1200字范文 > 标准曲线 standard curve英语短句 例句大全

标准曲线 standard curve英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-18 15:41:19


标准曲线 standard curve英语短句 例句大全

标准曲线,standard curve

1)standard curve标准曲线

1.Measuring the chemical oxygen consumption bystandard curve deduction method;标准曲线扣除法测定化学需氧量的研究

2.Study on influencing factors forstandard curve of TTC-Dehydrogenase activity measurementTTC-脱氢酶活性测定中标准曲线的影响因素研究


1.standard time-temperature curve时间-温度标准曲线标准耐火试验过程中

2.Standard Curve Weighted Regression Based on Excel VBA基于Excel VBA的标准曲线加权回归

3.When analyzing samples under the same conditions, draw standard curve.在作样品分析相同的条件下,绘制标准曲线。

4.The standard curve was established between AT-III activity and respective clotting time.根据不同AT-Ⅲ活性与相应凝固时间制作标准曲线;

5.Is there evidence to demonstrate that Calibration Profiles are conducted and that records are up-to-date?有否证据表明标准曲线被运用且其纪录为最新?

6.Has a Calibration Profile been established in order to detect machine long term performance degradation?有否建立标准曲线以侦测出机器性能的下降?

7.How to Protract Standard Curve for Chemical Experiment Through Word Document;如何利用Word文档绘制化学实验标准曲线

8.Study on influencing factors for standard curve of TTC-Dehydrogenase activity measurementTTC-脱氢酶活性测定中标准曲线的影响因素研究

9.The Search for Making Standard Curve in the QSN750 Type Imported Spectrograph by Using of Domestic Sample Assay Centre of Sichuan Aostaral Aluminum CO., LTD利用国产标样在QSN750型进口光谱仪建立标准曲线的探索

10.canonical divisor of an algebraic curve代数曲线的标准除子

11.steam standard time-temperature curve蒸气标准时间-温度曲线

12.API standard grid presentation美国石油学会标准测井曲线网格图

13.Improving of the Measurement Method of the Natural Activity Curve of Lysozyme溶菌酶标准酶活曲线测定方法的改进

14.Research on the Free Form Curve and Surface Interpolation Technology Based on the SETP Standard基于STEP标准的自由曲线曲面插补技术研究

15.adjustable marker可调标识器;可调划线规;可调曲线规;可调校准器

16.Descartes also emphasized the degree of the equation of a curve as the measure of its simplicity.德斯卡堤又强调曲线方程是衡量曲线繁简的标准。

17.Our normalization is such that the curves in Fig. 3 can be regarded as probability distributions.我们的标准化处理使得图3中的曲线可以被看作概率分布曲线。

18.Study on the Criteria for Minimum Radius of Curve and the Transition Curve for 160km/h Railway Track时速160公里铁路最小曲线半径与缓和曲线设计标准的研究


calibration curve标准曲线

1.Analysis of stability forcalibration curve about determination of phenols with method of 4-Amino antipyrine;4-胺基安替吡啉法测挥发酚的标准曲线稳定性分析

2.Using this model,uncertainty factors in the tollowing critical experimental steps which could affect volatile phenol analysis results,including reference standard solution preparation,calibration curve establishment and method reproducibility,were determined.本文对4—氨基安替比林直接光度法测定水中挥发酚含量过程的分析,建立了该方法合成标准不确定度的数学模式,给出影响测定挥发酚结果的标准溶液配制、标准曲线的制作、重复性实验等方面的不确定度分量。

3.In the light of the oil content testing method of SY/T 5329-94 "Recommended Index for the Injection Water Quality for Clastic Reservoir and its Analyzing Method", regresses the oil contentcalibration curve by using the method of least squares; and verifies the relativity of oil contentcalibration curve by using the theory of probability and mathematical statistics.依据SY/T5329-9《4碎屑岩油藏注水水质推荐指标及分析方法》标准中含油量的测定方法,用最小二乘法的原理回归油田污水中含油量标准曲线,并用概率论和数理统计的方法检验含油量标准曲线的相关性;最后,预测了在一定置信概率水平下的测定结果区间。

3)normal curve标准曲线

anic solvents, such as petroleum ether and gasoline, are used as extracting agents to measure oil content in oilfield waste water and thenormal curves of reference oil are plotted.油田污水中含油量的测定采用石油醚、汽油等有机溶剂作萃取剂,绘制标准油的标准曲线。

2.Ultraviolet photometric method is used to determinate the concentration of ozone from ozone instrument and comparenormal curve of Indigo Disulphonate Spectrophotometry.用紫外分光光度法对臭氧发生器在不同流量时所产生的臭氧浓度进行了测定,绘制并比较了不同方法建立臭氧浓度标准曲线之间的差异。

4)standard curve method标准曲线法

1.After this, The salt species were dissolved in HCl SrCl 2 as release reagent and EDTA as protect reagent were added CaO in vanadium titanium concentarate was determined withstandard curve method by flame atomic absorption spectrometry 1mg of Fe,40μg of Ti, 20μg of Al,2μg of Mn and 5μg of V in per milliliter test solution had no interference in the determina.试样经HCl,HNO3,HF ,HClO4 冒烟处理后 ,用HCl溶解盐类 ,加入SrCl2 作释放剂 ,EDTA作保护剂 ,于火焰原子吸收光谱仪上用标准曲线法测定钒钛精矿中氧化钙。

paring withstandard curve method, this method is more convenient, faster and more accuracy.与标准曲线法钠含量测定相比较,该法具有方便、快速、准确度高的特点。

3.In this paper the author measyres the content of nitrate - nnitrogen in ground water bystandard curve method at 220nm wave length by UV-1600 spectrophotometer.本文用UA-1600紫外可见分光光度计,通过标准曲线法,在204nm波长处测定地下水中硝酸盐氮的含量。

5)curve norm alization曲线标准化

6)COD Standard curvesCOD标准曲线


