1200字范文 > 牛蒡寡糖 burdock oligosaccharide英语短句 例句大全

牛蒡寡糖 burdock oligosaccharide英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-29 19:43:01


牛蒡寡糖 burdock oligosaccharide英语短句 例句大全

牛蒡寡糖,burdock oligosaccharide

1)burdock oligosaccharide牛蒡寡糖

1.Effects of different treatment ways of burdock root on the extraction ofburdock oligosaccharide and its extraction technique optimization;牛蒡根不同处理方式对提取牛蒡寡糖的影响及提取工艺的优化

2.Effects ofburdock oligosaccharide on promoting the growth of scophthalmus maximus;牛蒡寡糖促进大菱鲆生长的研究

3.The effects ofburdock oligosaccharide on growth and immune function of turbot(Scophthalmus maximus) were studied by addingburdock oligosaccharide(BOS) to the turbot basal food.将自主研发的牛蒡寡糖作为添加剂添加到大菱鲆的基础饲料中,探讨其对大菱鲆(Scophthalmus maxi-mus)的生长和免疫机能的影响。


1.Effect of Induction by Burdock Oligosaccharide on Powdery Mildew Resistance in Wheat牛蒡寡糖诱导对小麦白粉病抗性的影响

2.Preparation of Arctigenin by Hydrolysis of Arctii with β-Glucosidaseβ-葡萄糖苷酶水解牛蒡子苷制备牛蒡子苷元

3.Studies on the Extraction and Character of Inulin and Dietary Fiber from Arctium Lappa Linn;牛蒡菊糖、膳食纤维提取及其特性研究

4.Preparation, Bididobacteria-proliferation and Application of Burdock Inulin;牛蒡菊糖的制备、对双歧杆菌的增殖及应用研究

5.Study of Molecular Mechanism of Diseases Resistance Induced by Burdock Fructooligosaccharide in Plants牛蒡低聚果糖诱导植物抗病的分子机制研究

6.Study of fructus arctii on amelioration of renal injury in diabetic rats牛蒡子改善糖尿病大鼠肾脏病变机制的探讨

7.Extraction and Modulation on Mouse Normal Intestinal Microflora of Burdock Polysaccharide牛蒡多糖的提取及对小鼠肠道菌群的调节作用

8.Effects of Arctigenin on α-glucosidase Activity牛蒡苷元α-葡萄糖苷酶抑制活性的研究

9.Examples include burdock (Arctium) and cocklebur (Xanthium).例如牛蒡属的牛蒡以及苍耳属的苍耳。

10.The Immunomodulatory and Anti-tumor Effects of Burdock Fructooligosaccharide on Mice;牛蒡低聚果糖对小鼠的免疫调控及抗肿瘤作用的研究

11.Effects of Compound Fructus Arctii Mixture on Expression of NF-кB in Renal Tissues of Diabetic Rats牛蒡子合剂对糖尿病大鼠肾组织核因子-кB表达的影响

12.Content Determination of Arctiin and Arctigenin in Fructus Arctii from Different Cultivation Places and the Different Parts of Arctium Lappa L. and Fingerprint Analysis of Fructus Arctii牛蒡不同部位、牛蒡子不同产地中牛蒡苷和牛蒡苷元含量比较及指纹图谱分析

13.The Comparison of HPLC Fingerprints and Arctiin Contents between Crude and Processing Fructus Arctii牛蒡子炮制前后HPLC指纹图谱及牛蒡苷含量比较

14.Analysis of Relationship between Uroleucon gobonis and Its Natural Enemies in Burdock Field by Grey Relational Degree牛蒡田牛蒡长管蚜及其天敌的灰色关联度分析

parative study of content of arctiin in burdock fruit of seven different place七个不同产地牛蒡子中牛蒡苷的含量比较

16.Study on the Seperation and Purification Way of Arctiin from Fructus Arctii and Study on the Protective Mechanisms on Vascular Endothelial Cell of Experimental Diabetic Rats with Arctiin;牛蒡子苷分离、纯化及其对实验性糖尿病大鼠血管内皮细胞保护机制的初步探讨


18.Study on the Distribution and the Ecology Characteristic of the Wild Arctium in Yili Area伊犁地区野生毛牛蒡和牛蒡的种群分布、生态和群落特性的研究


Arctium Lappa L Oligo-saccharide(ALO)牛蒡寡糖(ALO)

3)Burdock oligosaccharide-neodymium complex牛蒡寡糖-钕配合物

4)burdock polysaccharide牛蒡多糖

1.Study on purification ofburdock polysaccharide with membrane technology膜技术分离纯化牛蒡多糖的研究

2.Extraction conditions ofburdock polysaccharide (BPS) were optimized by conducting single factor experiments and the following orthogonal test, and modulation effects of BPS on normal intestinal microflora of ICR mice were studied.目的:研究牛蒡多糖的提取条件和对小鼠肠道菌群的调节作用。

5)burdock oligosaccharide牛蒡菊糖

1.De-coloration technology ofburdock oligosaccharide;牛蒡菊糖脱色工艺的研究

6)Burdock fructooligosaccharide牛蒡低聚果糖

1.A low-molecular-weight inulin-type oligosaccharide named asBurdock fructooligosaccharide (BFO) has been obtained from the roots and its structure characteristics have al.本实验室已从其根部分离纯化得到一种菊糖构型的低聚果糖,命名为牛蒡低聚果糖(Burdock fructooligosaccharide,BFO)。

2.Burdock Fructooligosaccharide is a kind of oligofructose extracted from the roots of salt-tolerant Burdock (Arctium lappa L.牛蒡低聚果糖(Burdock Fructooligosaccharide)是本课题组从耐盐植物牛蒡(Arctium lappa L。

3.Burdock fructooligosaccharide(BFO) is a fructosan oligomer that was first isolated from the root tissue of Arcitum lappa by our group.牛蒡低聚果糖(BFO)是本课题组从牛蒡根中分离得到的一种聚合度为13的果糖低聚糖。


牛蒡(edible burdock)牛蒡(edible burdock)菊科(Compositae)牛蒡属中能形成肉质直根的二三年生草本植物。学名Arctium lappa L.,别名大力子,蝙蝠刺等,染色体数2n=2x=32。根可菜用。种子入药,主治咳嗽、咽喉肿痛;根对牙痛有疗效。原产亚洲,中国的东北到西南均有野生牛蒡分布。公元940年前后,由中国传入日本,经过选育,出现很多品种,栽培盛行。叶心脏形,淡绿色,叶背面密生白色茸毛,叶缘具粗锯齿;叶柄长,有纵沟,基部微红。根圆柱形,长60-100cm,直径3-4cm,皮粗糙,暗黑色;肉质灰白色,收获迟了易空心。春天抽生花穗,花穗上密生头状花序,花冠筒状,淡紫色。种子长纺锤形,有棘刺,暗灰色,千粒重11g左右。牛蒡喜温暖湿润气候,较耐寒,又耐热。植株生长适温20-25℃,要求较强光照。宜于质地疏松、中性的砂壤土或壤土栽培。一般可进行春播,施肥、深耕、耙平后作畦,条播或撒播。及时间苗、除草,5-6叶定苗,株距25cm,行距30cm。定苗后和6月中旬各追一次肥,雨季注意排水。6月至翌年4月可随时收获。秋播者,翌春收获。冬前于春播牛蒡田中选择具本品种特征的中等植株作种株,切去根部1/3,按行距50cm、株距30cm栽于采种田里,覆土和盖草保护。翌春抽薹后支架防倒伏,注意治蚜,7月至8月种子成熟。
