1200字范文 > 给水管材 water supply pipe英语短句 例句大全

给水管材 water supply pipe英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-11 08:14:13


给水管材 water supply pipe英语短句 例句大全

给水管材,water supply pipe

1)water supply pipe给水管材

parison and selection of thewater supply pipe of the water supply system in the garden;园林给水系统中给水管材的比较和选择


1.The New Selection of the Water-supply Tube for the Green Residences--Sheet Copper Tube绿色住宅给水管材的新选择——薄壁铜管

2.Application of purple-copper pipe as feeduater pipe in install engineering;紫铜管作为给水管材在安装工程中的应用

3.Plastic water supply pipe in the promoting the use of problems in the construction塑料给水管材在建筑推广使用中的问题

4.Analysis on Organic Material Migration of Plastic Pipes for Water-conveying塑料给水管材中有机物迁移率的分析研究

5.Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC-U) pipe for water supplyGB/T10002.1-1996给水用硬聚氯乙烯(PVC-U)管材

6.High density polyethylene pipes for water supplyGB/T13663-1992给水用高密度聚乙烯(HDPE)管材

7.On the development and application of the plastic pipes in water supply and drainage塑料管材在给排水领域的发展及应用

8.The Characteristics and The Choosing Principle of New Type Water Supply and Drainage Pipe Material新型给水排水管材的特点及其选用原则

9.Standard for testing the freeze resistance of insulating material for housing water supply pipe住宅建筑给水管道保温材料防冻性能测试标准

10.Terms of equipments and materials for building water supply and drainageGB/T16662-1996建筑给水排水设备器材术语

11.Advices in Modifying the Building Water Supply and Sewerage Engineering;对修订《建筑给水排水工程》教材的建议

12.polypropylene (pp) pipes for hot and cold water installations冷、热水用聚丙烯(pp)管材

13.multi-coil feed heater多盘管式给水加热器

14.Series of hydrogeologic and water well drilling tubingsGB/T9808-1988水文水井钻探管材系列

15.Study on Using Newly Pipe Material in City Planning Drainpipe by Comparing;市政排水管道新型管材应用比较研究

16.Code for construction and acceptance of water supply and sewerage pipeline engineering给水排水管道工程施工及验收规范

17.Code for the piping design of water supply and drainage in petrochemical industry石油化工给水排水管道设计规范

18.Design legend of water supply and drainage piping for petrochemical industry石油化工给水排水管道设计图例


water supply material给水管材

1.Choosing thewater supply materials,tubing the conduct pipe,discharging the air-condition freezing water,designing the outdoor water meter and domestic hot-water heater in the multi-layer building water supply and sewerage work design are discussed, some detailed opinions are proposed in the paper.本文就华莲小区多层住宅给排水设计中给水管材的选用、管道的敷设方式、水表出户设置、家用热水器的设置及空调冷凝水排放等问题进行探讨,并提出一些具体看法。

2.Choosing thewater supply materials tubing the conduct pipe, designing the outdoor water meter in the multi-layer building water supply and sewerage work design are discussed, some detailed opinions are proposed in the paper.本文就多层住宅给排水设计中给水管材的选用、管道的敷设方式、水表出户设置、设置等问题进行探讨,并提出一些具体看法。

3)water supply and drain tube给排水管材

4)water supply network of multi-material pipe多管材给水管网

5)environmental friendly water supply pipe环保型给水管材

1.The general development situations and feature s ofenvironmental friendly water supply pipe are introduced and taking PP-R pipe as example the matters needing attention in engineering application are pointed out from beforehand checking, pipe connecting and other aspects.介绍了环保型给水管材的发展概况及特点 ,着重以PP R管为例 ,从管材进场安装前的检查、管道连接等方面 ,就其在工程应用中需注意的几方面问题 ,提出了相关建议 ,以确保施工质

6)new type pipeline for water supply新型给水管材

1.This paper discusses the construction quality control of anew type pipeline for water supply and offers some useful technological methods of dealing with the matter.探讨新型给水管材在施工中的质量控制,提出一些处理方法和措施。


