1200字范文 > 病理过程 Pathologic processes英语短句 例句大全

病理过程 Pathologic processes英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-18 18:22:10


病理过程 Pathologic processes英语短句 例句大全

病理过程,Pathologic processes

1)Pathologic processes病理过程


1.Selenium and zinccompounds are effective in inhibition of the pathological process.硒及锌化合物可抑制这一病理过程。

2.the pathological process that results in the formation and growth of a tumor.肿瘤形成、生长的病理过程。

3.Chemical injury of eyes may produce complicated pathology process,serious injuries,with difficulty in treatment and bad prognosis.眼的化学伤病理过程复杂、损伤重、治疗难、预后差。

4.Autoimmune may participate in the pathological lesion of nerve in auditory neuropathy.自身免疫反应可能参与听神经病神经损害的病理过程。

5.Mechanisms of Iducible Costimulator-mediated Costimulation in the Immunopathology of Behcet s Disease;可诱导共刺激分子在白塞病免疫病理过程中的作用机制

6.Expressions of Cysteinyl Leukotriene Receptors in the Physiological and Pathological Processes in Mouse Brain and Lung;半胱氨酰白三烯受体在小鼠脑和肺组织生理及病理过程的表达

7.Mechanisms of Inducible Costimulator-mediated Costimulation in the Immunopathology of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus;可诱导共刺激分子在系统性红斑狼疮免疫病理过程中的作用机制

8.Study of biological character of periodontal ligament cells in elderly people and pathologic changes of periodontitis of elderly peoples;老年人牙周膜细胞生物学特性及老年牙周炎病理过程研究

9.Post-traumatic Instant Gene Expression in a Rat Model of Traumatic Femoral Vein Thrombosis;创伤性股静脉血栓病理过程中创伤即刻基因表达实验研究

10.Pathologie( pathological anatomy/ pathology): The study of disease processes with the aim of understanding their nature and causes.病理解剖学:研究疾病过程的科学,旨在理解疾病的性质和原因。

11.Acidoses and alkaloses are path physiologic processes that occur in the body.酸中毒或碱中毒是机体的病理生理学过程。

12.Studies on the Pathological Anatomy and Cytochemistry of Peroxidase during the Course of Rice Blast;稻瘟病病程中的病理解剖学及过氧化物酶的细胞化学研究

13.Study on Occupational Disease Hazards and Protective Measures in Domestic Sewage Treatment Process;城市生活污水处理过程中职业病危害探讨

14.Pathetic process and characteristics of AMI;运动性月经失调的病理机制过程及其特点

15.Analysis of Existent Problem in Physical Education from the Angle of Pathology;从“病理论”角度分析体育教学过程中存在的问题

16.Pathological Study on the Wound Healing of the Seawater Immersion Wound创伤合并海水浸泡后愈合过程的病理学观察

17.plication amnagement application process应用过程管理应用过程

18.Research on the Method of Process Management in the Quality of Nursing Records;过程管理方法在护理病历书写质量中的应用研究


Pathological process病理过程

1.Thus,the knowledgement of pathological process,animal models and therapeutic methods will faliciate the further research and provide a novel strategy for the treatment of sepsis.对其病理过程、动物模型、治疗方法的充分认识有利于进一步的研究,为新的突破性的治疗方法提供一个新的思路,本文就相关方面作一综述。

2.This article,based on the pathogenesis,pathological process and therapeutic principle on SIRS,discusses the functions of system theory in the study of SIRS from system theory perspective.本文从系统论的角度出发,通过阐述全身炎症反应综合征的发病机制、病理过程及治疗进展,浅谈系统论在全身炎症反应综合征基础研究和临床治疗中的指导作用。

3)pathological processes病理过程

4)integrative pathological process and Syndrome病理过程与证结合

5)ill-conditioned process病态过程

1.A design method for robust inverse-based controller toill-conditioned process is introduced.针对多变量病态过程的控制问题,提出一种鲁棒逆基控制器的设计方法。

6)development of disease发病过程


病理过程病理过程pathological process是指存在于不同疾病中的共同的、成套的功能、代谢和形态结构的异常变化。例如阑尾炎、肺炎以及所有其他炎性疾病都有炎症这个病理过程,包括变质、渗出和增生等基本病理变化。
