1200字范文 > 专项施工方案 special construction plan英语短句 例句大全

专项施工方案 special construction plan英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-14 02:40:04


专项施工方案 special construction plan英语短句 例句大全

专项施工方案,special construction plan

1)special construction plan专项施工方案


1.Simple Discussion of the Security Construction Plan Compilation of the Projects with More Fatalness;浅谈危险性较大工程的安全专项施工方案编制

2.Research on the Auditing Method of Compilation of Specific Construction Program for Safety for Projects with Relatively Greater Danger;危险性较大工程安全专项施工方案编制审查方法研究

3.Method of Composing Special Safety Scheme for Deep Foundation Pit Bracing Projects and Software Development深基坑支护工程安全专项施工方案的编制方法及配套软件开发

4.Research of the Method How to Write Special Schemes of Giant gGantry for High Risk Project and Appliance of Enginerring危险性较大门式膺架吊装工程安全专项施工方案编制方法研究及工程应用

5.Research of the Method How to Write Special Safety Schemes for High-risk Scafold Project and the Development of Software;危险性较大脚手架工程安全专项施工方案的编制方法研究及配套软件开发

6.On the Plan to Consummate Specialized Sports Event Teachingin Ordinary Universities;论完善普通高校专项体育课实施方案

7.Research on Implementing Curriculum Plan of Traditional Sports in Wrestling and Judo-Taking Guangzhou Physical Education Institute for Example;摔跤、柔道专项实施民体专业课程方案的研究

8.Public Works Construction Projects to Optimize the Construction Technology Program市政工程建设项目施工技术方案优化

9.Xi Tie Ltd. Project Cost Control Research Program;西铁公司施工项目成本控制方案研究

10.The Research on Risk Management Implementation Plan of Communication Engineering Project通信工程项目风险管理实施方案研究

11.Concrete Construction Program of Conversion Layer of A District No.15某小区15栋项目转换层砼施工方案

12.Discussion and Application on Reform Scheme of Computer Software Project Teaching;计算机软件专业项目教学改革方案探讨与实施

13.The Construction Project Cost Management Program Design and Implementation of Guangdong Provincial Industrial Equipment Installation Company广安公司施工项目成本管理方案的设计与实施

14.Discussion on construction organization designs on laying and erecting works of Qinhuangdao - Shenyang dedicated passenger line,;浅谈秦沈客运专线铺架工程施工组织设计方案

15.The conceiving of teaching program of building engineering (construction) specialty in higher vocational and technical education;高职房屋建筑工程(施工)专业培养方案设想

16.Research on the Organization and Planning for Construction Project Management of Sichuan Radio & TV Tower;四川电视塔施建工程项目管理方案研究

17.Analysis on construction plan of optical fiber cable communication trunk engineering光缆通信干线工程施工方案分析——鄂湘省界-怀化段光缆线路单项工程施工组织方案

18.The Project of "Working and Learning Alternation" Education of Real Estate Program in Higher Vocational Schools高职房地产专业工学交替教学实施方案设计


special scheme of safety of construction project安全专项施工方案

1.213), thespecial scheme of safety of construction project must be established for High-risk construction project.为了加强建设工程项目的安全技术管理,防止建筑施工安全事故,保障人身和财产安全,依据《建设工程安全生产管理条例》和《危险性较大工程安全专项施工方案编制及专家论证审查办法》(建质[]213号),危险性较大工程必须编制安全专项施工方案。

3)monomial construction scheme单项施工方案

4)special scheme专项方案

5)Construction scheme施工方案

1.Construction scheme for Xujiahui hub of Shanghai rail transit;上海轨道交通徐家汇枢纽施工方案研究

2.Transitional construction scheme of communication equipments in the running railway line;营业线通信设备过渡施工方案

3.On the secondary lining construction scheme of tunnel;隧道二次衬砌施工方案的探讨

6)construction project施工方案

1.Application of grey system in decision-making onconstruction project of moulding board of shearing force wall;灰色系统在剪力墙模板施工方案决策中的应用

2.Fuzzy Opitimize Model of Multi-goal Decision-making in Construction Project;施工方案的多目标决策模糊优化模型

3.Decision-Making ofconstruction project is a large system which consists of multiple target,complex structure and numerous factors.大型工程施工方案的评价决策是一个多目标、结构复杂、因素众多的大系统。


施工企业技术组织措施计划(见施工企业技术)施工企业技术组织措施计划(见施工企业技术)technical and organize measurement plan in construction enterprise施工企业技术组织措施杯茹”岑,~‘_:_,organize measurement plan in eonstruetionenterPrise)见施工企业技米管理基本制度。
