1200字范文 > 相位差校正 phase difference correction英语短句 例句大全

相位差校正 phase difference correction英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-15 10:48:54


相位差校正 phase difference correction英语短句 例句大全

相位差校正,phase difference correction

1)phase difference correction相位差校正

1.Harmonic analysis based on Kaiser windowphase difference correction and its application基于Kaiser窗相位差校正的电力谐波分析与应用

2.In order to improve the precision of analysis,System usesphase difference correction,a reasonable and efficient spectral correction to correct the frequency spectrum.振动分析的精度问题是振动测试的关键,为了解决这一问题,系统采用了相位差校正法进行频谱校正。

3.When using the fast Fourier transform(FFT) for harmonic analysis and measurement,the measuring accuracy is apt to get affected owing to the spectral leakage The side-lobe characteristics of Rife-Vincent window are studied and a harmonic analysis and harmonic power measurement algorithm based on Rife-Vincent windowphase difference correction is proposed.研究Rife-Vincent窗的旁瓣特性,提出了一种基于Rife-Vincent窗频谱相位差校正的谐波分析与谐波功率测量方法。


1.Dielectric Loss Factor Measurement Based on Kaiser Window Phase Difference Correction基于Kaiser窗的相位差校正及tanδ测量应用

2.Application of Windowing Phase Difference Correcting Algorithm in Frequency Measurements of Electric Network Measurements加窗相位差校正算法在电网频率测量中的应用

3.Harmonic Power Measurement Based on Multi-CPU and a Phase Difference Correction Algorithm基于多CPU与相位差校正的高精度谐波功率测量

4.Harmonic analysis based on Kaiser window phase difference correction and its application基于Kaiser窗相位差校正的电力谐波分析与应用

5.A new virtual calibrator for instrument transformer is presented. A phase difference correction method is applicable to correct electronic instrument transformer.介绍了一种新型的虚拟互感器校验仪,它采用相位差校正法解决了校验电子式互感器的问题。

6.Correction Algorithm of Phase Shifting Errors in Phase Measuring Profilometry;位相测量轮廓术中相移误差的校正算法

7.Study on Fast Main Frequency-Correction Parameters Based on Phase Difference Method基于相位差法的快速工频频率校正的研究

8.The precision affection double-point press caused by the rotating-angle phase difference and the method for synchronous adjustment转角相位差对双点压力机精度的影响及同步校正方法

9.subcarrier phase correcting steps副载波相位校正梯级

10.Conection of Go-through Error Causing by Position由起始方位引起贯通测量误差的校正

11.Self-calibration with sensor gain and phase uncertainty based on sparsely decomposition基于稀疏分解的阵列幅相误差自校正

12.Phase error analysis and correction of electronic current transformer based on Rogowski coilsRogowski线圈电流互感器的相差分析与校正

13.Study and Application of Error-compensating Algorithm in Phase-shifting Interferometry;相移干涉术中相移误差校正算法及应用研究

14.INS Output Revising Based on Differential VLF Position基于差分甚低频定位信息的惯导输出校正

15.Analysis and Correction of Retrace Error for Nonnull Aspheric Testing非球面非零位检测中的回程误差分析与校正

16.The Method to Correct the Ionospheric Phase Distortion of the Travelling Radio Wave;电离层电波传播相位污染的校正算法

17.The Improved APSL in Automatic Phase Correction in NMRNMR中APSL自动相位校正算法的改进

18.Research of Array Gain and Phase Error Correction Algorithm Based on Single Auxiliary Source基于单辅助源的阵列幅相误差校正方法


phase difference correction method相位差校正

1.Power system frequency high-precision measurement based onphase difference correction method;基于相位差校正的电网频率高精度测量

2.The distortion of FFT algorithm resulted from spectrum leakage is resolved effectively byphase difference correction method.提出了扫频式FFT频谱分析仪一种全软化解决方案,采用相位差校正法解决了FFT计算中的频谱泄漏问题,实现了全景范围实时、高精度的频谱测量;经仿真与实际信号验证,频谱幅度测量精度可达到1%,频率测量精度高于0。

3)moveout phase correction时差相位校正

4)phase difference correcting method相位差校正法

1.The virtual computation for harmonic power based onphase difference correcting method;基于相位差校正法的虚拟谐波功率与电能计算

5)phase error correction相位误差校正

6)phase correction相位校正

1.Aphase correction method for Hybrid Baseline SAR-ATI of Distributed Satellites;分布式卫星混合基线SAR-ATI相位校正方法

2.Improvement of discriminant criteria forphase correction and its application effect.;相位校正判别准则的改进及应用效果分析

3.Review ofphase correction in seismic data processing;地震数据处理中的相位校正技术综述


相位差测量两同周期正弦电量对应点间角度差值的测量。此两正弦电量可以同为电压、电流,或一为电压、一为电流等。对应点常取正弦电量由负到正的过零点,相当于正弦电量函数的初相角。相位差的单位是度或弧度,正、负号表示领先或滞后关系。待测相位差的正弦电量的频率范围很广,因此采用的测量方法和仪器一般随频率的高低来选择。常用的方法是直接法和间接法。直接法 使用专用的仪表如指针式相位表、数字相位表,或采用阴级示波器来测量相位差。采用阴极示波器时,将两同频正弦电压信号分别加到示波器的X、Y轴,得到如图1所示的椭圆图形,则两正弦电压之间的相位差∮=arc sin(b/α)。这一方法不能判断两信号哪一个领先或滞后,并且在∮值接近零时,椭圆也退化接近成为一条直线,即b值很小,所以∮值很难测准。间接法 通常采用三电压表法。一般要求两电压信号有一公共点(设为a点),当分别测出两信号电压Uab、Uca,以及两电压的差值Ubc后,可画出如图2所示的电压三角形。按余弦定理,两信号电压间的相位差当∮很小时,可将Uab或Uca中较大的一个信号电压分压,使分压后两信号的数值相等。如此,在测得Uab(=Uca)及Ubc后,即可得到 (弧度)
