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外刊双语精读 | 雅虎:穿汉服的小哥哥小姐姐们

时间:2023-08-20 00:17:39


外刊双语精读 | 雅虎:穿汉服的小哥哥小姐姐们






Back to the Hanfu-ture: Young Chinese revive ancient fashion



revive除了“复兴复苏”之意,还可以表示重新上演,比如:A London theatre has decided to revive the 1950s musical ‘In Town’. 伦敦的一家剧院决定重新排演20世纪50年代的音乐剧《在镇上》。

Dressed in a flowing long robe adorned with beaded floral embroidery from a bygone era, stylist Xiao Hang looks like she surfaced from a time machine as she strides across the bustling Beijing metro, attracting curious glances and inquisitive questions.



She had pale skin and dark, flowing hair. 她皮肤白皙,黑发飘飘。

long, flowing robes 飘逸的长袍

beaded表示“缀有珠子的”,比如a beaded dress 一条缀有珠子的连衣裙。还有一个词组beaded with sweat,表示“挂着汗珠的”。

bygone age/era/days表示过去的时期/年代/岁月等,比如The buildings reflect the elegance of a bygone era. 这些建筑物反映了过去年代的典雅。

bustling,忙乱的,经常搭配介词with: bustling with sb/sth

The flower market was bustling with shoppers. 花市里熙熙攘攘,挤满了顾客。

China has embraced Western fashion and futuristic technology as its economy boomed in recent decades, but a growing number of young people like Xiao are looking to the past for their sartorial choices and donning traditional "hanfu", or "Han clothing”.


look to,展望,比如:

Looking to the future, though, we asked him what the prospects are for a vaccine to prevent infection in the first place. 然而,展望未来时,我们首先问他一种预防传染的疫苗前景如何。

sartorial服装的,尤指男装样式的,a man of greatsartorial elegance衣着极其讲究的男子

donning是don的现在分词,意思是:to put on a hat, coat etc戴上〔帽子〕;穿上〔衣服〕,及物动词。

These historic costumes of the Han ethnic majority are enjoying a renaissance in part because the government is promoting traditional culture in a bid to boost national identity.


in part because...部分是由于……,表示“部分原因”的词还可以有:

partly because… Some people are unwilling to attend the classes partly because of the cost involved. 有些人不愿来上课,部份原因是所需的费用问题。

due in part to sth Her success was due in part to luck. 她的成功在某种程度上是由于运气好。

thanks partly to sth

be partly to do sth 与…有一定关系

be partly to blame …要负一定责任

Period dramas have also contributed to the surge in interest for traditional Chinese garb -- "The Story of Minglan", a TV series set in the Song Dynasty, garnered more than 400 million viewers in three days when it debuted earlier this year.


period drama: a drama set in a particular historical period 历史剧,其中period形容词,表示具有特定历史时期风格的,比如穿着年代服装的演员actors dressed in period costume


priestly garb 牧师装束

其他表示“服装”的名词中,garment是商业用语,美国英语中尤用于谈论服装的生产和销售,clothes常用于日常口语中表示“服装”,dress指某种风格的衣服,一般不单独使用,比如晚礼服evening dress,休闲服casual dress。wear则是商店里出售的某种类型的服装,一般也不单用,比如童装children"s wear,运动装sports wear。

garner及物动词,得到,收集,宾语一般是信息或支持,比如:The party garnered 70 percent of the vote. 该党得到了70%的选票。

There is no uniform definition of what counts as hanfu since each Han-dominated dynasty had its own style, but the outfits are characterised by loose, flowing robes that drape around the body, with sleeves that hangdown to the knees.



drape sth over/around sth

Jack emerged with a towel draped around him. 杰克披着一条毛巾走了出来。

drape sth with/in sth

The soldiers’ coffins were draped with American flags. 士兵的灵柩上盖着美国国旗。

Clothes are the "foundation of culture," said Jiang Xue, who is part of a Beijing-based hanfu club. "If we as a people and as a country do not even understand our traditional clothing or don"t wear them, how can we talk about other essential parts of our culture?" she said.


be part of, 也可以是be a part of, 表示……是某事物的一份子、一部分,比如Falling over is part of learning how to ski. 学滑雪少不了要摔倒。

也可以表示人员是某个组织中的一份子,比如If you decide to work for our organisation, you will be part of a great team. 如果你决定为我们机构工作,你将成为我们优秀团队中的一员。



笔记整理:Zoe,CATTI 2, TEM 8

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