1200字范文 > 皂甙类 Saponins英语短句 例句大全

皂甙类 Saponins英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-16 20:23:42


皂甙类 Saponins英语短句 例句大全



1.Some physiological functions of plant saponins and their hypoglycemic mechanism have been studied in recent years.皂甙类是降血糖重要有效成分之一,通过对降血糖植物及成分、皂甙成分及生理功能、皂甙类成分降血糖作用、皂甙降血糖作用机理等方面的综合研究。


1.Study of Metabolic Conversion of Mogrol Glycosides in Fruit of Siraitia Grosvenorii罗汉果皂甙类成分代谢转化规律分析

2.Study on the Extraction and Analytical Methods of Flavonoids and Ginsenosides in Stauntonia Chinensis DC;野木瓜中黄酮和皂甙类化合物的分离提纯及其分析测试研究

3.Sapogenin of Camellia oleifera belong to fiterpene sapogenin, on washing, emulsity, saturations, froth and medicine and so on use expance.油茶皂素属于三萜类皂甙,在洗涤、化、湿、泡和医药等方面用途广泛。

4.Identification of Platycodin-V and Deapioplatycodin-D from Platycodon grandiflorum A.DC.;桔梗皂甙V与去芹糖桔梗甙D的鉴定

5.Studying on Separating Protopanaxdiol and Protopanaxtriol Type Ginsenosides and Application of HPLC-MS in the Determination of Bioactive Components in Compound Preparations;人参二醇三醇类皂甙的分离及中药复方中有效成份的HPLC-MS分析研究

6.Synthesis of Active Steroidal Glycosides and Flavonoid Glycosides;活性甾体皂甙和黄酮体氧甙的合成研究

7.Anti-colon tumor effect of soybean saponins and sapogenols大豆皂甙及甙元抗结肠癌作用的实验研究

8.Enzymatic hydrolysis of soybean saponin sugar-moiety produces new saponins, containing lower sugar and higher activity.水解大豆皂甙分子上的部分糖基可以生成低糖链、活性的新皂甙。

9.The Identification of the Notoginseng Folium Saponins and the Purification of Notoginsenoside Fa;三七茎叶提取物中皂甙成分定性及三七皂甙Fa的制备

10.Influences of PDS and PTS on immunity of the rat during swimming training;人参二醇组皂甙、三醇组皂甙对游泳训练大鼠细胞免疫的影响

11.Study on Chemical Composition of the Pod of Gleditsia Sinensis and Its Saponins Extraction Technique;皂荚荚果化学组成及皂甙提取工艺的研究

12.Study on Improving the Extraction Rate of Saponins in Gleditsia Sinensis by Ultrasonic运用超声法提高皂荚皂甙浸出率的研究

13.Studies on the Method of Determining Diosgenin Content in Dioscorea collettii粉萆?中皂甙元含量测定方法的研究

14.Study on by-Product Starch of Extracting Dioscingenin from Dioscorea Zingibernisis盾叶薯蓣提取皂甙元副产淀粉的研究

15.Preparation and Analysis of Diosgenin from Dioscorea Zingiberensis盾叶薯蓣中薯蓣皂甙元的制备与分析

16.The effect of Ginsenoside(GS) on spinal cord evoked potential(SCEP) in spinal cord injury人参皂甙对损伤脊髓诱发电位的影响

17.Study of Astragalosides" Mechanisms on Protective Effect in Myocardial Injury;黄芪总皂甙保护心肌损伤的机制研究

18.Effects of Ginsenoside on Immune Function in Fowls;人参叶皂甙对鸡免疫功能调节的研究



3)panaxdiol type ginsenosides人参二醇类皂甙

1.The technical parameters for purification ofpanaxdiol type ginsenosides and panaxtriol type ginsenosides with macroporous adsorption resin were studied.用不同浓度的乙醇洗脱 ,使人参二醇类和三醇类皂甙实现富集分离 ,人参二醇类皂甙富集在 80 %乙醇洗脱液部分 ,人参三醇类皂甙富集在 4 0 %洗脱液部分。

4)panaxtriol type ginsenosides人参三醇类皂甙

1.The technical parameters for purification of panaxdiol type ginsenosides andpanaxtriol type ginsenosides with macroporous adsorption resin were studied.本实验研究大孔吸附树脂从人参根提取物中富集、分离人参二醇类和人参三醇类皂甙的工艺条件及参数。

5)oleanane saponins齐墩果烷类皂甙

1.A large number of 13 C NMR spectra datas ofoleanane saponins are studied and analysed in this paper.通过对大量齐墩果烷类皂甙天然产物 1 3C NMR化学位移的分析和研究 ,总结了其1 3C NMR图谱特征及化学位移规律 ,对影响其结构骨架上不同位置碳原子化学位移因素进行了分析 ,建立了用于齐墩果烷类皂甙天然产物 1 3C NMR图谱智能解析知识库并对智能解析进行了初步的探讨 。

6)saponin compound皂甙类化合物

1.The deaggregation behavior ofsaponin compounds was studied in Φ = 0.用荧光光谱方法研究了皂甙类化合物在φ=0。


