1200字范文 > 动态增长因子 dynamic increase factors英语短句 例句大全

动态增长因子 dynamic increase factors英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-12-05 12:45:21


动态增长因子 dynamic increase factors英语短句 例句大全

动态增长因子,dynamic increase factors

1)dynamic increase factors动态增长因子

1.With different steel-fiber contents and differentdynamic increase factors (DIF), stress-strain curves, dynamic compressive strength at different strain-rates were obtained.通过对活性粉末混凝土材料进行Hopkinson压杆冲击压缩实验,得到不同钢纤维含量的活性粉末混凝土在不同应变率下的应力-应变全曲线,并给出了不同应变率下材料的动态压缩强度和动态增长因子,实验结果表明,活性粉末混凝土具有应变率敏感性,钢纤维的掺入部分提高了材料的冲击压缩性能。

2)growth factor增长因子

1.In this paper,the Gompertz model and linear statistical method are used to analyze thegrowth factor of batch experiments for a liquid rocket engine.运用Gompertz模型和线性回归方法对液体火箭发动机批次试验中的可靠性增长因子进行分析,对新产品的可靠性分布函数进行预测。

2.Usually,growth factor was used for the information transfer between stages.对于延缓纠正模式的可靠性增长试验,阶段内产品的寿命服从失效率为常数的指数分布,而阶段间的可靠性有阶跃增长,通常考虑以增长因子进行阶段间的信息传递,增长因子的确定成为关键。

3.Firstly,we obtain the optimal contention window\"sgrowth factor and optimal collision occupation ratio through theoretical analysis.本文在该协议的基础上提出了一种竞争窗口增长因子自适应调整算法—SCWGF(Self-adaptive algorithmof adjusting Contention Window’s Growth Factor),通过理论分析得到不同竞争节点数下竞争窗口增长因子的最优解和最优冲突时间占用率,提出了使用自适应算法使竞争窗口增长因子收敛到最优解,仿真结果表明SCWGF提高了网络的饱和吞吐量。


1.SCWGF:A Self-Adaptive Algorithm of Adjusting Contention Window"s Growth Factor for 802.11 DCFSCWGF:802.11 DCF竞争窗口增长因子自适应调整算法

2.Research on Key Factors, Structures and Policies for Economic Growth;经济增长核心因子、结构与政策研究

3.The Growth Path and Affecting Factors of Construction Industry in China;中国建筑业成长发展轨迹与增长影响因子研究

4.The Effect of Transfection of Nerve Growth Factor in Hypertrophic Scars;转神经生长因子基因在增生性瘢痕中的作用

5.The expression of insulin-like growth factor-II in human uterine endometrium in proliferative phase;增生期子宫内膜胰岛素样生长因子-Ⅱ的表达

6.Analysis of performance improvement factors for male high jumpers;影响当前男子跳高成绩增长因素的分析

7.The Factor Clustering Analysis on the Regional Trade Growth and Environmental Pollution of China;中国区域贸易增长与环境污染的因子聚类分析

8.The Evaluation on Growth of Construction Industry Based on Factor Analysis;基于因子分析的西部地区建筑业增长方式评价

9.Application of Factor Analyzing In Growth of Business Output;因子分析在企业增长方式评价中的应用

10.Empirical Analysis of the Technology Development Factor in the Economic Growth of Shandong Province山东省经济增长中技术进步因子分离测算研究

11.Effects of Environmental Factors on Growth of Alga Chaetoceros gracilis环境因子对纤细角毛藻种群增长的影响

12.The influence of the human augmenter of liver regeneration(hALR) on the growth of liver cell cultured in vitro人肝脏再生增强因子对体外肝细胞生长的影响

13.Inhibitory effect of transforming growth factor-β_2 on the proliferation of bovine corneal endothelial cells in vitro转化生长因子β_2对牛角膜内皮细胞增生的影响

14.Driving forces analysis of energy ecological footprint growth fluctuation in China中国能源足迹增长波动的驱动因子分析

15.Proliferative effects of growth factors on muscle-derived stem cells in vitro生长因子对骨骼肌肌源性干细胞增殖的影响

16.The Research of optimal factors on the growth of Chaetoceros gracilis population纤细角毛藻种群增长最适培养因子研究

17.Influence of VEGF of brucea javanica oil on proliferative endometrium hyperplasia of rats鸦胆子油对大鼠增生型子宫内膜血管内皮生长因子表达的影响

18.Effects of Growth Factors and MAPK Pathway on the Growth Plate Chondrocyte Proliferation and Differentiation;生长因子及MAPK途径对生长板软骨细胞增殖和分化的影响


growth factor增长因子

1.In this paper,the Gompertz model and linear statistical method are used to analyze thegrowth factor of batch experiments for a liquid rocket engine.运用Gompertz模型和线性回归方法对液体火箭发动机批次试验中的可靠性增长因子进行分析,对新产品的可靠性分布函数进行预测。

2.Usually,growth factor was used for the information transfer between stages.对于延缓纠正模式的可靠性增长试验,阶段内产品的寿命服从失效率为常数的指数分布,而阶段间的可靠性有阶跃增长,通常考虑以增长因子进行阶段间的信息传递,增长因子的确定成为关键。

3.Firstly,we obtain the optimal contention window\"sgrowth factor and optimal collision occupation ratio through theoretical analysis.本文在该协议的基础上提出了一种竞争窗口增长因子自适应调整算法—SCWGF(Self-adaptive algorithmof adjusting Contention Window’s Growth Factor),通过理论分析得到不同竞争节点数下竞争窗口增长因子的最优解和最优冲突时间占用率,提出了使用自适应算法使竞争窗口增长因子收敛到最优解,仿真结果表明SCWGF提高了网络的饱和吞吐量。

3)increase motivation增长动因

4)dynamic growth动态增长

1.The phenomenon of thedynamic growth of urban land price is studied in this paper.一个城市的土地总体价格水平将会因为资本追加、土地的集约利用以及城市基础设施、公共服务的改善而得到提高,地价总是趋于动态增长的。

2.This paper uses the CMS model to analyze the performance and competitiveness of Argentine agricultural products in China\"s market and the reasons for thedynamic growth of Argentine land- intensive products.文章使用恒定市场份额模型来分析阿根廷农产品在中国市场的表现及竞争状况和阿根廷土地密集型产品动态增长的原因。

5)increasing trends增长动态

6)dynamic factor动态因子

1.The main steam temperature regulating system has features of multiinput and multioutput, its mathematic model can be represented by using state equation, and the state equation of said system is solved in emulation by applyingdynamic factor and dynamic matrix.电站主蒸汽温度调节系统具有多输入、多输出的特点,其数学模型可以用状态方程来表示,并在仿真中运用动态因子法与动态矩阵可求解系统状态方程。

2.Through a theoretical analysis and mathematical derivation thedynamic factors affecting calculation precision have been identified, thereby acquiring a method for realizing a fully approximating analytical solution.通过理论分析和数学推导,找出影响计算精度的动态因子,从而获得能够充分逼近解析解的方法。

3.By means of theoretical analysis, the error formulas, the error sign criteria and the error relationship criterion of implicit Euler method and trapezoidal method are given, thedynamic factor affecting the computational precision has been found, and the formula and the computational methods on thedynamic factor are given as well.通过理论分析,给出隐式欧拉法和梯形法的误差计算公式、误差符号及首次误差关系判断准则,找到影响计算精度的动态因子,给出动态因子的计算公式及计算方法,从而提高了此类模型的计算精度。


正常人白细胞转移因子 , 白细胞转移因子,转移因子药物名称:转移因子英文名:Transfer Factor别名: 正常人白细胞转移因子 , 白细胞转移因子,转移因子外文名:Transfer Factor ,TF适应症: 为细胞免疫反应增强剂,能将细胞免疫活性转移给受体,以提高受体的免疫功能。临床上用于治疗某些抗生素难以控制的病毒性或酶菌性细胞内感染(如带状皰疹、流行性乙型脑炎、白色念珠菌感染等)。对恶性肿瘤可作为辅助治疗剂,对自体免疫性疾病也有一定治疗作用。 用量用法: 一般采用皮下注射,注于上臂内侧或大腿内侧腹股沟下端,1次注射1支,每周1~2次,1个月后改为每2周1次。对带状疱疹,一般只需注射1次。 规格: 注射液:每支2ml,相当于1×1000000000白细胞提取物(上海产),北京产则相当于5~10×1000000000. 注:严禁静脉给药.类别:免疫调节剂
