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人文美 Humanistic beauty英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-09-27 05:48:05


人文美 Humanistic beauty英语短句 例句大全

人文美,Humanistic beauty

1)Humanistic beauty人文美

1.Not only should the further development of technology bring abundant material wealth and enormous convenience to the human beings, but also it should and ought to give them more esthetic enjoyment and the pursuit of the humanistic beauty.技术的进一步发展除了应带给人类丰富的物质财富和极大便利外,应该而且必须带给人更多的审美享受,追求人文美。

2)The beauty of humanities人文之美

3)beauty of human spirits人文精神美

1.The beauty of sports can be described as appearance beauty, the beauty of sport and thebeauty of human spirits.体育运动的美感表现为质感、馆舍、场地、器具、音乐、图标的直观美;姿态性的、力量性的、悲壮性的、成就性的、矫健性的、武士性的、潇洒性的、创造性的运动美;团队求和谐、临危心不乱、受挫不言败、有功不轻狂、无名心不悔的人文精神美。

4)technological humanistic beauty技术人文美

5)Fine art cultural community美术文化人

6)Afro-American literature美国黑人文学

1.The development ofAfro-American literature underwent three important periods,which are usually called the three flowering periods in the academic field.美国黑人文学的发展经历了三次高潮。

2.TheAfro-American literature is one of the important parts of the American literature,and it undergoes a very long development and different periods of development.本文以断代史为观照点,重新审视美国黑人文学,并提出在断代史框架下研究美国黑人文学的三个重要方面,即研究美国黑人文学的重要意义、划分美国黑人文学为五个阶段的主要依据以及如何从整体视角来分析各阶段的主要研究内容。

3.Depending on the endeavor of several generations, the most splendid glory ofAfro-American literature has belonged to these black women since the 1970s .在一代代伟大女性的共同努力之下,二十世纪七十年代以来,美国黑人文学的至高荣耀无可争议地归属于她们。


1.A Perfect Integration of American Mainstream Literature and American Black Literature;美国主流文学与美国黑人文学的完美结合

2.Double-consciousness in African American Literature of American Dream美国黑人文学对“美国梦”的双重心态

3.Everyday Use--Reflection of Double Culture in AfroAmerican Literature;《日用家当》—美国黑人文学双重文化的反映

4.The Synthesis of Afro-and Euro-American Literary Practices in Beloved;《宠儿》中美国黑人文学传统与欧美文学传统的整合

5.The African American Literature in the Context of Theory of Post Colonialism;后殖民主义语境下美国黑人文学的嬗变

6.The Legacy Left By the Ancestor: The Variation of the Theme of Excavating the Past of African-American Literature;祖先的遗产:美国黑人文学寻根主题的变奏曲

7.The Literary Features of the Harlem Renaissance and its Contribution to Afro-American Literature哈莱姆文艺复兴的文学特色及对美国黑人文学的贡献

8.The Perspective of Humanity Feature of the Black Literature During Harlem Renaissance;透视“哈莱姆文艺复兴”时期美国黑人文学的人性特点

9.James Baldwin s Literary Patricide and African American Literature Turn;詹姆斯·鲍德温的文学“弑父”与美国黑人文学的转向

10.On W.E.B.Du Bois s “Double-Consciousness” and Its Influence on Black American Literature;论杜波依斯的“双重意识”及其对美国黑人文学的影响

11.Mrs. Cox"s favourite subject is literature, and her most exciting classes are those on the literature of Black Americans.科克斯夫人特别喜爱文学课,她讲的最富有激情的课就是美国黑人文学,

12.The Evolution of Black Women Images in American Literature of 20~(th) Century20世纪美国文学中黑人女性形象的嬗变

13.Crucifixion, Revenge, UnionOn the Changing Black Images in American Literature殉难、复仇、融合——试评美国文学中黑人形象的嬗变

14.The Development and Present Situation of the 20th Century African American Feminist Literature;20世纪美国黑人女性主义文学的发展与现状

15.A Summary on Development of American Feminist Literary Criticism;美国20世纪黑人女权主义文学批评发展概述

16.Nameless Pain--The Identity Dilemma and Self-hatred of the Blacks in American Culture and Literature;难言之痛——美国文学与文化中的黑人文化身份焦虑与自我憎恨

17.Intercultural Collisions--An Intercultural Perspective of Invisible Man,an African American Novel;文化的碰撞——从跨文化交际学视角看美国黑人小说《无形人》

18.The comtemporary Afro-American feminism literature and criticism is a new thought in the field of contemporary western literature and criticism.美国黑人女性文学与批评是当代西方文学与批评领域的新思潮。


The beauty of humanities人文之美

3)beauty of human spirits人文精神美

1.The beauty of sports can be described as appearance beauty, the beauty of sport and thebeauty of human spirits.体育运动的美感表现为质感、馆舍、场地、器具、音乐、图标的直观美;姿态性的、力量性的、悲壮性的、成就性的、矫健性的、武士性的、潇洒性的、创造性的运动美;团队求和谐、临危心不乱、受挫不言败、有功不轻狂、无名心不悔的人文精神美。

4)technological humanistic beauty技术人文美

5)Fine art cultural community美术文化人

6)Afro-American literature美国黑人文学

1.The development ofAfro-American literature underwent three important periods,which are usually called the three flowering periods in the academic field.美国黑人文学的发展经历了三次高潮。

2.TheAfro-American literature is one of the important parts of the American literature,and it undergoes a very long development and different periods of development.本文以断代史为观照点,重新审视美国黑人文学,并提出在断代史框架下研究美国黑人文学的三个重要方面,即研究美国黑人文学的重要意义、划分美国黑人文学为五个阶段的主要依据以及如何从整体视角来分析各阶段的主要研究内容。

3.Depending on the endeavor of several generations, the most splendid glory ofAfro-American literature has belonged to these black women since the 1970s .在一代代伟大女性的共同努力之下,二十世纪七十年代以来,美国黑人文学的至高荣耀无可争议地归属于她们。


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