1200字范文 > 集装箱港区 container port area英语短句 例句大全

集装箱港区 container port area英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-27 05:02:49


集装箱港区 container port area英语短句 例句大全

集装箱港区,container port area

1)container port area集装箱港区

1.The new ideas,new train of thoughts and new methods for coastline and land area layout planning and design of moderncontainer port area are probed into on the basis of the accumulations from study and work.以自己的学习和工作积累为基础,探索现代集装箱港区岸线和陆域平面规划设计的新理念、新思路、新方法。

2.Considering key problems of operation system, theories and methodologies of simulation and optimization for operation system ofcontainer port area are studied.集装箱港区作业系统是一个复杂的离散事件动态系统,船舶装卸作业、水平运输与堆场作业等具有离散、随机及动态性的特点。


1.Study on the Traffic Planning of Dayaowan Container Port;大窑湾集装箱港区道路网交通规划研究

2.How to Plan the Container Port Logistics and its Road System;集装箱港区物流及周边道路交通系统规划研究

3.Application of Transport Simulation Software in Traffic Issue of Container Terminal;交通仿真软件在集装箱港区交通模拟中的应用

4.Study on Traffic Flow for Container Port Area Based on Principles of Hydrodynamics and Entropy;基于流体力学及熵原理的集装箱港区交通流研究

5.terminal devanning(集装箱)区内拆箱

6.Economic Rationality Analysis of Container Transport in Nansha Port Area;南沙港区集装箱运输经济合理性分析

7.Regionalization:New Strategy for Container Ports in the Yangtze River Delta区域化:长江三角洲地区集装箱港口群发展战略

8.container terminal capacity model集装箱港口容量模型

9.pier-to-pier containerization港口间运输集装箱化

parative Studies on Competitiveness in Container Transportation of International Ports in East Asia东亚地区国际港口集装箱运输竞争力比较研究

11.Study on the Competition Ability of International Container Port Around the Bohai Sea Region;环渤海地区国际集装箱港口竞争力研究

12.A Tactic Analysis on the Cooperation and Competition of Ports Within An Area;区域内集装箱港口合作竞争的博弈分析

13.Simulation and Application of Container Port Harbor Operation and Road System;集装箱码头港区作业及道路系统的仿真和应用

14.Study on the Prediction of Freight Traffic Volume in Port Container Logistics Park港口集装箱物流园区货运交通量预测研究

15.Optimization of general layout of Ningbo-Zhoushan Port Jintang Dapukou Container Terminal宁波-舟山港金塘港区大浦口集装箱码头工程总平面布置优化

16.The Necessity of Building Container Dedicated Railway in Lianyungang Northern Port Area建设连云港北港区集装箱专用铁路的必要性分析

17.The Construction of Container Hub Port in Qingdao;青岛港集装箱枢纽港建设的实施策略

18.Exploring Competitive Capability of Container Ports in Shenzhen and Hong Kong;诠释深圳与香港集装箱港口的竞争力


container port集装箱港区

1.To counter the pressure of road system ofcontainer port caused by increase of throughput, to research the relation of traffic flow and road transportation volume forcontainer port.针对集装箱港区吞吐量增长给港区公路集疏运系统所带来的压力,研究公路交通量与集装箱公路集疏运量的关系。

2.With the rapid increase ofcontainer port′s throughput and innovation of CIQ supervisory modes nationwide,especially accompanying the implementation of extended CIQ policy and trial execution of district-port joint development,the back-up lands ofcontainer ports have appeared obviously unadaptable to the demands of port development.随着集装箱港口吞吐量的快速增长以及港口海关监管模式改革在全国范围内的开展,特别是海关大通关和区港联动试点工作的顺利进行,使得集装箱港区后方陆域表现出了明显的不适应港口发展需求的态势。

3.The paper evaluates and forecasts the current situation ofcontainer port logistics system combining with road traffic system and puts forward the plan forcontainer port logistics system and road traffic system based on modeling analysis.结合周边道路交通对集装箱港区物流系统进行现状评估及预测,并通过建模分析提出规划方案,对于紧临城市中心的集装箱港区的建设与改造有着重要的参考价值。

3)container terminal集装箱港区

1.In recent years, the functions ofcontainer terminals become very important along with the frustration of traffic problem of storage yards.集装箱港区平面交通问题是一直阻碍着港口发展的主要瓶颈,如何利用现有交通仿真模拟软件来对港区交通情况进行实时模拟是本文研究的主要内容。

4)container port集装箱港

5)Container Port集装箱港口

1.Evaluation of container port s competitiveness based on market segmentation;基于市场划分的集装箱港口竞争力评价

2.Evaluatiag model of container port international competitiveness in logistics environment;物流环境下集装箱港口国际竞争力评价模型

3.Performance evaluation of container port based on DEA;基于数据包络分析的集装箱港口绩效评价

6)container terminal集装箱港口

1.Determination of the Number of Yard Cranes in Container Terminal Charge/Discharge;集装箱港口装卸中的龙门吊数量配置

2.Routing problem of transfer crane atcontainer terminals;集装箱港口龙门吊的最优路径问题

3.Research on multimodal transport system oncontainer terminals based on visual simulation;基于可视化仿真技术的集装箱港口多式运输系统研究


