1200字范文 > 办学思路 train of thought of running school英语短句 例句大全

办学思路 train of thought of running school英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-09-21 18:21:02


办学思路 train of thought of running school英语短句 例句大全

办学思路,train of thought of running school

1)train of thought of running school办学思路


1.Ideology and Approaches of Running Central University for Nationalities;试论中央民族大学的办学理念与办学思路

2.Exploration of a New Mode in Running Beijing Union University;关于北京联合大学办学思路的新探索

3.A Discussion of the Orientation of Languageand Literature Program in Universities of Science and Technology;工科院校语言文学专业办学思路探讨

4.Guidelines for Schooling for School of Material Science & Engineering in CUMT;中国矿业大学材料学院的办学指导思想及办学思路

5.School-running orientation and thought about continuing education关于我国继续教育办学定位和办学思路的战略性思考

6.On the Train of Thoughts of Running a School with Its Own Characteristics based on Promoting University s Core Competence;论基于提升大学核心竞争力之特色办学思路

7.School running considerations over medicine-related specialties together with practice and exploration;与医学相关专业的办学思路与实践探索

8.Fresh Green of an Old Tree" -Educational Thinking and Characteristic of Architecture Department of Xiamen University;“古树新枝”──厦门大学建筑系办学思路与特色

9.Support of Policy and Thinking of Running School to Speed up Higher Vocational and Technical Education in our Country;我国高等职业教育发展的政策支持和办学思路

10.A Probing into Current Situation and Schooling Thought of GIS Professional Development in Normal Universities and Colleges师范类院校GIS专业发展现状与办学思路研究

11.Contemplation on the Ways to Develop Our University and Construction of a University with Distinguishing Features;对我校的发展思路与办学特色的思考

12.Some Thoughts on the Socialist College s Journal;谈谈社会主义学院《学报》的办刊思路

13.A Research on Fund-Raising Channels of Non-state-run Universities中国民办高校办学经费筹措的思路与途径

14.learning Is Prior to Skill: Think about the new way of offering artistic specialties in the university;先“学”后“术”──综合性大学艺术学专业办学新思路

15.Thoughts and Strategies on Funding Research Universities;研究型大学筹措办学资金的思路与对策

16.Straightening out New Train of Thought on Running a Collegeby Means of Studying“Education Should Face up to Modernization”;学习“教育要面向现代化”理顺高专办学的新思路

17.The Reflection of Shijiazhuang University of Economics on its Characterized Education Mode对石家庄经济学院走特色办学道路的再思考

18.Problems and Suggestions about Teachers Employment in Our Non-governmental Schools;我国民办中小学教师任用中的问题及解决思路


Educational Ideology办学思想

1.This article discusses the educational ideology,the specialty theory system,and the curriculum design of Applied Chemistry.本文对应用化学专业的办学思想、学科理论体系与课程设置进行了思考,提出了新的人才培养方案、重新构建了学科理论体系、整合了专业课程,期望为加快应用化学专业建设,扩大和提高毕业生的就业面和就业率提供重要参考。

3)think about办学思考

4)ideologies of running a school办学思想

1.This paper introduces the status of modern distance education of Central South University, and also presents theideologies of running a school and the poh cies in detail.本文介绍了中南大学现代远程教育的状况,着重阐述了其办学思想、方针、原则和实施办法,以及现代远程教育技术平台,提出了面向21世纪的中南大学现代远程教育发展方向和所需研究和探讨的问题。

5)school-running thought办学思想

pared with university idea and school-running idea, theschool-running thought is individualized with more actual elements.办学思想是办学者对办学实践的理性思考和科学概括,有内容结构和层次结构;办学思想较之大学理念和办学理念,存在着更多"实然"的成分,是个性化的;办学思想具有时代特征、实践特征、创新特征、开放性特征;社会需要、文化传统、办学自主权、办学的历史传统和基础、办学者学术经历、个人素质和治校经验等都是正确办学思想的形成条件;正确的办学思想在高校形成办学特色中起着关键性作用。

6)thinking of running schools办学思

1.Through analyzing the industry background and the present situation and the challenge facing in personnel training of the education of tourism in colleges and universities in our country, this thesis points out thethinking of running schools combining the actual situation of our university.本文通过对我国旅游高等教育的行业背景及其发展现状的阐述 ,分析了当前我国旅游高等教育人才培养中面临的挑战 ,并结合我校实际提出了迎接挑战的办学思


