1200字范文 > 净化措施 purification measures英语短句 例句大全

净化措施 purification measures英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-29 18:29:28


净化措施 purification measures英语短句 例句大全

净化措施,purification measures

1)purification measures净化措施

1.Therefore analyzing the characteristics of northern in-vehicle air pollutants and studying thepurification measures of in-vehicle air pollutions,will be useful to put forward thepurification measures.因此对北方汽车内空气污染物的特征进行分析,分阶段研究车内污染物的净化措施,对于有针对性地提出北方汽车内的净化措施和方法具有重要意义。


1.Epidemiological Survey and Controlling Measures for Classical Swine Fever in Henan Province;河南省猪瘟流行现状调查及净化措施研究

2.The Scale of Hunan Province Immune Result of Foot-and-mouth Disease of Pig Farm is Monitored and Appraised and Purified the Discussion;湖南省规模猪场口蹄疫免疫效果监测,评价及其净化措施探讨

3.Long-Term Effect of Consolidatory and Purificatory Measures After Filariasis Basically Eliminated in Dongbo District,Meishan County眉山市东坡区基本消除丝虫病后巩固与净化措施远期效果

4.Long-term Effect Analysis of Different Control Measures of Filariasis马来丝虫病不同巩固防治与净化措施的远期效果分析

5.In some factories, little is done to make the smoke clean.在一些工厂,几乎没有采取什么措施来净化烟尘。

6.Measures of Long-cycle and High-efficiency in Making Ammonia with Spraying Clean喷淋净化工艺长周期高效运行的技术措施

7.Water Cooling, Water Saving, Condensed-water Recovery and Waste Water Treatment in Chemical Industry;化学工业冷却节水、凝液回收和污水净化回用措施探讨

8.The government is prepared to take radical measures such as seeding clouds to create rain, clearing the air.政府准备随时采取激进的措施,像人造云制造雨,以净化空气。

9.And then The autor put forward the prevention measure that is aimed at the problem so as to purify the action of accountants′ manipulation of account.进而提出有针对性、操作性的治理措施,以期净化会计做假帐的行为。

10.61 What efforts does the company make in regards to management, air purification, and hazardous materials?工厂在空气净化和危险物品管理方面采取了什么措施?

11.Discussion on Air-conditioning Design for Clean Room and Energy-saving Methods洁净实验室空调设计及节能措施探讨

12.Before operation, special consideration must be given to pressure limitations, system containment, purging requirements, etc., to determine if additional safety measures are required.在操作前,必须对压力极限、系统容积、净化要求等专门考虑,以决定是否要求额外的安全措施。

13.Cleanliness is vital in preventing the spread of disease.保持干净是预防流行性疾病的首要措施。

14.Two Energy Saving Measures of Cleaning Air Conditioning Process论洁净空调空气处理过程中的两种节能措施

15.Energy-saving measures for water treatment at the water purification station of Guangzhou Iron and Steel Co.广钢净水站水处理工艺节能降耗措施的思考

16.Security needs beefing up.保安措施需要强化。

17.Chemical control is the last resort.化学防治是最后的措施。

18.So the net effect of all that Fed monetary tightening has not raised mortgage rates at all.美联储所有货币紧缩措施的净效果,根本没有抬高按揭利率。


filariasis elimination巩固与净化措施

1.The chronic filariasis cases from 49 cases beforefilariasis elimination dropped to 6 cases and no new chronic filariasis case was found until now.目的了解基本消除丝虫病后实施巩固与净化措施的远期效果。

3)chemical measures化工措施

1.Based on the agent theory in the western economics,the management mechanism and corresponding guarantee system have been established,which set risk agreement as the frame and control the whole process ofchemical measures.以西方经济学中的代理理论为基础,建立了一套以风险协议为框架、对化工措施全过程进行控制的管理机制和相应的保证体系,提高了化工措施现场实施的成功率和有效率。

4)Strengthening measures强化措施

1.Based on the drawbacks of present phytoremediation,a review with 44 references is given on the latest research progress in strengthening measures at home and abroad mainly through the following three aspects:the traits of the hyperaccumu.针对目前植物修复技术的不足,主要从植物本身的性能、重金属的生物有效性以及农艺管理措施等三方面,综述了近年来国内外有关植物修复强化措施的研究进展,并展望了今后该领域的研究方向。

2.The production to add the titanium concentrate form New Zealand in Sintering Plant of Chengde Iron and Steel Company is concluded as well as the influence of the concentrate on the output of agglomerate and the strengthening measures adopted to increase the output.对承钢烧结厂配加新西兰钛精矿的生产情况进行了总结,提出了配加新西兰钛精矿后,其对烧结矿产量的影响以及为提高产量而采取的强化措施。

5)stimulation optimization措施优化

1.Facing the problem of short effective time of hydraulic fracturing and chemical broken down in polymer injection wells,this paper analyzes the geologic status and dynamic and static data of 92 chemical broken down wells operated in 2000 and 2001 in 10 polymer flooded blocks, constructs a set of technique for diagnosis andstimulation optimization for polymer injection wells plug.针对注聚井存在的水力压裂和化学解堵措施有效期短的问题, 对大庆油田 10个聚驱区块 2000年和 2001年施工的 92口化学解堵井的地质状况和动静态资料进行了整理分析, 建立了一套注聚井堵塞诊断及措施优化方法。

6)optimization measures优化措施

1.In order to enhance the people\"s shopping enthusiasm in underground space and increase their comfort and jollity,a series ofoptimization measures for improving the underground interior environment have been put forward with reference to some overseas project examples.以人性化设计为根本出发点,对存在的主要问题进行了分析,借鉴国内外的相关优秀成果,提出了一系列的优化措施。

2.Theoptimization measures of structural design of the gravity waste dam are put forward.结合承德市垃圾填埋场工程,探讨了垃圾坝的结构设计原则、主要计算公式、设计参数以及设计计算中存在的常见问题,并对重力式垃圾坝的结构设计提出了优化措施。


