1200字范文 > 可靠通信 reliable communication英语短句 例句大全

可靠通信 reliable communication英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-31 16:34:41


可靠通信 reliable communication英语短句 例句大全

可靠通信,reliable communication

1)reliable communication可靠通信

1.A New Algorithm on Reliable Communication for Mobile Agents;一个新的移动Agent的可靠通信算法

2.Research on Reliable Communication and Testbed System in Wireless Sensor Networks;无线传感器网络可靠通信及其测试床系统研究

3.Thereliable communication problem in mobile agents environment hasn抰 been satisfactorily addressed in currently available systems and research.对于移动智能体应用环境下的可靠通信问题,已有的支撑系统和相关研究或不能满足要求或存在缺陷提出了一个面向移动智能体位置管理与可靠通信的新算法,它保证在智能体的移动行为不可预测的情况下,可靠的完成消息传递,并承诺消息传递的exactly-once语义。


1.A Research on Reliable Communication Model between Mobile Agents;移动Agent间可靠通信模型的研究

2.Research and Realization of Reliable Communications Based on GPRS;基于GPRS的可靠通信方案的研究与实现

3.Deterministic Communication Server Model and Instance: Net SPU可靠通信服务模型及实例研究:Net SPU

4.Improvement of IMP S-Net Interface CommunicationIMP s-网络接口通信可靠性的改进

5.Overall Demonstration for Reliability of Borne-car Tropo Station车载式散射通信站的可靠性总体论证

6.Research of Improving the Reliability of Air Traffic Control Communication System;民航空中管制通信系统可靠性的研究

7.Research on Reliability Evaluation Method of Regional Communication Network;野战地域通信网可靠性评估方法研究

8.Research on Reliable and Location Transparent Communication Method for Mobile Agent;移动Agent可靠位置透明通信方法的研究

9.Research on the Provincial Regionally Communication Network Reliability and Economic Benefits;省域通信网可靠性与经济效益的研究

10.Power communication network reliability evaluation based on membershi Pcloud基于隶属云的电力通信网可靠性评估

11.Analysis and Research on Reliability of RS-485 Bus CommunicationRS-485总线通信可靠性的分析与研究

12.A reliable design and implement of infrared communication protocol一种可靠的红外通信协议设计与实现

13.The Reliability Design and Application Based on RS-485 Bus System CommunicationRS-485总线系统通信可靠性设计与应用

14.Discussion on the means to enhance reliability of communication power supply提高通信电源装备可靠性方法的探讨

15.Reliability Design of Communication Controlling Management System for War-ship舰船通信控制管理系统的可靠性设计

16.Investigation on highly reliable communication network based on VxWorks基于VxWorks的高可靠性网络通信研究

17.Reliable Ordered Group Communication Algorithm for CSCWCSCW中可靠有序的群组通信算法

18.Abstract: Abstract:Reliability design is an important approach to ensure the reliability of modern communication system.可靠性设计是现代通信系统可靠性保证体系的关键环节。


reliable communication network可靠通信网

1.The relationship between the group graph and thereliable communication network and the basic theory of group construction are established in this paper.建立了群图与可靠通信网之间的关系及群图构造的基本理论 ,在此基础上得到构造置换群图的两种实用方法——最小生成元法和轮换群图法 ,并应用这两种方法得出置换群可以生成任意 n节点和大于其最小连通度的连通群图的结

3)reliability of communication通信可靠性

1.To achieve the half-duplex communication among PLCs, two critical problems: Transmit enable andreliability of communication are solved.解决了收发切换和通信可靠性问题。

4)communication reliability通信可靠性

5)high reliable communication高可靠通信

6)reliable data exchange可靠串行通信


波导通信(见毫米波通信)波导通信(见毫米波通信)wave guide communicationbodao tongxin波导通信(wave guide communieation)见毫米波通信。
