1200字范文 > 传统教学法 traditional teaching method英语短句 例句大全

传统教学法 traditional teaching method英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-25 22:36:17


传统教学法 traditional teaching method英语短句 例句大全

传统教学法,traditional teaching method

1)traditional teaching method传统教学法

1.On differences between multimedia teaching method andtraditional teaching method;多媒体教学法与传统教学法教学效果差异性研究

parison between Classroom Interaction and Traditional Teaching Method on "Diagnostics"课堂互动教学法与传统教学法试用于《诊断学》教学之比较

3.PBL can do more good effects on practice,autonomous learning,innovation of students than thetraditional teaching methods.相对于传统教学法,PBL教学法对于培养学生的实践能力、自学能力及开创能力具有积极影响。


1.conventional class采用传统教学法的班级

2.Analysis about CAI and Traditional Teaching Method in the Anatomy Teaching;在解剖教学中CAI与传统教学法的分析

3.Correct Views on the Traditional Method of Foreign Language Teaching;应正确认识传统教学法——为传统法说几句话

4.Discussion on combining modern teaching techniques with traditional teaching methods;论现代教育技术与传统教学法的结合

5.Thinking on Traditional Teaching Urethodology;对传统教学法的反思——自然教学法及其启示

6.A Comparative Research Between Communication and Translation Method;交际教学法与传统教学法的比较与探微

7.Analysis of the Traditional Teaching Approcahes in College English Teaching;传统教学法在大学英语教学中的作用分析

8.Reconciling Traditional Teaching Methods in English Teaching with Modern Teaching Methods in Middle School;论传统教学法与现代教学法在中学英语教学中的综合运用

9.Integrating Communicative Approaches with Traditional Approaches in Elt Classrooms in Secondary Schools;试论交际教学法与传统教学法在中学英语课堂教学中的结合

parison between Classroom Interaction and Traditional Teaching Method on "Diagnostics"课堂互动教学法与传统教学法试用于《诊断学》教学之比较

11.The Moot Court is a Challenge to the Traditional Teaching Mode of Law;模拟法庭——对传统法学教学模式的挑战

12.On the Differences in the Task - Oriented and PPP Teachings;浅谈任务型教学法及其与传统PPP教学法的差异

13.A comparison of the effects between recreational teaching method and traditional methods in track and field;田径娱乐化教学方法与传统教学方法效果比较

14.The Cooperation Between Traditional Instruction Method and Multimedia Instruction Method;传统教学方法与多媒体教学方法的相互配合

15.Breakthrough the Traditional Grammar Teaching Mode and Strengthen the Grammar Infiltration in English Teaching;突破传统语法教学模式 强化教学中的语法渗透

16.Contradiction and Integration: Traditional and Modern Instruction Approaches;对立与融合:传统教学方法与现代教学方法

17.On the Rational Re-employment of Grammar--Translation Method in College English Teaching传统的理性回归——翻译教学法与大学英语教学

18.On Using of Functional Grammar to Traditional Grammar Teaching;浅谈系统功能语法在传统语法教学中的运用


traditional teaching methods传统教学法

1.Reconciling Traditional Teaching Methods in English Teaching with Modern Teaching Methods in Middle School;论传统教学法与现代教学法在中学英语教学中的综合运用

2.The paper gives a brief introduction of the present mode of college English teaching in Xinjiang and its disadvantages, generalizes the good results and bad results of communicative language teaching in practice and stresses the advantages oftraditional teaching methods.本文简述了新疆外语教学的现行模式及其局限性 ,归纳了交际法在教学实践中的得与失 ,强调传统教学法的优势 ,论述了新疆外语教学需在吸收交际法和传统教学法精华的基础上 ,创立符合我们客观实际的教学法——综合教学法。

3.It is generally agreed that foreign language teaching in XUFE is not much of a success and thetraditional teaching methods still hold the prominent position, one of the most serious problems of which is that too much attention is paid to students’linguistic competence, while the significance of the communicative competence is greatly u.众所周知,新疆财经大学的大学英语教学并不很成功,其中存在着很多问题;此外,在教学方面,传统教学法依然占据着主要位置,而这种教学法所存在的最为严重的问题就是:太过注重向学生传授语言知识,而语言交际能力的重要性却被忽视了。

3)traditional teaching approach传统教学法

1.The paper,from the differences between case teaching approach andtraditional teaching approaches,analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of case teaching and introduces the roles of teachers and students and the main work should be done.文章从案例教学法与传统教学法的区别入手,分析了案例教学法的优点和存在的不足,并介绍了案例教学中教师与学生各自应扮演的角色和应完成的主要工作。

2.Based on the analysis oftraditional teaching approach and communicative approach, the author advances a reasonal teaching method which is suitable for New Horizon College English according to it s characteristic.本文对传统教学法和交际法进行分析,根据《新视野英语》这本教材的特点提出了适应这本教材的一种合理的方法。

4)traditional approach传统教学法

5)the traditional method传统法教学

6)traditional type of teaching传统式教学法

1.A comparison of communicative type andtraditional type of teaching Chinese diagnostics;并分别采用互动式教学法和传统式教学法,对两个班的中医诊断学进行教学实践,通过对两班期终综合成绩进行统计分析及对中医学习兴趣的调查,判明两种教学方法教学效果的差异。


传统活性污泥法分子式:CAS号:性质:又称普通活性污泥法。经初次沉淀后的废水与由二次沉淀池来的回流污泥在曝气池起端进入池内,通过扩散或机械曝气进行充分混合与曝气,并通过活性污泥的吸附、絮凝和氧化作用去除废水中的有机物。从曝气池流出的混合液在二次沉淀池沉淀后,沉淀出的活性污泥以进水量的25%~50%返回曝气池(即污泥回流比为25%~50%)。该法适用于处理要求高而水质较稳定的废水。其生化需氧量的去除率可达85%~95%。传氧 oxygen transfer 指(1)气相和液相之间氧的交换。(2)液体吸收的氧量与用曝气方式或充氧设备向该液体输送氧量的对比率;一般以百分率表示。
