1200字范文 > 重庆高职院校 higher vocational college of Chongqing英语短句 例句大全

重庆高职院校 higher vocational college of Chongqing英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-11-01 07:58:15


重庆高职院校 higher vocational college of Chongqing英语短句 例句大全

重庆高职院校,higher vocational college of Chongqing

1)higher vocational college of Chongqing重庆高职院校

2)Chongqing higher learning institutions重庆高校

1.Survey and analysis of the status quo of education practice of physical education majors inChongqing higher learning institutions;重庆高校体育教育专业教育实习的现状调查分析


1.The Study on Identity of College Logistics Group of Chongqing;重庆高校后勤集团形象建设战略研究

2.The Status and Analysis of Library On-line Services in Chongqing Higher Institutes;重庆高校图书馆网络服务现状与分析

3.An Empirical Study on the Stability of Employees in the University-Owned Enterprises;重庆高校校办企业员工稳定性因素的实证研究

4.Cross-Cultural Adaptation Study of Foreign Experts or Teachers in Chinese Universities in the Chongqing Area;重庆高校外专外教跨文化适应问题研究

5.The Study of Family Financial Difficult Students Problems and Countermeasure of Chongqing Universities;重庆高校家庭经济困难学生问题及对策研究

6.On Situation and Measures of Campus TV in Chongqing High Schools;重庆市高校校园电视现状及对策研究

7.The Influence on Chongqing s Higher Education of Entry into WTO --Scrutinize Once More the Science and Technology of Chongqing Higher Education;加入WTO对重庆市高等教育的影响(二)——重庆市高校科技的重新审视

8.Study on Library LED Illumination in Chongqing Colleges and Universites;重庆市高校图书馆书库LED照明研究

9.Investigation on the Image of Library Workers of Universities in Chongqing;重庆市高校图书馆馆员形象调查研究

10.Investigation on the Image of University PE Teacher in Chongqing;重庆市高校体育教师形象的调查研究

11.A Research on the Development of the Departments of Physical Education at the Colleges in Chongqing;重庆市地方普通高校体育系发展研究

12.Study on the Management and Operation Mechanism about the State-own Assets of Colleges and Universities in Chongqing重庆市高校国有资产运营机制的研究

13.The Current Development Situation and Countermeasures of Chongqing University Tennis重庆市高校网球运动发展现状及对策

14.Strategic Concept on Space Layout of Universities in Hechuan District of Chongqing重庆市合川区高校空间布局战略构想

15.Investigation on the Hygienic Quality of Water Dispenser in some Colleges of Chongqing City重庆市部分高校饮水机卫生状况调查

16.On the Development of Bodybuilding Exercises in College in Chongqing From the No 1 College Students Games;从重庆市第一届大学生运动会看重庆地区高校健美操的发展

17.Present Situation Investigation of Colleges Mental Health Service System in Chongqing;重庆市高校心理健康服务体系的现状调查

18.Investigating and Searching the Situation of Psychological Health of Poor Students in University Chongqing;重庆市高校贫困大学生心理健康状况调查研究


Chongqing higher learning institutions重庆高校

1.Survey and analysis of the status quo of education practice of physical education majors inChongqing higher learning institutions;重庆高校体育教育专业教育实习的现状调查分析

3)higher vocational college高职院校

1.Discussing the job of gathering ofhigher vocational college library;高职院校图书馆采访工作探讨

2.On the Reform Model in the Course of P.E and Health in Higher Vocational College;高职院校《体育与健康》课程改革模式探讨

3.Exploration of C programming teaching method athigher vocational colleges;高职院校C语言程序设计教学方法探索

4)vocational college高职院校

1.An analysis of the Physical education in the Nursing profession of Vocational college;高职院校护理专业形体教学初探

2.Present situation of medical teachers scientific research in medicalvocational college and its possible solutions;高职院校医学专业教师科研现状与对策

3.The construction of educational system for highervocational college library;高职院校图书馆教育体系构建

5)higher vocational colleges高职院校

1.Research on the Experimental Bases Management System in Higher Vocational Colleges;高职院校校内实验实训基地管理机制研究

2.A Ponder on Enhancement of Practical Teaching in Higher Vocational Colleges;高职院校加强实践教学的思考

3.On the teaching reform of Landscape Architecture Design courses inhigher vocational colleges;浅谈高职院校《园林规划设计》课程的教学改革

6)higher vocational school高职院校

1.A Study on the Orientation of Higher Vocational Schools——A Case Study of Zhejiang Transportation College;关于高职院校定位的研究——浙江交通职业技术学院实证研究

2.The research on the establishment of colleges and departments inhigher vocational school;高职院校院、系设置研究

3.Effection of heart-to-heart between teachers and students in the ideological and political lessons inhigher vocational school;论高职院校思想政治理论课师生心灵交融的效应


重庆重庆ChongqingChongqing重庆(C hongqing)中国西南地区最大的工业城市,交通枢纽,军事重镇。位于四川省东南部长江、嘉陵江汇合处。辖渝中、江北、沙坪坝、南岸、九龙坡、大渡口、北暗、万盛、双桥、渝北、巴南11区和纂江、长寿、撞南、铜梁、大足、荣昌、壁山、江津、永川9市县,面积15 983平方千米,人 口1 108.11万,其中市区面积1 534平方千米,人口30642万(1993)。重庆因三面环水,古称江州。隋开皇初,因当时嘉陵江称渝水,遂将以江州为治所的楚州改称渝州,重庆简称渝由来于此。北宋后期改称恭州。南宋淳熙十六年(1189)正月,宋孝宗封子惊为恭王,二月,停即帝位,因双重喜庆,遂改恭州为重庆府,此名一直沿用至今。重庆系历史名城。3 000多年前周武王封巴国,都江州。周慎靓王五年(公元前316),秦惠文王遣司马错灭巴国,置巴郡,治江州,随后筑江州城。东汉献帝时,巴郡分为巴东、巴郡、巴西三郡,江州为巴郡及都督府治。三国时巴郡归蜀,江州守将李严固城池,筑大城,“周回十六里”。南北朝时先后改巴郡为巴州、楚州;改江州为垫江、巴县,均为州、郡治。隋朝以后,巴县为渝州治。南宋置重庆府,治巴县。南宋末年,知府彭大雅大兴筑城,防御蒙古军。元至元十六年(公元1279),改重庆府为重庆路,巴县为重庆路及四川南道宣慰司治。明、清复改为重庆府,治巴县。明朝初年,沿旧址砌石城,周长十八里,开十七门,今见石城及城门遗址即为当时所建。1 9撤销重庆府,存巴县。1929年始建重庆市,辖今市中区,隶属四川省。抗日战争期间,重庆为国民党政府驻地,改隶中央,定为陪都。1945年复改省辖。1949年为中央直辖市。1954年复改省辖市。重庆地处四川盆地东南部,北依华葵山脉,东扼江峡险隘,南接贵州高原,西连盆地腹心。全区主要为低山、丘陵地带。华釜山脉由北人境,形成北南走向的历鼻(西温泉)、络云、中梁、铜锣(南温泉)、明月、黄草、东温泉、鲜家坪、桃子荡等山,山岭海拔一般为500~900米,华肇山高耸,山脊海拔均在1 200米以上,主峰宝顶位于江北县境,海拔1 590米。辖区南部为中山、低山地带,地势南高北低。位于川黔边境属大娄山脉的黑山,呈西南一北东走向,海拔900一1 900米,延伸至南桐矿区的鸡公岭顶峰,海拔1 973米,为辖区最高峰。重庆市区坐落在华釜山余脉__匕四周群山环绕,市内岗岭起伏,素以山城著称。地势西北高东南低,平均海拔240米,西郊佛图关高耸,海拔370米。
