1200字范文 > 酵母精 yeast extract英语短句 例句大全

酵母精 yeast extract英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-06 22:21:57


酵母精 yeast extract英语短句 例句大全

酵母精,yeast extract

1)yeast extract酵母精

1.The development ofyeast extract"s research and the applited situation on the food industry in the past a few years;酵母精的研究进展及在食品工业中的应用

2.The paper discusses the application ofyeast extract to flavoured soup and the adding dosages.探讨了酵母精在调味汤料中的应用情况及添加用量。

3.It is the introduction of producing edible protein,yeast extract and tastist agent from yeast,and the uses of the products in food are expounded,so as to advance the course of the development and the use of yeast.介绍以酵母菌体为原料制取食用蛋白、酵母精及增鲜剂,并对各制品在食品中的应用进行了阐述,旨在推动酵母菌体开发与利用的进程。


1.Yeast extracts and oriental-style fermented foods provide this vitamin.酵母精和东方式的发酵食物能提供这种维生素。


3.The effect on the alcohol fermentation by Immobilized yeast;固定化酵母菌发酵对酒精品质的影响

4.The Ethanol Production by Recombinant Yeasts Expressing Galactosidase半乳糖苷酶基因重组酵母的酒精发酵

5.Study on Effect of Producing Alcohol by Fermentation of Immobilized Yeast固定化酵母菌发酵产酒精作用的研究

6.a fermented alcoholic beverage made of molasses and spruce twigs fermented with yeast.蜜糖、云杉枝加酵母发酵制成的酒精饮料。

7.Recombinant Saccharomyces Cerevisiae with Improved Properties in Substrate Utility & Ethanol Productivity;基质利用和酒精发酵性能改善的重组酿酒酵母

8.Study on Ethanol Production from Xylose by a Recombinant Yeast;基因工程酵母发酵木糖生产酒精的研究

9.Studies on Process Optimization of Conversion of Fermentable Sugar into Ethanol by S.cerevisiae;酿酒酵母高转化率酒精发酵工艺条件优化研究

10.Breeding and Application of Yeast Strain Suitable for Molasses Stillage Recycling;糖蜜酒精废液回用与发酵酵母菌种选育的研究

11.The Construction of Thermophilus Xylose Fermentation Engineering Yeast Strains to Produce Ethanol;发酵木糖产酒精高温酵母菌株构建的研究

12.Cloning and Expression Condition Optimization of Gene Related to Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Ethanol Fermentation;酵母酒精发酵相关基因克隆表达条件优化研究

13.Continuous Ethanol Fermentation from Molasses Using Self-flocculating Yeast Cells;自絮凝颗粒酵母糖蜜酒精发酵技术的研究

14.Influence of Different Level of Assimilable Nitrogen on Alcoholic Fermentation by Yeasts可同化氮素对酵母酒精发酵影响的研究

15.Screening of the Thermotolerant Alcohol Yeast Strain and Study of Fermentation Characteristic耐高温酒精酵母菌株的筛选及其发酵特性研究

16.Breeding of Thermotolerant and High-alcohol-yield Yeast Using Energy Sugarcane能源甘蔗汁高温酒精发酵酵母菌种的选育

17.Selection of a xylose fermentation yeast strain Pachysolen tannophilu诱变选育发酵木糖高产酒精的管囊酵母菌株

18.The Influence of Different Raw Materials on Yeast Growth and Alcohol Fermentation不同原料对酵母生长及发酵酒精结果的影响


alcohol yeast酒精酵母

1.Assessment of the vitality of industrialalcohol yeast by AP test;应用AP法评价工业酒精酵母的活力

2.Optimization of fermentation medium of trehalose produced byalcohol yeast through response surface method响应面法优化酒精酵母产海藻糖发酵培养基

3.High yieldalcohol yeast strain Co-158 of steady genetic determinant was obtained from protoplast by Co60 mutagenesis and guarternary screening.将较高产酒精酵母制备成原生质体,经Co60诱变后,采用四级筛选,得到高产酒精酵母菌株Co-158,其遗传性状稳定。

3)Saccharomyces cerevisiae酒精酵母

1.Studies On Oscillatory Behavior ofSaccharomyces cerevisiae in Continuous Culture;酒精酵母在连续发酵中的振荡行为研究

2.Screening of respiration deficiency mutants of yeasts (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) mutated by ultraviolet lights;酒精酵母的紫外诱变呼吸缺陷型突变株的筛选

3.Preparation of Live Vaccine withSaccharomyces cerevisiae by Using Surface-Display Technique and Its Potential Applications;利用酒精酵母细胞表面展示技术制备活疫苗及其潜在应用

4)distiller"s yeast酒精酵母

1.It was found that the added glucoamylase could be reduced by over 40% using fusant F41 strain as compared to the parentaldistiller"s yeast.利用PEG诱导原生质体融合技术,进行糖化酵母单倍体26007(α,STA,inh,ade)和去除了INH1基因的耐高温酒精酵母单倍体菌株Z6-10(α,STA,inh,arg)的同型原生质体融合实验,在再生基本培养基上挑选融合子,获得一株既具有较强糊精利用能力,又耐高温和个产酒精的融合株F41。

2.Auxotrophic haploid JD9-22 strain of thermotolerentdistiller"s yeast was obtained by U.二倍体耐高温酒精酵母经诱导生孢子,单孢子分离及营养缺陷型遗传标记的制作,获得了一株与亲本发酵性能相当且遗传性能稳定的单倍体菌株JD9-22(α,sta,INH1,arg)。

5)alcohol active dry yeast酒精活性干酵母

1.The application ofalcohol active dry yeast and saccharifying enzyme in trans-production after pits storage of Daqu liquor was studied.研究酒精活性干酵母、糖化酶在大曲酒压窖后转排生产中应用。

6)Double functional distiller"s yeast双功能酒精酵母


精氨酸阿司匹林,阿司匹林精氨酸盐,精氨乙酰水杨酸,L-精氨酸-单乙酰水杨酸,爱茜灵药物名称:精氨乙酰水杨酸英文名:Aspirin-arginine别名:精氨酸阿司匹林,阿司匹林精氨酸盐,精氨乙酰水杨酸,L-精氨酸-单乙酰水杨酸,爱茜灵外文名:Aspirin-arginine ,Alxiling, L-arginine acetylsalicylis性状: 本品为白色结晶性粉末,味微苦,易溶于水。 作用: 为乙酰水杨酸与精氨酸制成的可溶性盐,具有解热,镇痛及抗炎作用,与阿司匹林基本相同。 体内过程: 肌肉注射,减轻阿司匹林的胃肠道刺激,大部分肝脏代谢,肾脏排泄。 适应症: 主要用于发热、头痛、神经痛、牙痛、肌肉痛及活动性风湿病、类风湿性关节炎、创伤及手术后疼痛。 用量用法: 肌注:每次1g,每日1~2次,或依病情按医嘱用药。儿童:10~25mg/kg体重。临用时,每瓶内加入0.9%等渗盐水或加入灭菌注射用水2~4ml溶解后注入。 注意事项: 1.肌注可有轻度局部疼痛。 2.年老、体弱及体温超过40℃者,注意给药剂量,以免引起虚脱。 3.特异体质、有过敏史或哮喘者禁用。 4.对3个月以下婴儿禁用。 规格: 注射剂:每瓶0.5g(相当乙酰水杨酸0.25g);1g(相当乙酰水杨酸0.5g)。 类别:解热镇痛药
