1200字范文 > 住宅施工 housing construction英语短句 例句大全

住宅施工 housing construction英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-21 02:49:22


住宅施工 housing construction英语短句 例句大全

住宅施工,housing construction

1)housing construction住宅施工


1.Floor Space of Residential Buildings under construction, completed and sold各地区住宅施工、竣工、销售面积.

2.Research on construction technique of multi-layer light gauge steel housing新型轻钢结构多层住宅施工技术研究

3.industrial, residential, etc zones工业、 住宅...区

4.Discussion on engineering application of PE-Xpipe in residential houses;PE-X管在住宅工程中的施工问题探讨

5.A Discussion of the Construction Quality of Control for the Main-body Structure of Residential Buildings住宅工程主体结构施工质量控制探讨

6.An System Analysis of Safety Management in the Building Site of Housing Architecture;住宅建筑施工现场安全管理系统研究

7.A Study of Project Management Performance Evaluation on Residential Construction;住宅建筑施工项目管理绩效评价研究

8.The Method of Design and Construction Studies on Commerical Dwelling High-rise Building;高层商业住宅楼设计与施工方法研究

9.Design and Construction of Multi-story Steel Structure Residential System多高层钢结构住宅体系的设计与施工

10.Causes of Leakage of External Wall in Housing Projects and the Preventive Measures住宅工程外墙渗漏的原因及防治措施

11.Waterproofing Techniques Used in Basement of Some University Young High-level Teachers and Administration Staff Housing小高层住宅地下室防水施工技术探讨

12.Deviation rectification by design of foundation reinforcement and construction of the residential building某住宅楼纠倾及地基加固设计与施工

13.Implementing Life Housing Engineering to Achieve Sustainable Residential Development;实施生命住宅工程 促进人类住区可持续发展

14.The Construction Memoir for the Bored Pile of the High Hosing Project in Taiyuan太原某高层住宅楼钻孔灌注桩施工工程实录

15.Construction Technology and Quality Control for the Waterproofing Of Res idential Building Roof住宅小区斜屋面防水工程施工技术及质量控制

16.Design and Construction of PP-R Plastic Pipe in Residential Water Supply Piping Works;住宅给水管道工程中PP-R塑料管的设计与施工

17.The method and process of surveying thepile foundation of a residence building;某住宅楼桩基工程监理工作方法及实施过程

18.Study on Construction Cost Control of LINHE-FENGJING Building Engineering Project临河风景住宅工程项目施工成本控制研究


home builder住宅施工人员

3)residential project住宅工程

1.About theresidential project construction management from one living quarter building;从某小区建设谈住宅工程施工管理

2.Application of multi-particle compound waterproof rolling material inresidential project;多层高分子复合防水卷材在住宅工程中的应用

3.On quality checking by every house inresidential project;浅谈住宅工程质量分户验收

4)housing project住宅工程

1.Strengthening acquaintance of quality is key point to improve the quality ofhousing project;强化工程质量意识 提高住宅工程质量

2.Cause analysis of high-risehousing project wall crack and treatment measure高层住宅工程墙体裂缝原因分析及治理措施

3.To improve the quality of concrete floors inhousing projects,the writer analyzes the common reasons that produce cracks in the floors,points out control m.目前,由于住宅工程中现浇混凝土楼板的广泛使用,楼板裂缝问题随之大量出现,而住宅楼板因温度、收缩等引起的变形裂缝在住宅质量投诉中占有相当大的比重,如何妥善解决楼板裂缝,已成为住宅建设健康发展的关键问题。

5)residential engineering住宅工程

1.Discussion theresidential engineering hydropower quality common fault and their prevention measures;浅析住宅工程水电质量通病及其防治措施

2.Analysis on the causes of cast-in-site slab crack inresidential engineering and its prevention and cure;住宅工程现浇楼板裂缝成因分析及防治

3.The causes of external window leakage inresidential engineering and its prevention and cure;浅析住宅工程外窗渗漏的原因及防治

6)residence engineering住宅工程

1.For insuring theresidence engineering quantity, The prevention combines to overcome the construction quantity problem.为确保住宅工程质量,预防并克服施工质量通病,本文结合监理工作实际提出了住宅工程施工质量控制的具体措施。

2.In this paper, based on the practice inresidence engineering supervision and construction, the author put forward the quality control process from the angle of supervision to control and decrease cracks in casting floors.在住宅工程监理实践中,针对现浇板裂缝的产生原因,从监理角度提出施工前、施 工中、施工后的质量控制,从而达到控制和减少现浇板裂缝产生的目的。


施工企业技术组织措施计划(见施工企业技术)施工企业技术组织措施计划(见施工企业技术)technical and organize measurement plan in construction enterprise施工企业技术组织措施杯茹”岑,~‘_:_,organize measurement plan in eonstruetionenterPrise)见施工企业技米管理基本制度。
