1200字范文 > 港口水域爆破 blasting of harbor water area英语短句 例句大全

港口水域爆破 blasting of harbor water area英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-01 23:22:20


港口水域爆破 blasting of harbor water area英语短句 例句大全

港口水域爆破,blasting of harbor water area

1)blasting of harbor water area港口水域爆破

2)port waters港口水域

1.Analysis and countermeasure to problems of navigation safety management inport waters;港口水域通航安全管理存在问题分析及对策


1.The Safety Analysis and Evaluation of Channels in Yantai Harbor;烟台港港口水域航道安全分析与评价

2.Analysis and Evaluation on the Danger Degree of the Channel Environment in the Water of Xiamen Port;厦门港港口水域航道环境危险度的分析与评价

3.Quantitative risk assessment approach in LNG tank shipping container in port water area港口水域LNG罐箱运输定量风险评价

4.Unascertained measure model for port traffic risk assessment港口水域通航风险评价的未确知测度模型

5.Application of Formal Safety Assessment (FSA) to the Shipping Traffic Safety Management of the Port and Its Adjoining Waters;在港口水域船舶交通安全管理中综合安全评估(FSA)的应用研究

6.A Fundamental Study on Biodegradation and Bioremediation of the Oil-contaminated Area of Harbor;港口水域石油污染生物降解及生物修复技术的基础研究

7.A sheltered part of a body of water deep enough to provide anchorage for ships.海港,港口一块有足够深度为船只提供安全停泊口岸的水域

8.Distributions of COD and nutrients in South Channel of Changjiang Estuary under saltwater intrusion盐水入侵下长江口南港水域COD和营养盐分布

9.The usual course taken by vessels through a harbor or coastal waters.航道船只通过港口或海岸水域的常用航道

10.Evaluation of the Effects of Humem Port Rebuilt on the Fishery Water Ecosystem;虎门港改造工程对港口渔业水域生态环境影响分析评价

11."in relation generally to the administration, regulation and control of ports, ships and navigation in the waters of Hong Kong, "在处理香港港口、在香港水域内的船舶及水上交通的一般管理、规管及控制事务方面,

12.An artificially enclosed area of a river or harbor designed so that the water level remains unaffected by tidal changes.内港,内湾留作河流或港口专用的人工围起的区域,潮水变化不致使水位受影响

13."Coastal waters" means the harbours, inland waters, territorial waters and all other sea areas under the jurisdiction of the state along the seacoast of the People"s Republic of China.“沿海水域”是指中华人民共和国沿海的港口、内水和领海以及国家管辖的一切其他海域。

14.Clearance Permit to Leave Hong Kong Waters驶离香港水域许可证

15.bay area rapid transit district港湾水域快速通过地带

16.The Marine Department administers the port. Its principal function is to ensure safety of navigation and efficiency of shipping activities in the waters of Hong Kong.海事处负责管理港口,其主要职能是确保船舶在本港水域安全航行、航运活动效率良好。

17.The Marine Department administers the port. Its principal function is to ensure safety of navigation and efficiency of shipping activities in Hong Kong waters.海事处负责管理港口,其主要职能是确保船舶在本港水域安全航行,并促进航运活动的效率。

18.The sailor steered the little boat into a harbor.水手驾着小船进了港口。


port waters港口水域

1.Analysis and countermeasure to problems of navigation safety management inport waters;港口水域通航安全管理存在问题分析及对策

3)harbor calm area港口静水域

4)water areas arrangement for port港口水域布局

5)waterside area港口水域面积

6)blasting notch爆破切口

1.The choice ofblasting notch configuration,the determination of blasting parameters and the taken technical measures of a 45-metre-high brick chimney by directional folded in complicated environment are introduced,it is hoped that this paper can accumulate some experiences for the similar engineerings.介绍了复杂环境下45 m高砖烟囱单向折叠爆破拆除时,选择的爆破切口型式和爆破参数以及采取的主要技术措施等。

2.From analyzing the mechanics of axis rotation of chimney after being blasted, and rupture form ofblasting notch.从烟囱施爆后做定轴转动的力学分析入手,结合爆破切口的断裂形式,讨论支反力的变化情况,得出了前冲的原因,并推导了前冲距离的计算公式。


