1200字范文 > 辽宁沿海港口群 Liaoning province littoral port cluster英语短句 例句大全

辽宁沿海港口群 Liaoning province littoral port cluster英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-29 10:55:34


辽宁沿海港口群 Liaoning province littoral port cluster英语短句 例句大全

辽宁沿海港口群,Liaoning province littoral port cluster

1)Liaoning province littoral port cluster辽宁沿海港口群


1.Study on Resource Integration and Developing Scale in Liaoning Province Littoral Port Cluster辽宁沿海港口群发展规模及资源整合研究

2.Research of Liaoning Main Coast Ports Developing Logistics;辽宁主要沿海港口发展现代物流研究

3.On the Regularity Of Space Construction s Forming and Progressing;辽宁省沿海港口城市空间结构形成与演变规律探讨

4.Research on Strategies for Ports Combination and Development in Liaoning Province;辽宁省港口群的组合与发展战略研究

5.Co-Ordination Mechanism among the Ports and Development of Port-neighboring Industry in Liaoning辽宁港口群协调机制及临港产业发展研究

6.Studies for the Spatial and Time Evolution Mechanism of the Population Migration in Liaoning Coastal Areas;辽宁沿海地区人口迁移的时空演化机制研究

7.The Research on Coordinated Development between Port Group and Ecological Environment in Liaoning Province辽宁省港口群与生态环境协调发展研究

8.The Research on Construction of Ecological Port Group during Operating Period in Liaoning Province运营期辽宁省生态港口群建设问题研究

9.There are Fuzhou, Xiamen, Quanzhou, ZhangZhou, Putian, six major coastal ports of Ningde now.现有福州,厦门,泉州,漳州,莆田,宁德六大沿海港口。

10.The Research of Change of Population Structure of Artemia Parthenogenetica and Taxonomic Status of Bisexual Artemia, in the Four Coastal Salterns of Liaoning Province, China;辽宁沿海盐场卤虫种群组成的变化及两性种的分类地位研究

11.Model analyzing the function of coastal cities" import and export of processing trade on liaoning economy沿海城市加工贸易的进出口对辽宁经济增长作用的模型分析

12.Study on Appraisal of the Resources Allocation and Integration Countermeasure in Shandong Coastal Port Cluster;山东沿海港口群资源配置评价及整合对策研究

13.Study on the Policies of Promoting Logistic Clusters in the Ports of Coastal Cities;关于推进沿海城市港口物流簇群的政策研究

14.Five chief Harbor Group and Eight Main Transport Systen in Chinese Coastlands;我国沿海构建五大港口群体八大运输系统

15.Preliminary Research of Grateloupia C.Ag. of Family Halymeniaceae from the Liaoning Coast辽宁沿海海膜科蜈蚣藻属的初步研究

16.Ecology and resource on the upstream migration elvers of Japanese eel ( Anguilla Japonica ) in coastal waters of the Yellow Sea辽宁黄海沿岸鳗苗的溯河生态与资源

17.The Measure Study on Integration Development of Liaoning Coastal Economic Zone;辽宁沿海经济带一体化发展对策研究

18.Industrial Orientation of Liaoning Coastal Area;新时期辽宁省沿海地区产业定位研究


Liaoning harbor group辽宁港口群

1.Existing problems and countermeasures in theLiaoning harbor group construction and development;辽宁港口群建设与发展中存在的问题及对策

3)ports of Liaoning province辽宁地区港口群

4)Coastal Port group沿海港口群

5)Liaoning coastal辽宁沿海

6)Liaoning port辽宁港口


辽宁话考究—辽宁方言试题单选题: 1.请选出"门坎子"的正确答案.(10分) A.1.门的扶手B.2.门的拉手C.3.门下面的横梁D.4.做门的工具 2.请选出"外屋地"的正确答案.(10分) A.1.房子外面的工地B.2.厨房C.3.仓库D.4.洗手间 3.请选出"家巧"的正确答案.(10分) A.1.麻雀B.2.乌鸦C.2.鸡D.3.喜鹊 4.请选出"本儿~楼"的正确答案. (10分) A.1.茶馆B.2.酒楼C.3.书店D.4.额头 5."傲傲牛X"意思是指:(10分) A.1.非常历害B.2.牛的犄角C.3.声意非常大D.4.人很懦弱 6.请选出"扯犊子"的正确答案:(10分) A.1.做些没用的事B.2.牵小牛崽C.3.没义气D.4.用力气大 7.请选出"包米楼子"的正确答案:(10分) A.1.大米的包装B.2.存放玉米的地方C.3.一种食物D.4.花生米果皮 8.请选出"鸡顾喽"的正确答案(10分) A.1.鸡的种类B.2.鸡的喉咙C.3.鸡下蛋的地方D.4.菜的名称 9."污渌八凸"的意思是指: (10分) A.1.模煳不清B.2.非常脏C.3.凹凸不平D.4.一个成语 是非题: 1.炕头是热的?(2分) A.是B.否 2."噶鸡窝"是指养鸡的地方(2分) A.是B.否 3."欠儿登"是指嘴很频,哪有事哪到.(2分) A.是B.否 4."矛楼"是指很简陋的房子?(2分) A.是B.否 5."少跟我俩整景"是指不要和我装腔作势.(2分) A.是B.否
