology of Exterior Wall External Insulation System with EPS Plate Thin PlasteringEPS板薄抹灰外墙外保温系统应用技术

9.Construction technology of EPS external thermal insulation systemEPS板薄抹灰外墙外保温施工工艺

10.Application of Architectural Coatings in External Thermal Insulation Systems建筑涂料在外墙外保温系统中的应用

11.Some Typical Problems in the Construction of EPS External Thermal InsulationEPS外墙外保温施工中遇到的几点问题


13.Application of polymer latex powder to exterior insulation and finishing system (EIFS)聚合物乳胶粉在外墙外保温中的应用

14.Application and leakage prevention of Exterior wall external insulation system of composite heat-insulated board复合保温板外墙外保温体系应用及防渗漏措施

15.Construction Method of External Thermal Insulation System of LG Inorganic Super-foaming Thermal Insulating BoardLG无机超泡保温板外墙外保温施工工法

16.Application of Compound Board with Insulation and Decoration in External Insulation for Outer-wall System保温装饰复合板在外墙外保温中的应用

17.Research on Moisture Transferring in the Exterior Thermal Insulation Composite Wall in Cold Zone;寒冷地区外墙外保温复合墙体的传湿问题研究

18.Analysis on Technique of Shear Wall Construct for Exterior Insulation;剪力墙结构住宅外墙外保温技术现状分析


outer-wall external thermal insulation外墙外保温

1.The compound organic thermal insulation materials used inouter-wall external thermal insulation system has become the important fire source.外墙外保温系统中有机保温材料的大量应用已成为建筑物不可忽视的着火源。

2.The paper importantly introduced someouter-wall external thermal insulation systems with very nice fire-proof capability.本文重点介绍了防火性能优异的多种外墙外保温系统,除了介绍每种系统的防火原理外,还包括其它的系统性能以及施工方法等。

3.The paper introduced the applied technology of rock-wool inouter-wall external thermal insulation system.本文介绍了岩棉在外墙外保温领域应用的技术研究,该研究是北京市科委课题"高层建筑耐火外墙外保温系统技术研究"的核心内容。

3)external thermal insulation外墙外保温

1.From the reasons and the damages it may have, cracking in theexternal thermal insulation system with EPS board thin render is analyzed and the crack-proofing measures is proposed in the article.文章从外保温膨胀聚苯板(EPS板)薄抹灰系统墙面裂缝产生的原因及危害入手,对外墙墙面裂缝产生的原因进行分析,提出对外墙外保温膨胀聚苯板(EPS板)薄抹灰系统裂缝控制的技术措施。

2.The insulation layer materials,surface materials,fixed materials,joints and facing materials and surface mortar materials of a new type ofexternal thermal insulation board and its insulation properties,the mechanical properties and durability were also described.针对一种新型外墙外保温板,从保温层材料、面层材料、固定材料、接缝与饰面材料、面层胶浆材料以及其保温性能、力学性能和耐久性能进行了全面的分析和介绍。

3.Against the phenomenon,the article takesexternal thermal insulation construction with GPEEP to introduce the construction process of several common nodes and the quality requirement.针对目前外墙外保温的施工中不重视保温节点质量控制的现状,以胶粉聚苯颗粒外墙外保温节点的施工为例,介绍几种常见节点的施工工艺和质量要求。

4)exterior insulation外墙外保温

1.Although theexterior insulation technology has become more sophisticated and constantly promoted.自上世纪70年代能源危机以来,世界各国都十分注重建筑节能工程,并对外墙外保温系统进行了大量的理论研究。

2.In detail both at home and abroad introduce the main structure of theexterior insulation and propose the construction of their problems easily.外墙外保温技术具有热工性能好、能基本消除热桥影响、明显改善室内居住环境、保护主体结构、延长建筑物使用寿命、不占用房屋的使用面积以及更适合旧建筑节能改造等优点,是一种性能优越的节能构造方式。

3.Using Lu Ting Shang Cheng residential quarter in Shanghai as the background,the author introduces the application of XPS board forexterior insulation,as well as the construction procedure and key points.文章以上海绿庭尚城住宅小区为背景,介绍外墙外保温XPS板的应用及施工程序和施工要点。

5)outer thermal insulation for external wall外墙外保温

1.The analysis and application of XPS plateouter thermal insulation for external wall sticking facing brickwork technologyXPS板外墙外保温贴饰面砖技术分析与应用

2.The application scope of post-adhesion method inouter thermal insulation for external wall of building engineering is elaborated as well as construction conditions and sequence.阐述了外墙外保温后粘法施工的适用范围、施工条件和施工工序,从脚手架的安装、基层墙体处理、保温板的粘贴、网格布的铺设等方面详细介绍了外墙外保温后粘法的施工要点,以供其他类似工程参考借鉴。

3.Taking the practical work of one residential quarter in Yuci as example the advantages of EPS board inouter thermal insulation for external wall are introduced.结合榆次某住宅小区外墙外保温施工实践 ,介绍了EPS板外墙外保温技术优点 ,从工艺流程、施工准备、施工要点等方面阐述了多层砖混住宅外墙外保温的施工技术措施 ,指出该施工方法施工简单、操作方便 ,保证了工程质量。

6)external wall exterior heat-insulation外墙外保温

1.Analysis of present condition ofexternal wall exterior heat-insulation design for residential buildings in Beijing district;北京地区住宅外墙外保温设计现状分析

2.On supervision and prevention of quality faults inexternal wall exterior heat-insulation construction;浅谈外墙外保温施工中监理质量控制和预防


