1200字范文 > 托福写作高频场景词汇:FamilyandSociety


时间:2020-03-12 04:35:15



在托福写作的备考过程中,掌握词汇是托福写作的前提,而对于词汇的掌握来说,只是有限词汇的积累是远远不够的。只有熟悉了相关的场景词汇,才可能在举例和展开文段中有清晰的思路。现在,小编就为大家整理托福写作高频场景词汇:Family and Society。

托福写作高频场景词汇:Family and Society1

1) 拜访邻居 visit one’s neighborhood

2) 使用公共交通工具 use public transportation

3) 没有做... without doing

4) 把某人看作... treat someone as, treat them as competitor

5) 青少年犯罪 teenager delinquencies/ juvenile delinquency

6) 养家 support a family, feed one’s family

7) 对...表示尊敬 show respect to

8) 展现领导才能 show leadership skills

9) 解决问题 solve problems

10) 使某人想起某事 remind sb of something

托福写作高频场景词汇:Family and Society2

11) 信仰某种宗教 believe in a particular religion

12) 宣誓对...效忠 pledge loyalty to

13) 将某人的价值观传递给... pass on one’s values to...

14) 参加社区活动 participate in community activities

15) 做出重要决定 make an important decision

16) 对...做出贡献 make a contribution to

17) 住在郊区 live in suburban/ suburb areas

18) 跟上 keep up with

19) 记住某事 keep sth in mind

20) 照看、留心 keep an eye on

21) 普遍认同 it is generally agreed that...

托福写作高频场景词汇:Family and Society3

22) 改善公共交通 improve public transportation

23) 有高标准 have high standards

24) 有...的倾向 have a tendency to do

25) 有社区意识 have a sense of community

26) 有...感 have a sense of achievement/ fulfillment/ accomplishment; humor; belonging; happiness

27) 与...有密切的关系 have a close relationship with

28) 与...相处 get along with

29) 获得...的支持 gain the support of sb/ some organization

30) 建立组织 set up/ form an organization

31) 形成舆论 form public opinion/ lead public opinion

32) 效仿某人 imitate sb; follow in one’s footsteps

33) 感到安全 feel security

34) 感觉被...吸引 be attracted to/ feel an attraction to

托福写作高频场景词汇:Family and Society4

35) 顺便去购物中心 drop in at a shopping center

36) 为生计做某事 do something for a living

37) 负担得起... afford to do

38) 建立信任 build up trust

39) 培养社会技能 cultivate/ develop social skills

40) 从...中获益 benefit from

41) 建立人脉 build social connections/ social circles

42) 成为...的居民 become a resident of

43) 孤立于.... be isolated from

44) 需要帮助 be in need of help

45) 对...友好 be hospitable to

46) 情感上依附于... be emotionally attached to

47) 致力于... be committed to/ commit oneself to/ devote oneself to

48) 因...而著名 be celebrated for/ be famous for/ be famous as做为。。而出名

49)同意遵守 agree to obey/ follow...

托福写作高频场景词汇:Family and Society
