1200字范文 > 幅度误差 Amplitude error英语短句 例句大全

幅度误差 Amplitude error英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-03 11:09:17


幅度误差 Amplitude error英语短句 例句大全

幅度误差,Amplitude error

1)Amplitude error幅度误差

1.By combining the theoretical analysis with the computer simulation,the author analyzed the effect of the phase error,amplitude error and the position erro.然后分别从阵元的相位误差、幅度误差和位置误差三个方面着手,理论分析和计算机仿真相结合,详细介绍了它们对波束形成的影响,对工程应用具有现实的指导意义。

2.The performance of the plan and the effects caused by phase and amplitude error in I and Q path were given.提出了基于频域校准相位抵消法的低中频接收机方案,同时分析其性能以及I,Q两路的相位、幅度误差带来的影响。


1.Calibration Method for Amplitude Error in Aperture Synthesis Microwave Radiometer综合孔径辐射计中幅度误差校正方法研究

2.CAVEC (chroma amplitude and velocity error corrector)色度幅度和速度误差校正器

3.Research on Calibration for Error Vector Magnitued of Digital Modulation Signal数字调制信号误差矢量幅度校准研究

4.Simulation and Analysis of the Digital Transmitter EVM数字发射机的误差矢量幅度仿真与分析

5.Error Vector Magnitude Measurement Algorithm for Vector Analytical Instrument of Hiperlan/2;Hiperlan/2标准误差矢量幅度测试在矢量分析仪中的算法

6.The Analysis of Amplitude and Angle Measuring Error of HRG Affected by Temperature温度效应造成的半球谐振陀螺振幅和测角误差因素分析

7.gin arrangement小差距汇率幅度安排

8.Performance Analysis of ASLC with Amplitude and Phase Error存在幅相误差的ASLC系统性能分析

9.Self-calibration with sensor gain and phase uncertainty based on sparsely decomposition基于稀疏分解的阵列幅相误差自校正

10.The method enables the IEMC to realize automatic error compensation and auto-calibration easily,and lower the cost largely.该方法使智能电子罗盘容易地实现了自动误差补偿和自动校准 ,大幅度降低了成本。

11.Detection and Compensation of Amplitude Error and Quadrature Error for Inductosyn感应同步器的幅值误差和正交误差的检测与补偿

12.the range of a thermometer温度计升降的高低差距 [升降幅度]

13.Parasitic AM and Phase Error in Pseudo-Random Binary Codes伪随机二相编码信号的寄生调幅与相位误差

14.Effects of Mutual Coupling and Amplitude-phase Errors on the Ultra-Low Sidelobe Antenna;超低副瓣阵列天线互耦及幅相误差影响的研究

15.Research of Array Gain and Phase Error Correction Algorithm Based on Single Auxiliary Source基于单辅助源的阵列幅相误差校正方法

16.Improved active array calibration algorithm for mutual coupling and amplitude-phase error of uniform linear array均匀线阵互耦和幅相误差有源校正改进算法

17.Analysis of Amplitude and Phase Errors on STAP for Multi-Carrier-Frequency Space Based Sparse Array天基多载频稀疏阵STAP方法的幅相误差影响

18.Self-Calibration of Channel Errors for Bistatic HF Surface Wave SIAR双基地高频地波SIAR通道幅相误差的自校准方法


error span误差幅度


1.The algorithm is verified by experiments and the modulator can produce digital modulation signals with goodEVM(Error Vector Magnitude) and spectrum mask.通过验证,所产生的调制信号具有良好的误差向量幅度(EVM)和频谱特征。

2.The relationship betweenEVM and ACPR is derived in this paper.推导了无线通信系统误差向量幅度(EVM)与邻道功率比(ACPR)指标的相互关系,得出了通过功放线性化改善ACPR使得系统EVM减小的结论。

4)amplitude quantization error幅度量化误差

1.The spectrum characteristics of the phase truncation error andamplitude quantization error are analyzed by the method of Fourier series.介绍了直接数字频率合成技术以及分析其杂散误差,对相位截断误差和幅度量化误差进行了傅立叶级数分析研究。

5)error vector magnitude(EVM)误差矢量幅度(EVM)

6)error vector magnitude误差矢量幅度

1.The characteristics oferror vector magnitude(EVM) of demodulator are investigated when 90° hybrid bridge and 0° hybrid bridge in microwave six-port network have amplitude/phase imbalanc.研究了射频六端口网络中正交电桥和同相电桥分别存在相位幅度不平衡时和同时存在相位幅度不平衡时解调器误差矢量幅度的特性。

2.Meanwhile, by analyzing the relationship between non-linear power amplifier and LO phase noise toerror vector magnitude (EVM), a mathematical model of EVM with the third-order cross-interference and phase noise is obtained, used to make systematic analysis on the performance of signal source transmitter.同时,通过分析功率放大器非线性和本振相位噪声与误差矢量幅度(EVM)的关系,获得了EVM与三阶交调干扰和相位噪声的数学模型,对信号源发射机性能作了系统分析。


