1200字范文 > 苏南运河 Sunan Canal英语短句 例句大全

苏南运河 Sunan Canal英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-22 17:35:22


苏南运河 Sunan Canal英语短句 例句大全

苏南运河,Sunan Canal

1)Sunan Canal苏南运河

1.Study on Water Quality ofSunan Canal and Pollution Load of Corresponding Affecting Region苏南运河水质影响区污染负荷研究


1.Rapid Economic Development Along with Regulation Construction of Sunan Canal, Zhenjiang Section-Round-up of Regulation Construction of Sunan Canal, Zhenjiang Section on Its 5~(th) Anniversary of Completion;运河苏南行 经济随河飞——苏南运河镇江段整治建设5周年综述

2.Suez Canal, with Port Said and Suez at its north and south ends respectively, is 173 kilometers long.苏伊士运河,北起塞得港,南亚苏伊士港,全程173公里.

pagnie Univer Selle du Canal Maritime de Suez苏伊士运河航运总公司

4.South Sudan Independence Movement南苏丹独立运动(独运)

5.In 1867, the Suez Canal was opened.1867年,苏伊士运河开航了。

6.is called the Suez Canal.被称为苏伊士运河。

7.certificate of ship"certificate of ship"certificate of ship"certificate of Suez Canal苏伊士运河吨位证书

8.Universal Suez Canal Company万国苏伊士运河公司

9.Suez Canal Users" Association苏伊士运河用户协会

10.Cooperative Association of Suez Canal Users苏伊士运河使用者协会

11.SCUA (Suez Canal Users" Association)苏伊士运河使用国协会

12.The Grand Canal flows southwards through the four provinces of Hebei, Shandong, Jiangsu and Zhejiang.大运河纵贯河北、山东、江苏、浙江四

13.Prediction on Demand of Shipping Market of the North Jiangsu Section of Jing-Hang Grand Canal苏北运河沿线航运市场需求分析预测

14.Should the Suezand Panama Canals be internationalized?苏伊士运河和巴拿马运河应归国际共管吗?

15.A French engineer Ferdinand de Lesseps, was the director of the construction of the Suez Canal.一个名叫斐迪南?德?雷塞普斯的法国工程的师担任苏伊士运河建设工程的指挥。

16.Ferdinand de Lesseps, French diplomat and engineer, the builder of the Suez Canal, was born at Versailles.法国外交家、程师、责苏伊士运河工程的建筑师费迪南··赛布生于凡尔赛。

17.A jetty pier, some two thousand yards along, extended into the roadstead.举目南望,有一条长达两公里的长堤,象一只巨臂伸在苏伊士运河的港湾里。

18.a river in Suriname that flows northward to the Atlantic.苏里南的一条河流,向北流入大西洋。


river networks in South Jiangsu苏南河网

1.In order to determine the flood drainage modulus in dike regions ofriver networks in South Jiangsu,check the drainage capacity and provide the bases for drainage planning,the modeling method by using BP neural network is put forward on the basis of the conventional adjusting and storing computation.为了确定苏南河网圩区的排涝模数,对现状排涝能力进行校核,同时为除涝工程规划提供依据,在分析了常规调蓄计算的基础上,提出了利用BP神经网络建模的方法,并结合苏南水网圩区实例进行了探索,建立了排涝模数确定的BP神经网络模型,给出了模拟预测结果。

3)Grand Canal in the North of Jiangsu苏北运河

1.Research on Forecast of Cargo Volume ofGrand Canal in the North of Jiangsu;苏北运河货运量预测研究

4)the Jiangnan Canal江南运河

1.It, starting from the Sui capital, Luoyang, connected the Hangou Canal and was extended to Hangzhou across the Changjiang River and by way ofthe Jiangnan Canal.通济渠循邗沟越长江,并疏凿通江南运河而达杭州。

2.This thesis is dedicated to the study of the impact ofthe Jiangnan Canal upon the irrigation system in its drainage area.本文主要研究唐宋时期的江南运河与周边地区农田水利的关系。

5)South Canal南运河

1.Renovation Design ofSouth Canal Landscape in Tianjin天津市南运河河道整治景观设计

6)North Jiangsu section苏北运河段


