1200字范文 > 排水管材 drainage pipe英语短句 例句大全

排水管材 drainage pipe英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-25 01:14:54


排水管材 drainage pipe英语短句 例句大全

排水管材,drainage pipe

1)drainage pipe排水管材

1.How to select undergrounddrainage pipe;谈如何选择埋地排水管材

2.Through comparison of the application of machine-made cast iron pipe with flexible interface and UPVC plastic pipe in the drainage system of dwellings,this paper holds that the cast irondrainage pipe with flexible interface should be used as the major ones among dwelling sdrainage pipes.通过柔性接口机制铸铁管与硬聚氯乙烯 (UPVC)塑料管在住宅排水系统中的应用比较 ,认为柔性接口铸铁排水管为住宅排水管材的主流 ;以广州中海锦苑卫生间排水方式为例 ,对比 3种排水方式的优缺点 ,建议在高层住宅中推广应用局部降板排水方


1.New Drainage Pipe Product-Flexible Connector for Machine--Made Cast Iron Drainage Pipe新型排水管材——柔性接口机制排水铸铁管

2.The Characteristics and The Choosing Principle of New Type Water Supply and Drainage Pipe Material新型给水排水管材的特点及其选用原则

3.Study on Using Newly Pipe Material in City Planning Drainpipe by Comparing;市政排水管道新型管材应用比较研究

4.Unplastisized polyvinyl chloride pipes for drainage in buildingsGB/T5836.1-1992建筑排水用硬聚氯乙烯管材

5.On the development and application of the plastic pipes in water supply and drainage塑料管材在给排水领域的发展及应用

6.Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride pipes and fittings for drainage in buildingGB/T5836-1986建筑排水用硬聚氯乙烯管材和管件

7.Pipe Spacer"管材排列,隔离板"

8.Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC-U) pipes with a cellular core for drainage and sewerage systemsGB/T16800-1997排水用芯层发泡硬聚氯乙烯(PVC-U)管材

9.Unplasticized poly vinyl chlorid (PVC-U) pipes for buried drainage and sewerage systemsGB/T10002.3-1996埋地排污、废水用硬聚氯乙烯(PVC-U)管材

10.Application of plastic drainpipes in public works塑料排水管在市政工程中的选材应用研究

11.The High Definition Polytene Ethylene tube material application in the municipal drains engineering高密度聚乙烯管材在市政排水工程中的应用

12.A hole or pipe in a wall to allow water to run off.墙上排水孔,墙上排水管

13.Drains which pass under a house must be of cast iron, the most expensive material for pipe drains.穿过房屋下面的排水管道,必须使用铸铁管,这是排水管所用的最昂贵的材料。

14.A pipe for carrying off water or sewage.排水管排水或污水的管子

15.Isrel businessman wants to import drainpipe, asbestus, and alluminum alloy material.以色列商人求购排水管(三元乙丙橡胶制)、矿(石)棉、铝合金材料。

16.Install drain hose to vent tube at bottom of pump.在水泵底部安装排放管到排水管。

17.Water escaped rapidly from the drainpipe.水从排水管中迅速流出。

18.felt the drain starting to suck.感到排水管开始吸水


water supply and drain tube给排水管材

3)Rich Drainage Materials瑞琪渗排水管材

1.Application ofRich Drainage Materials in Underground Drainage Engineering of Landslide;瑞琪渗排水管材在滑坡地下排水中的应用

4)plastic drainage pipe塑料排水管材

1.Construction and quality requirement ofplastic drainage pipe;塑料排水管材施工及质量要求

5)Drainage pipe optimization排水管材优化

6)drain pipes排水管

1.Research on the noise-reducing tee for PVC-Udrain pipes;PVC-U排水管降噪三通接头研究

2.The application of sound-proof mass law in noise-reducing buildingdrain pipes;隔声质量定律在建筑降噪排水管中的应用


