1200字范文 > 临时保护涂料 temporary protective coatings英语短句 例句大全

临时保护涂料 temporary protective coatings英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-05-07 03:56:18


临时保护涂料 temporary protective coatings英语短句 例句大全

临时保护涂料,temporary protective coatings

1)temporary protective coatings临时保护涂料

2)temporary protective material临时保护材料

3)temporary protection临时保护


1.Such temporary protection shall not extend the periods provided by Article 4.该项临时保护不应延展第四条规定的期间。

2.(2) Such temporary protection shall not extend the periods provided by Article 4.(2)该项临时保护不应延展第四条规定的期间。

3.Improving Interim Measures in International Arbitration;国际商事仲裁中的临时保护措施制度——兼议我国相关制度的不足

4.Study on temporary protection of ivories, buckteeth and antlers unearthed from Jinsha site;金沙遗址出土象牙、骨角质文物现场临时保护研究

5.The legislation offer no protection to part-time worker.立法不保护临时工。

6.Interim Multilateral Fund for the Protection of the Ozone保护臭氧层临时多边基金

7.The commission has already introduced two temporary measures to safeguard the structure.该委员会已采用了两种临时办法来保护斜塔。

8.The Challenges Faced by the Intellectual Property Rights Protection in the New Times and Countermeasures;新时期知识产权保护面临的挑战与对策

9.Constructs uses electricity temporarily the leakage protector misoperation reason analysis;施工临时用电漏电保护器误动作原因分析

10.Challenges and countermeasures for Protecting Copyright in Digital Times;数字化时代版权保护所面临的挑战及对策

11.Research on the Preliminary Injunction System in International Intellectual Property Protection国际知识产权保护中的临时禁令制度研究

12.Selection of cardioprotective timing for the late ischemic preconditioning延迟相缺血预处理心肌保护时间窗的临床探讨

13.Clinical application on carotid filter when particulate debris falling off微栓子脱落时脑保护伞处理的临床应用

14.Could not delete temporary file. Make sure that you do not have it open and that the file is not protected.未能删除临时文件。请确保该文件未打开并且未被保护。

15.The Preventive Cardiac Pacing is Not Beneficial to the Patients with Acute Inferior Wall Myocardiac Infarction in the Treatment of Emergency PCI;急性下壁心肌梗死急诊PCI时保护性临时起搏无益

16.Discuss the constitution protection of individual property right during the Republic of China Nanjing Provisional Government;简论中华民国南京临时政府时期个人财产权的宪法保护

17.The Provisional Urban Council is committed to improving the urban environment with landscape and tree preservation.临时市政局致力美化环境及保护林木,以求改善都市环境。

18.Calls to conserve our national heritage in the face of bewildering change.呼吁大家在面临令人手足无措的改变时,要保护我们的民族遗产


temporary protective material临时保护材料

3)temporary protection临时保护

4)protective coating保护涂料

1.Design & trial ofprotective coating sprayer of oxygen lance;氧枪保护涂料喷涂系统的设计与试用

2.Preparation of new chemical millingprotective coating of aluminum alloy;新一代铝合金化学铣切保护涂料的研制

3.Taking U71Mn steel as an example, the effect of heating time,protective coating and rolling deformation rate on decarburization and oxidation of the heavy rail slab has been studied by observing the changes in the slab"s decarburized layer in the course of heating and rolling.以U71Mn钢为例,通过观察在加热和轧制过程中的钢坯脱碳层的变化,研究加热时间、保护涂料和轧制形变率对重轨钢坯脱碳和氧化的影响。

5)protective coatings保护涂料

1.Six kinds of heat treatmentprotective coatings have been investigated.试验研究了 6种配方的热处理保护涂料 ,比较分析了它们的保护效果及其产生的原因。

6)temporary protection临时性保护


环境保护涂料分子式:分子量:CAS号:性质:简称环保涂料,又称低污染涂料(low pollution coatings)、绿色涂料(“green”coatings)。指符合环境保护法规的涂料,特别指在涂料组分中挥发有机物含量(volatile organic component,VOC)数值符合环境保护法规要求的涂料。是涂料重点发展的类型。通常认为粉末涂料、无溶剂涂料、水稀释涂料和乳胶漆等对环境污染较小。
