1200字范文 > 给水技术 water supply technique英语短句 例句大全

给水技术 water supply technique英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-06 16:20:33


给水技术 water supply technique英语短句 例句大全

给水技术,water supply technique

1)water supply technique给水技术

1.This paper, according to the technical principles of atmospheric pressure water supply, analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of traditional atmospheric pressurewater supply techniques and proposes measures to overcome the weak points in traditional atmospheric pressurewater supply techniques by adopting frequency conversion atmospheric pressurewater supply techniques.根据气压给水技术原理,结合工程实践,分析了传统气压给水技术的优劣性,提出了采取变频式气压给水技术可克服传统气压给水技术缺点,达到节约能源的要求。

2)water supply and sewerage energy saving technology给排水节能技术

3)technology supply技术供给

1.The article analyzed the concept and the motivation mechanism of the technology innovation, presented a new synthesized motivation mechanism which contributed the technology innovation to the social demand,technology supply, government regulation and entrepreneur.通过对技术创新概念发展及其动力机制学说的分析,提出了综合的技术创新动力机制,认为技术创新是由社会需求、技术供给、政府干预和企业家精神等多方面因素综合影响的。

2.Our goal is open out present condition (what)and inside mechanism(why) of agriculturetechnology supply (research and extension) and demand( farmer) in Fujian province .本文试图就福建省农业科技成果转化率低而进行的一项实证研究,目的在于揭示福建省农业技术供给(科研和推广)与需求(农民)主体的行为现状(是什么)及其形成的内在机理(为什么),并在此基础上,构建了转轨经济中福建省农业技术创新动力机制模型,阐明农业技术创新动力机制的内在机理及其实现途径(怎么办),从而为提高福建省农产品科技含量及其竞争力,增加农民收入提供决策参考。


1.Discussing on the Technology Supply of China’s New hi-tech Industry;论发展我国高新技术产业的技术供给

2.Bamboo Farmers Participation in Technological Innovation:Communication Bridge of Technology Supply and Demand;竹农参与技术创新:沟通技术供给与需求的桥梁

3.Differences and Causes in Technological Supply Competence of Chinese Thirty-Seven Industries;中国37个工业行业技术供给能力的差异及原因

4.Technology suppliers in modern Chinese agricultural innovation system;中国近代农业技术创新体系中的技术供给源研究

5.Constructing the Supply-system of Generic Technology Based on Traditional Clusters-A Comparative Study;构建传统产业集群共性技术供给体系——一项对比研究

6.Do you think in vitro fertilization should be available to parents你认为人工受精技术应当提供给家长,

7.Real Exchange Rate, Technology, Delivery Ability and International Competitiveness;实际汇率、技术、供给能力与国际竞争力

8.Technique and Price Transmitting and Agricultural Products Exceed Supplying;技术传递、价格传递与农产品超量供给

9.The Supply and Demand of Industrial Generic Technology in Zhejiang Industry Clusters;浙江产业集群中产业共性技术的供给和需求

10.Evaluate about the Validity of Capital Supply of High-Tech Enterprise in China;我国高新技术企业资金供给的有效性评价

11.On the evaluation and prediction of the equilibrium of housing supply structure;住宅供给结构均衡性的技术评价及预测

12.The discussion of the financing demands and main supply ways of high-tech small and medium-sized enterprises;高技术中小企业融资需求及主要供给方式探讨

13.Analysis on the Demand and Supply of Scienle and Technology for Agriculture under New Circumstance;农业发展对科学技术的需求与政府供给

14.An Analysis of Appropriate Health Technology Supply and Governance in Rural Areas and Choice of Its Reform Route农村卫生适宜技术有效供给和治理的路径选择

15.The technicians sent by the sellers have the obligation to give the buyers technical guidance in the plant construction.卖方派出的技术人员有义务给买方提供建厂技术指导。

16.This column introduces new technology and offers new information and mold and dies technology marrow, which can edify readers in mind.介绍新技术,提供新信息,模具技术精粹,给读者以思维的启迪。

17.Although he promises to give further discount on the price and provide better technical service,虽然他保证给以进一步的折扣和提供更好的技术服务,

18.And third, add to all the relentless force of technology, which provides the working foundation for globality.第三,在一切之外,加上无情的技术力量,这给全球提供了工作基础。


water supply and sewerage energy saving technology给排水节能技术

3)technology supply技术供给

1.The article analyzed the concept and the motivation mechanism of the technology innovation, presented a new synthesized motivation mechanism which contributed the technology innovation to the social demand,technology supply, government regulation and entrepreneur.通过对技术创新概念发展及其动力机制学说的分析,提出了综合的技术创新动力机制,认为技术创新是由社会需求、技术供给、政府干预和企业家精神等多方面因素综合影响的。

2.Our goal is open out present condition (what)and inside mechanism(why) of agriculturetechnology supply (research and extension) and demand( farmer) in Fujian province .本文试图就福建省农业科技成果转化率低而进行的一项实证研究,目的在于揭示福建省农业技术供给(科研和推广)与需求(农民)主体的行为现状(是什么)及其形成的内在机理(为什么),并在此基础上,构建了转轨经济中福建省农业技术创新动力机制模型,阐明农业技术创新动力机制的内在机理及其实现途径(怎么办),从而为提高福建省农产品科技含量及其竞争力,增加农民收入提供决策参考。

4)water supply and sewerage engineering给排水工程技术专业

1.In order to cultivate the innovative and applicable people inwater supply and sewerage engineering in college,the cultivation goals and teaching system should be optimized and reformed,and the cultivation model,the practical process and proper approaches are suggested.以培养给排水工程技术专业创新、应用型人才为目标,通过对现行给排水工程技术专业人才培养目标及教学体系进行系统的优化、改革,提出创新人才培养模式及实施步骤和手段。

5)city water supply networks technical files城市给水管网技术档案

6)administration work of water supply networks technical files给水管网技术档案管理




