1200字范文 > 邻里交往 neighborhood communication英语短句 例句大全

邻里交往 neighborhood communication英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-17 12:20:16


邻里交往 neighborhood communication英语短句 例句大全

邻里交往,neighborhood communication

1)neighborhood communication邻里交往

1.Key points for design ofneighborhood communication space in community;浅析居住区邻里交往空间设计的要点

2.The writer bring forward some ideas aim at communication space of residential district design,basis of the theory of sharing space,through analyzing the concept of communication space and the actuality ofneighborhood communication in Chinese residential district,to prompt the human cutive and intercourse of living areas and makes the harmonious living and the harmonies of the whole living area.通过对交往空间的概念分析以及当今中国住区邻里交往的现状,以共享空间的理念提出针对住区交往空间设计的一些设想,以促进住区人类活动与交往,真正实现居住和谐和整个住区和谐。


1.Stimulate the Vitality of the Community and Create One Street Space with the Nice Neighbourhood Relations;激发社区活力,创造邻里交往的良好街道空间

2.Essential factors for the decrease of neighborhood intercourses in urban residential community in Chioa;城市住区邻里交往衰落的社会历史根源

3.Neighborhood Communication and Community Vitality form Angle of Medium基于介质分析视角的邻里交往和住区活力

4.The ponder about neighborhood contact question in environment designs城市居住环境设计中关于邻里交往问题的思考

5.Construct an Ideal Community Mode in a Harmonious Society--Research into Neighbours’ Association Space in a Community;构建和谐社会理想社区组织模式——社区邻里交往空间研究

6.The paradox of network communication:“being with each other though far apart”and “being far apart though being with each other”;网络交往的悖论:“天涯若比邻”与“比邻若天涯”

7.Glen is a lone wolf and seldom joins in the activities of the neightbourhood.格伦非常怪癖,很少与邻居交往。

8.Wealth make many friends; but the poor man is separated from his neighbor.富贵广交天下友,贫穷近邻不往来。

9.The lifeline road to Uganda is unpaved; prices shoot up when it gets mired after rain.通往邻国乌干达的交通要道也没有铺平。

10.be the toast of the whole neighbourhood受到邻里交口称赞和祝贺的人.

11.Cars often pile up here in the rush hours.在交通拥挤时刻汽车往往在这里挤成一团。

12.China attaches importance to having frontier defense exchanges and cooperation with neighboring countries, and jointly maintaining order along the borders.中国注重发展与相邻国家的边防交往与合作,共同维护边界秩序。

13.In its foreign relations, the Chinese nation has advocated cordiality, benevolence, good-neighborliness and universal harmony.中华民族在对外交往中,崇尚亲仁善邻,主张和而不同,追求普遍和谐。

14.American housing is laid out in neighborhoods with streets accessible by cars.美国居住区的邻里街道设计便于机动车交通。

15.Some of us tried at first to be neighbourly but they seemed to want to keep their own company.起初,我们有些人想搞好邻里关系,但她们似乎不想与人来往。

16.His family owned an oil mill and his father went round the neighboring villages buying up all the peanuts for the mill.他家里有一个油木皇,他的父亲常往邻近各乡, 收买落花生回来榨油。

17.The white people here don"t mix socially with the natives.这里的白种人不与土人交往.

18.They were the only ones of the school about whom Jessica concerned herself.杰西卡在学校里只和这些人交往。


neighborhood contact邻里交往

1.An appropriateneighborhood contact space is an important part of a residential envi-ronment.适度的邻里交往空间是居住环境的重要组成部分,在交往空间的级配中,要重视最小等级交往空间的设计,本文对此提出了一些设想。

3)Neighborhood association邻里交往

1.Neighborhood Association under Viewpoint of Community Restructuring——Case Study in PRD Housing Estates;社区重构视野下的邻里交往——对珠江三角洲若干住区的调查分析

4)Social contact space of neighborhood邻里交往空间

5)harmonious relations between neighbors和谐交往的邻里关系


1.The Regression of Emotion BetweenNeighborhood in Residence ——Discussion on Molding of Landscape in Residence;住区邻里情感的回归——浅谈居住区景观环境的塑造

2.Neighborhood as A Planning Idea, It s Connotation and Realistic Significance;邻里作为一种规划思想:其内涵及现实意义

3.Essential factors for the decrease of neighborhood intercourses in urban residential community in Chioa;城市住区邻里交往衰落的社会历史根源


