1200字范文 > 麦冬总皂苷 Total saponins of Ophiopogon英语短句 例句大全

麦冬总皂苷 Total saponins of Ophiopogon英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-22 04:16:03


麦冬总皂苷 Total saponins of Ophiopogon英语短句 例句大全

麦冬总皂苷,Total saponins of Ophiopogon

1)Total saponins of Ophiopogon麦冬总皂苷

1.Conclusion:Total saponins of Ophiopogon has .目的:研究麦冬总皂苷对实验性糖尿病小鼠血糖的影响。

2)Total Saponin of Radix Liriopes山麦冬总皂苷

3)ophiopogon saponin麦冬皂苷

1.AIM: To explore the effect of drug content and encapsulated efficency of microsphereophiopogon saponin preparation, providing more precise computational method.方法 :采用喷雾干燥法制备麦冬皂苷肠溶微球 ,以比色法测定微球中麦冬总皂苷含量 ,确定载药量及包封率。


1.Preparation of Ophiopogon japonicus saponin enteric pellets by extrusion-spheronization and fluid bed coating technology挤出滚圆-流化床包衣法制备麦冬皂苷肠溶微丸

2.Influencing factors of ophiopogonin enteric microsphere" drug release in vitro麦冬皂苷肠溶微球体外释药影响因素研究

3.Determination of Total Sapogenins Content in the Fruits of Ophiopogon Japonicus by Colorimetric Method比色法测定麦冬果实中总皂苷元含量

4.The research on the change of ginsenoside content after the compatibility of panax and liriope人参与麦冬配伍后人参皂苷含量变化的研究

5.Extraction technology and Functional characters of saponin from Ophiopogon japonicus fruit麦冬果实皂苷的提取工艺及功能特性研究

6.Research on the Relationship among the Leaf Number,Tuber Yield,Flavonoids Content and Saponins Content in Erect Type Ophiopogon jaonicus(Thunb.) Ker-Gawl.直立型川麦冬叶片数·块根产量及黄酮·皂苷含量的相关性研究

7.NMR Assignment for Triterpenoids Saponins from the Root of Ilex pubescens毛冬青中三萜皂苷类化合物的NMR归属

8.A New Triterpenoid Saponin from Flower Buds of Lonicera dasystyla毛花柱忍冬花蕾中的一个新三萜皂苷(英文)

9.Effects of TSLSL on hemodynamics in anesthetized cats山麦冬总皂甙对麻醉猫血流动力学的影响

10.Studies on Naked Oat Bran"s Thermal Stability of Antioxidant Activities and Oat Saponin裸燕麦麸皮抗氧化活性的热稳定性及皂苷鉴定

11.saponin and sapogenins (diosgenin)皂角苷和皂苷配基(薯蓣皂苷配基)

12.Study of Chromium Complexes with Baicalin Baicalein and MDG-1 Polysaccharides for Anti-Hyperglycemia;黄芩苷黄芩素麦冬多糖铬配合物的研究

13.Purification and characterization of Ophiopogon japonicus polysaccharide glycosidase麦冬多糖糖苷酶的分离纯化及其酶性质

14.Immunoregulatory Effects of Fulvotomentoside on Ovalbumin-Sensitized BALB/c Mice黄褐毛忍冬总皂苷对卵清蛋白致敏小鼠的免疫调节作用

15.Extraction of Total Saponins of Liriope Spicata Lour and Its Effect on Cerebral Ischemia Injury;山麦冬总皂甙的分离及其对缺血性脑损伤保护作用的实验研究

16.Effects of SMI on Hemodynamics in Shock Rats and its Mechanisms注射用参麦皂苷对休克大鼠血流动力学的影响及其机制

17.Effects of SMI on the Anti-Stress Ability and Myocardial Ischemia注射用参麦皂苷抗应激性以及对心肌缺血作用的研究

18.Anti-Obesity Study on Panaxsaponins and Escins;人参皂苷及七叶皂苷抗肥胖活性研究


Total Saponin of Radix Liriopes山麦冬总皂苷

3)ophiopogon saponin麦冬皂苷

1.AIM: To explore the effect of drug content and encapsulated efficency of microsphereophiopogon saponin preparation, providing more precise computational method.方法 :采用喷雾干燥法制备麦冬皂苷肠溶微球 ,以比色法测定微球中麦冬总皂苷含量 ,确定载药量及包封率。

4)Ophiopogonin A麦冬皂苷A

5)ophiopogonin D"麦冬皂苷D"

1.A series of 2D NMR techniques, including COSY, HMQC and HMBC, were applied to the assignments of all their carbon and proton signals of lililancifoloside A (diosgenin 3 O {O α L rhamnopyranosyl (1→2) O [α L arabinopyranosyl(1→3)] β D glucopyranoside}) and ophiopogonin D′.应用 2DNMR技术 :1 H 1 HCOSY、HMQC、HMBC全归属新化合物卷丹皂苷A和已知化合物麦冬皂苷D′的碳和氢质子信号 ,总结薯蓣皂苷元类型甾体皂苷的NMR特征 ,为该类型化合物的结构鉴定提供光谱学依据 。

6)Ophiopogonin D麦冬皂苷D

1.Methods:Ophiopogonin D was isolated and purified from the ethanol-extract of the tuber roots of Ophiopogon japonicus by solvent extraction,silica gel sephadex LH-20 column chromatography,and crystallization.目的:建立从麦冬中制备麦冬皂苷D对照品的方法。


麦冬—湖北麦冬【通用名称】麦冬—湖北麦冬【其他名称】 麦冬—湖北麦冬 Radix Liriopis Proliferae (英) Creening Liriope Root 【别名】 土麦冬、山麦冬。 【来源】为百合科植物湖北麦冬Liriope spicata(Thunb.)Lour·var.proliferaY.T.Ma 的块根。 【植物形态】 多年生草本,植株有时丛生;根稍粗,近末端处常膨大成矩圆形,纺锤形小块根;根状茎短,具地下走茎。叶基生,禾叶状,长20~45cm,宽4~6mm;先端急尖或钝,具5条脉,边缘具细锯齿。花葶通常长于或近等长于叶,长20~50cm;总状花序长6~10cm,具多数花,花2~5朵簇生于苞片腋内;总状花序在花后于苞片腋内长出叶簇或小苗;苞片小,披针形;花梗长约4mm;花被片矩圆状披针形,紫色;花丝长约2mm;花药长约2mm;子房近球形,花柱长约2mm;柱头不明显。种子近球形。花期5~7月,果期8~10月。 生于山坡林下,多为栽培供药用,主产湖北。 【采制】 同麦冬。 【性状】 根呈纺锤形,长1.2~4cm,直径4~7mm。表面黄白色,半透明,有细纵纹。质硬脆,易吸湿变软,断面黄色,角质样,中柱细,不明显。气微,味甜,有粘性。 【化学成分】 含甙元分别为鲁斯可皂甙元和薯蓣皂甙元的多种山麦冬皂甙,钠、钾、钙、镁、铁、铜、钴、铬、钛、锰、铅、镍、锶、钒和锌等微量元素,BETA-谷甾醇等。 【性味及功能主治】 同麦冬。
