1200字范文 > 质量要点 Essentials for quality control英语短句 例句大全

质量要点 Essentials for quality control英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-17 06:12:51


质量要点 Essentials for quality control英语短句 例句大全

质量要点,Essentials for quality control

1)Essentials for quality control质量要点

2)chief quality points主要质量点

3)quality control points质量控制要点

1.Special constructing techniques are applied in formwork system in order to ensure constructing quality and save time,andquality control points are also introduced.通过对模板系统的设计施工、钢筋制安及混凝土浇筑等几个方面的系统论述,阐明了胸墙施工的主要施工工艺及质量控制要点。

2.5,this paper briefly introduces the templates design and fabrication characteristics of the trapezoidal damping sleeper,and relevantquality control points in the process.结合北京地铁5号线梯形减振轨枕试铺段施工情况,简要介绍梯形减振轨枕模板的设计及制造特点,以及在模板制造过程中的质量控制要点。


1.Analysis of Key Points of Supervision Quality Control in Safety Monitoring Item浅议安全监测项目监理质量控制要点


3.On construction process of bridge expansion joint and its quality control points桥梁伸缩缝施工过程及质量控制要点

4.Inquiry of Highway Micro-surfacing Construction and Quality Control Points公路微表处施工及质量控制要点探究

5.Essentials and Basis for Control of Electromechanical Engineering for Quality on the Freeway高速公路机电工程质量控制要点分析

6.Simple Talking about Construction Technology for T-type Beam of 30m浅谈30mT梁施工工艺及质量控制要点

7.Quality Control Gist of Roadbed Earthwork of Road Work at Embankment Top堤顶道路工程路基土方质量控制要点

8.Frequently Asked Questions and the key points of the Boilers" Installation锅炉安装常见问题及其质量控制要点

9.Engineering Practice and Quality Control Cruces of PHC Pipe PilePHC管桩工程实践及质量控制要点

10.Quality Control for Ammonia Synthesis Tower in Fabrication氨合成塔外壳制造过程中质量控制要点

11.Process and quality control for the production of autoclaved aerated concrete blocks蒸压加气混凝土砌块生产工艺及质量控制要点

12.Discussion on Quality Control Gist of Unbonded Prestressed Concrete Construction浅谈无粘结预应力混凝土施工的质量控制要点

13.Controlling focal points of supervising engineer in construction of asphalt road监理工程师在沥青路面施工中质量控制要点

14.Focal points of quality controlling for cast-in-place concrete folded plate roof现浇混凝土折板屋面施工质量控制要点

15.Essentials in the Quality Control of Slurry Sealing with Modified Emulsified Asphalt改性乳化沥青稀浆封层技术质量控制要点

16.Main points of construction quality control for rolled asphalt concrete impervious core wall碾压式沥青混凝土防渗心墙施工质量控制要点

17.Key Points of Quality Control of Vacuum Freeze Drier冷冻真空干燥机的质量技术控制要点

18.Concrete winter construction quality control method and important points混凝土冬季施工质量控制方法及要点


chief quality points主要质量点

3)quality control points质量控制要点

1.Special constructing techniques are applied in formwork system in order to ensure constructing quality and save time,andquality control points are also introduced.通过对模板系统的设计施工、钢筋制安及混凝土浇筑等几个方面的系统论述,阐明了胸墙施工的主要施工工艺及质量控制要点。

2.5,this paper briefly introduces the templates design and fabrication characteristics of the trapezoidal damping sleeper,and relevantquality control points in the process.结合北京地铁5号线梯形减振轨枕试铺段施工情况,简要介绍梯形减振轨枕模板的设计及制造特点,以及在模板制造过程中的质量控制要点。

4)Quality requirement质量要求

1.The quality requirements for rails and control methods used in railway production of Baogang;钢轨的质量要求与包钢钢轨生产的质量控制措施

2.On the construction of reinforced concrete reservoir and its quality requirement;浅谈钢筋混凝土蓄水池的施工和质量要求

3.The procedure,quality requirements and cautionary items during manufacturing vegetable-tanned cattle skin full grain shoe upper leather were discussed and summarized in this paper.对全植鞣黄牛全粒面鞋面革的生产工艺、质量要求及生产过程中的注意事项进行了讨论和总结。

5)quality requirements质量要求

1.With the development of aluminium smelting technology and greater attention given to the environmental protection,thequality requirements of alumina are more strictly.随着电解铝生产技术的不断提高以及对环境保护的日益重视,对氧化铝的质量要求也日益严格。

2.This paper presents an outline ofquality requirements of interleaf paper for packaging PS plates and photofilms,and a summary of its possible side effects on the quality of photographic materials.本文提出了PS版和胶片包装用衬纸对纸张的质量要求,以及不同质量的衬纸可能对感光材料造成的影响;并简要介绍了纸张的基本特性;作为感光材料包装用衬纸需要进行的检测指标及检测方法。

3.In this article,based on the practicle application of non-destructive examination,will be given an outline of the sensitometric characteristics andquality requirements and selection considerations of X-ray films in industrial radiography,making an attempt to propose some opinions about complying with the international standards on the manufacture and use of industrial radiographic films.摘要从无损检测实际应用角度,概述工业射线照相对射线胶片的性能和质量要求及选用考虑。

6)quality factor质量要素

1.Thequality factors which can affect the quality measure are divided into the concepts of product characteristic,flow ability,three dimensions of quality angle,introducing the principle of work done by force and t.提出了以计算质量特性总和为主导的质量测度评价概念,揭示了质量测度在制造过程的生成特征和在顾客使用过程的衰减特征,将影响质量测度的质量要素分为产品特性、流程能力、质量角三个维度,引入力做功的原理和当量质量的概念,在质量生衰过程构成的对偶系统中,用复合线性矩阵的算法计算当量质量和生衰系数,构建了质量水平测度的计算方法和评价指标体系并予以实证。

2.Throuth thequality factors produced in digital map productive process,make an analysis level by level;in accordance with different stages,quality factors,we used appropriate management means to reduce error to the maximum to improve the quality of products with digital map,thus ensuring application of the geographic informatio.通过对图形数字化生产过程中所有可能产生的质量要素进行层层分解剖析,针对不同阶段、不同质量要素采用与其相应的技术及管理手段加以控制,最大限度地减少错误和误差,以达到提高图形数据产品质量之目的,从而保障地理信息系统应用目标的实现。


蚕茧质量监督检查和国家生丝质量检验蚕茧质量监督检查和国家生丝质量检验cocoon quality supervision inspection and national silk quality inspection检验局承担并组织有关检验机构对全国已核发生产准产证的缘丝、绢纺企业的生丝、绢丝质量进行抽查检验(两年共四期),以考核生产企业生丝质量水平。中国桑蚕鲜茧评茧计价方法主要有3种:①鲜上光茧干壳量仪器评定(简称仪评)计价;②“组合售茧、嫌丝计价,’(简称“组、缎”)评茧方法;③茧层率评茧计价。国家质量技术监督局于19望)年6月7日下发了《关于加强茧丝质t监督工作的通知》,要求加强桑蚕鲜茧收购期间的质量监督执法检查;重点做好鲜茧收购过程中“四率”(仪器配备率、仪器完好率、仪评率和仪评相符率)的检查工作。各级专业纤维检验机构应充分发挥职能作用,加强蚕茧质量监督管理;加强对茧站仪评计价工作指导;加强对蚕茧收购计t器具的检定工作;充分运用法律手段,在蚕茧收购期间开展执法检查活动,对违法行为坚决予以查处。在国家生丝质t检验方面,1998年国家经贸委等4部门联合发布了(缀丝绢纺准产证制度实施办法》,规定缎丝、绢纺企业准产的基本条件。经国家茧丝绸协调小组审议,并报国务院领导批准,“国家生丝质量检验”项目列人(国家茧丝绷发展风险基金》第二批发展项目。该项目由中国纤维检验局承担并组织依法设t或依法授权的具有生丝、绢丝检验能力的纤检局(所)、生丝质检站对全国已核发生产准产证的缀丝、绢丝企业的生丝、绢丝质量进行检验。(吕善模),ngconjian zhilia叩Jiondu iianCha he gUOJia she叩51 zh1旧nyan蚕茧质一监督检查和国家生丝质t检验coon甲ality su伴币sion inspection and natsilk卿ality ins衅tion)专业纤维检验机构蚕鲜茧收购期间,对茧站收购鲜茧进行质量监督和检验的全过程。国家生丝质量检验是指由中国CO-nal桑查维
