1200字范文 > 白色母 white masterbatch英语短句 例句大全

白色母 white masterbatch英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-28 22:04:11


白色母 white masterbatch英语短句 例句大全

白色母,white masterbatch

1)white masterbatch白色母

1.In order to reduce the cost ofwhite masterbatch,a multi-element titanium pigment AY-726W was developed.为了降低白色母粒的成本,开发了多元素钛白颜料AY-726W,研究了AY-726W应用于白色母粒中及其对白色母料性能的影响。


1.Study on Preparation and Application of High Concentration White Masterbatch;浓PE白色母粒的加工制备及应用性能研究

2.The white heifer is big with calf.那头白色的小母牛快下崽了。

3.Effect of Illumination on Growth of Scyphistoma in Jellyfish Cyanea nozakii光照对白色霞水母螅状体生长的影响

4.This red and white champion female is in the middle range of the red color.这是红白两色母犬冠军,红色排列在中部。

5.a black hen or a white hen?黑母鸡和白母鸡?”

6.all four grandparents were colored, but all could get by祖父母和外祖父母都是有色人种,但都被认为是白人。

7.The common fungus infection was Candida albicans,about 60.61 per cent.感染真菌中最常见的是白色假丝酵母菌,占60.61%;

8.Surface Treatment of Titanium Dioxide and Its Application in Master Batch;钛白粉的表面处理及其在塑料色母粒中的应用

9.Surface Treatment of Titanium Dioxide and Its Application in Masterbatch;钛白粉的表面处理及在色母粒中的应用

10.Experimental study of inhibiting candida albicans infection by saccharomyces cerevisiae;啤酒酵母阻断白色念珠菌感染的实验研究

11.Angle-dependent optical effect of TiO_2/muscovite pearlescent coatingTiO_2/白云母珠光颜料涂层的随角异色效应研究

12.Relationship Between Gene CYP51 and Clinical Azole-resistant Candida albicans Isolates耐唑类白色假丝酵母菌临床株CYP51基因的研究

13.Clinical Deep Infection of Candida albicansIts Distribution and Resistance深部感染白色假丝酵母菌的分布及耐药分析

14.6/6 pigment guinea pigs, which albino were the animals of ma- trilineal parent generations had DPOAE;亲母代为白色豚鼠、子代为花色豚鼠引出DPOAE率为 6/ 6;

15.4/11 albino guinea pigs, which pigment were the animals of matrilineal parent generations had DPOAE.亲母 代为花色豚鼠、子代为白色豚鼠引出DPOAE率为4/11;

16.However, the red carnation has since become the symbol of a living mother while white signifies that one"s mother has died.不过,送红色的康乃馨表示母亲仍然健在,送白色康乃馨表示母亲已经过世。

17.both discovered something white on the sidewalk.我父母不约而同地在人行道上发现了一件白色的东西。

18.Albert stood pale and motionless to hear what his mother would decide after she had finished reading this letter.阿尔贝脸色苍白,一动不动地站着,等待母亲在读完这封信以后决定。


white mica白色云母

3)Cyanea nozakii白色霞水母

1.Morphology ofCyanea nozakii in different developmental stages;白色霞水母各发育阶段的形态

2.Laboratory observations on the life cycle ofCyanea nozakii(Semeostomida,Scyphozoa);白色霞水母生活史的实验室观察(英文)

3.Effect of Illumination on Growth of Scyphistoma in JellyfishCyanea nozakii光照对白色霞水母螅状体生长的影响

4)Candida albicans白色假丝酵母菌

parison ofCandida albicans Biofilms Model Systems in vitro;3种白色假丝酵母菌生物膜体外模型的比较研究

2.Genotyping,Antifungal Susceptibility and Clinic Analysis of 60 Strains ofCandida albicans Isolated from Lower Respiratory Tract;下呼吸道分离白色假丝酵母菌基因型、药敏试验和临床相关因素分析

3.Relationship between drug resistance ofCandida albicans,gene expression associated with drug resistance and proteinase;白色假丝酵母菌耐药性与耐药基因表达及蛋白酶的关系

5)Saccharomyces albicans白色假丝酵母菌

1.Relationship betweenSaccharomyces albicans and caries;白色假丝酵母菌与龋病的关系

2.Studies have showed that there is a close relationship betweenSaccharomyces albicans and denture stomatitis.很多研究显示,白色假丝酵母菌和义齿性口炎发病有密切联系。

3.Result 62 patients′ feces were found to contain fungal spores or hyphae,in whichSaccharomyces albicans accounted for 56.结果110例腹泻患者中查见真菌孢子及菌丝者62例;真菌分布白色假丝酵母菌占56。

6)A young white heifer.一头白色母牛犊。


